2004 Ferret Users' mail archive
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Last updated: Tue Jan 04 11:43:03 2005
934 messages
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- label the value of a nunmber variable,
=?gb2312?B?uN/I2dXk?=, 12/31/04
- about label,
=?gb2312?B?uN/I2dXk?=, 12/30/04
- (corrected mail)....use of scat2grid command(help),
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 12/29/04
- use of scat2grid command (help),
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 12/29/04
- conset command,
Livingston, Claire, 12/28/04
- draw grids in the map.,
Namba Takaya, 12/21/04
- calcualte correlation,
=?gb2312?B?uN/I2dXk?=, 12/15/04
- My -gif mode conclusions on Win32,
Julien Demaria, 12/15/04
- Graticule,
Tony Jolibois, 12/13/04
- the go land command,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 12/10/04
- geostrophic current again,
Namba Takaya, 12/09/04
- specify grid for MM5 v3 files,
Julien Demaria, 12/08/04
- How to move plot keys?,
Benyang Tang, 12/07/04
- Vector aspect ratio with poly_vectors,
Gustafson, William I, 12/07/04
- Re: geostrophic current,
Billy Kessler, 12/07/04
- GIF ouput,
Julien Demaria, 12/07/04
- Lines thickness bug in -gif mode,
Julien Demaria, 12/07/04
- Getting number of variables,
Sudheer Joseph, 12/06/04
- How to mask the data,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 12/06/04
- Lines colors and thickness,
Julien Demaria, 12/02/04
- netcdf library, netcdf.inc netcdf.h etc,
namba takaya, 12/02/04
- Does Ferret has Chinese font?,
yoshen, 12/01/04
- fill vs shade,
Julien Demaria, 12/01/04
- Hide outside labels,
Julien Demaria, 11/30/04
- Transform World Ocean Atlas 1/4 x 1/4 degree to NEtCDF,
namba takaya, 11/29/04
- Plot Shapefile,
Julien Demaria, 11/29/04
- Variance and missing_value,
Tony Jolibois, 11/26/04
- relative frequency of a variable,
Vincent Le Fouest, 11/25/04
- map projection in Ferret,
Tony Jolibois, 11/23/04
- [no subject],
Sudheer Joseph, 11/22/04
- bad data rejection,
Sudheer Joseph, 11/22/04
- non-ortogonal grid,
Mario Germano, 11/22/04
- Running problem on Sun Solaris 9,
Ming Yang, 11/18/04
- Use of $0 in GO script,
Dan Hodson, 11/18/04
- Regridding in space and time,
Chis Konig, 11/18/04
- small graphics in Ferret,
Mark Carson, 11/15/04
- Vertical profile,
David Muhati, 11/15/04
- How to define grided variable from point data,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 11/15/04
- Diurnal cycle,
David Muhati, 11/12/04
- subsampling of grided data onto point location and time.,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 11/12/04
- Custom line colors,
Lynn deWitt, 11/11/04
- Color plots for percentiles,
David Muhati, 11/11/04
- diagonal section and integration handling difficulties,
Robert Landsberger, 11/10/04
- Scat2grid,
Sudheer Joseph, 11/08/04
- Reading from standard input (revisited from 2001),
Steve Cousins, 11/08/04
- math with Netcdf and ASCII data,
Wendy Wang, 11/08/04
- quick question,
David Muhati, 11/07/04
- simple plot,
Wendy Wang, 11/05/04
- 2 bad values,
benb, 11/05/04
- @DDC help,
jimmyc, 11/04/04
- Sounding,
jimmyc, 11/03/04
- Problem with ferret_paths,
Francisco Pastor, 11/02/04
- Outlining grid boxes,
John Krasting, 11/01/04
- ferret.pmel.noaa.gov scheduled down time,
Jonathan Callahan, 10/29/04
- monthly averages from daily,
Steve Knox, 10/29/04
- Wind rose plot,
Francisco Pastor, 10/28/04
- how to plot polar grid data (ascii) in ferret only north/south pole,
K V Ramesh, 10/27/04
- [Re: Time axis from variables],
Tony Jolibois, 10/27/04
- Problem with labels,
Francisco Pastor, 10/26/04
- Time axis from variables,
Tony Jolibois, 10/26/04
- Sigma To z coordinate,
Masoud Sadrinasab, 10/26/04
- time string,
J-M Epitalon, 10/22/04
- list discarding missing values,
J-M Epitalon, 10/22/04
- Journal,
David Muhati, 10/19/04
- Possible memory leak in Ferret v5.6,
Gustafson, William I, 10/19/04
- [no subject],
Sudheer Joseph, 10/19/04
- January at the end on the time axis,
Domingos Fernandes Urbano Neto, 10/19/04
- 3 argument shade, sigma coordinates, layer depths,
Hein Zelle, 10/18/04
- time bounds,
Mark.Collier, 10/18/04
- lon/lat format,
Vincent Le Fouest, 10/17/04
- SAMPLEXY funtion agian,
jagadish karmacharya, 10/17/04
- getting correct overlay with rotmer output,
jagadish karmacharya, 10/16/04
- label font,
Boyin Huang, 10/15/04
- Axis label on contour plot using reshape function,
Steve Knox, 10/15/04
- missing y-axis limit,
Thoppil, Prasad IND, 10/14/04
- significant digits on color bar,
Masoud Sadrinasab, 10/14/04
- descriptor file and changing scale_factor,
Sophie CLOCHE, 10/14/04
- drawing a rectangle on a 2D map,
Vincent Le Fouest, 10/13/04
- Long time series from individual files trouble.....,
cch, 10/13/04
- Vector plotting on vertical sections,
john.hunter, 10/11/04
- Re: process ID, collisions,
Andrew Wittenberg, 10/09/04
- getting a specific value and its associated depth in a Z-profile,
Vincent Le Fouest, 10/08/04
- shift or extend data,
Emilie Vanvyve, 10/06/04
- embedding color in a title using @Cnnn syntax,
Steve Knox, 10/04/04
- Ambiguous coordinates on time axis,
David Muhati, 10/04/04
- postscript file size,
Thoppil, Prasad IND, 09/30/04
- concatenating of files,
David Muhati, 09/30/04
- Creating a netCDF file,
Ben Burford, 09/29/04
- Statistical significance test,
David Muhati, 09/29/04
- bug in mp_graticule,
Muyin Wang, 09/28/04
- characters font and symbols font,
Patrick Brockmann, 09/28/04
- 2d-Plot with symbols,
Nicolas Schneider, 09/28/04
- Question about Making NaN..,
jammal Tanclei, 09/24/04
- Redhat Fedora Core 2 Install,
Paul Higgins, 09/23/04
- non-standard axes,
Gabriel Clauzet, 09/23/04
- title of variable,
Hiroyuki Tomita, 09/22/04
- error in accessing an OpenDAP aggregation server,
Paul Hasenohr, 09/22/04
- query/ignore and use of Ferret error messages,
Emilie Vanvyve, 09/22/04
- FW: axis tic labels,
Livingston, Claire, 09/21/04
- bar plot,
Seontae Kim, 09/21/04
- histogram,
Seontae Kim, 09/20/04
- Sigma to pressure level,
jagadish karmacharya, 09/18/04
- Creating Postscript o/p files?,
cshaji, 09/17/04
- Re: Creating Postscript o/p files?,
Ansley Manke, 09/17/04
Vectorize a XYT box or, convert a 3D var to 1D,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 09/17/04
Making multiple subplots & save the graphics o/p,
cshaji, 09/16/04
Descriptor Files,
Gian-Kasper Plattner, 09/14/04
counting number of elements in a string array??,
Emilie Vanvyve, 09/14/04
Emilie Vanvyve, 09/13/04
irregular box from ij grid to xy grid ...,
Emilie Vanvyve, 09/10/04
David Muhati, 09/09/04
- Re: Labels,
Jaison Kurian, 09/09/04
- Re: Labels,
Ansley Manke, 09/09/04
- region box,
Wendy Wang, 09/09/04
- Re: region box,
Jaison Kurian, 09/09/04
- Re: region box,
Andy Chiodi, 09/09/04
- Re: region box,
Mick Spillane, 09/09/04
- Re: Labels,
kessler, 09/09/04
linear trend,
Janini Pereira, 09/08/04
how to define a 3-D variable,
Boyin Huang, 09/07/04
Max. cross correlation of 2D fields,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 09/01/04
time_counter as axis,
Arthur M. Greene, 08/31/04
Time axis definition,
Ben Burford, 08/30/04
Re: ferret on winXP,
Jordan Dawe, 08/30/04
character font for 'f_ratio',
Wendy Wang, 08/26/04
lines thickness in PostScript file,
Emilie Vanvyve, 08/26/04
Setting a region,
Ben Burford, 08/26/04
ferret.exe:*** Couldn't reserve spcae for cygwin's heap,
Rob Scott, 08/25/04
full vector plot in meta mode using ppl?,
James Booth, 08/23/04
vis5d files from ferret,
Nicolas Schneider, 08/23/04
working with JJAS time period of different years,
Roxy Mathew, 08/23/04
Ascii file: switching X Y data,
hengkek, 08/20/04
poly-vector in hammer projection,
Boyin Huang, 08/18/04
how to fill a climatology,
Hein Zelle, 08/18/04
Converting monthly data into wet and dry season data,
Nathan Toombs, 08/17/04
very bold labels,
David Muhati, 08/16/04
shakey in hammer projection,
Boyin Huang, 08/11/04
Re: Fw: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???,
Joe McLean, 08/04/04
Geostrophic velocity,
Mohammed Al Saafani, 08/04/04
etopo high resolution files,
Enils Bashi, 08/04/04
coordinate to variable,
jimmyc, 08/02/04
Geostropgic velocity,
Mohammed Al Saafani, 08/02/04
mean or cumul on time axis,
Emilie Vanvyve, 07/28/04
publication quality plots?,
Goran Georgievski, 07/26/04
maximun number of files into descriptor file,
Sophie CLOCHE, 07/26/04
(no subject),
Sophie CLOCHE, 07/26/04
plot mixed layer depth,
problems with orthographic projections,
Mark.Collier, 07/22/04
segmentation fault,
Andrea S. Taschetto, 07/21/04
Latitude axis read from a ASCII file,
Emilie Vanvyve, 07/19/04
Adding geolocation to my data,
Ben Burford, 07/13/04
1 specifiv layer of 3-d field,
Michael Traub, 07/09/04
eofs problem,
Vincent Le Fouest, 07/08/04
How can I launch X window?,
Esteban Benítez Cambreleng, 07/07/04
missing mp_land_detail,
Goran Georgievski, 07/07/04
clev and Pa,
Mark.Collier, 07/05/04
Spatial 2points averaging,
Enrique Sanchez, 07/05/04
SVD of two coupled fields,
Sang-ki Lee, 07/02/04
overlaying years without regrid ?,
Domingos Urbano, 07/02/04
High resolution data,
Ben Burford, 07/02/04
bad flag gets reset,
Steve Knox, 07/01/04
how to average months and then make the time series,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 07/01/04
Problem installing ferret v5.7,
Enrique Sanchez, 06/30/04
embedded quotes and arrays ...,
Emilie Vanvyve, 06/30/04
Announcing the release of Ferret Version 5.7,
Ansley Manke, 06/29/04
Comparing Two Curvilinear Variables,
Daryl Herzmann, 06/28/04
double precision,
Gian-Kasper Plattner, 06/28/04
ferret how to:,
Miguel Gonzales, 06/24/04
varaince and var_n jnl files,
Dr Sudheer Joseph, 06/23/04
EOF reconstruct,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 06/22/04
Ascii data with date and time in the file,
Ben Burford, 06/22/04
bandpass filters,
Andy Chiodi, 06/21/04
data problem,
Toni Mira, 06/18/04
custom axis,
Matthieu JOUAN, 06/15/04
size of GIF output,
Toni Mira, 06/14/04
Color bar data appearance problem,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 06/14/04
color bar label size,
Michael Traub, 06/14/04
Can you use ferret to do spatial spectral analysis?,
du hui, 06/11/04
how to assign (spawn) arguments in batch,
Hector Manzo, 06/10/04
About converting data from NETCDF file to ASCII file,
Miguel Angel, 06/10/04
Continuous colorbar,
Wendy Wang, 06/09/04
regridding problem axis listings,
Bob Smith, 06/09/04
regridding problem,
Bob Smith, 06/08/04
logarithmic scale using FILL command,
Vincent Le Fouest, 06/02/04
strange netcdf file grid attributes?,
Jozef SYKTUS, 05/30/04
problem with "contour",
Toni Mira, 05/28/04
how can I increase the font size of lat lon values,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/26/04
Some questions about function FFTA and FFTP,
du hui, 05/26/04
strange Ferret-definition of the time axis !,
Emilie Vanvyve, 05/25/04
how to define the time axis,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/25/04
problem solved ---(problem with let command),
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/25/04
problem with let command,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/25/04
How to read SeaDAS-derived HDF files with Ferret?,
Vincent Le Fouest, 05/21/04
Fprint error,
Toni Mira, 05/21/04
hdf format,
Vincent Le Fouest, 05/20/04
Does anyboday has some experience to do spectral analysis with ferret?,
du hui, 05/19/04
Thoppil, Prasad IND, 05/19/04
2D shaded time series plot,
Steve Knox, 05/18/04
usage of @LOC along y-direction,
Thoppil, Prasad IND, 05/14/04
with Descriptor file: ** unknown netCDF error code: -31,
Steve Cousins, 05/14/04
how to add the many netcdf files,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/14/04
- Re: how to add the many netcdf files,
Ansley Manke, 05/14/04
- Re: how to add the many netcdf files,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/17/04
- Re: how to add the many netcdf files,
Ansley Manke, 05/18/04
- Average irregular regions,
Wendy Wang, 05/18/04
- Re: Average irregular regions,
Ansley Manke, 05/18/04
- Re: how to add the many netcdf files,
Jaison Kurian, 05/18/04
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: how to add the many netcdf files,
Steve Cousins, 05/14/04
Produce gif,pdf in batch at specific size,
Patrick Brockmann, 05/06/04
time height cross sections of 4d data,
Gustafson, William I, 05/04/04
Confusion with labels and viewports,
Gary Strand, 05/04/04
trajectories-on-a-map plot,
Michael Traub, 05/04/04
axes numerical values,
Toni Mira, 05/04/04
"stack overflow" problem,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/03/04
manipulate postscript output from -batch,
Rolf von Kuhlmann, 05/03/04
Relative day on Time axis,
Le Clainche Yvonnick, 04/30/04
calendar: 365_day,
Joe McLean, 04/29/04
color polymark with black outline,
Gustafson, William I, 04/27/04
symbols size,
Toni Mira, 04/27/04
How to plot a map-plotting figure with station data?,
cch, 04/27/04
transforming axis,
Toni Mira, 04/27/04
Re: trajectory plot + colorbar (fwd),
Jaison Kurian, 04/27/04
Ferret Users List address chage,
Ansley Manke, 04/27/04
Re: bug in multi-cdf descriptor files,
Ansley B Manke, 04/23/04
trajectory plot + colorbar,
Michael Traub, 04/23/04
ascii files,
Toni Mira, 04/23/04
[no subject],
LZG, 04/22/04
how to add lat/lon/depth to an existing netcdf file,
Thoppil, Prasad IND, 04/22/04
Fprint line thickness,
Domingos Fernandes Urbano Neto, 04/22/04
ocean basin mask netCDF file?,
Katsumi Matsumoto, 04/22/04
epic for redhat 9,
Enils Bashi, 04/21/04
line styles,
Toni Mira, 04/21/04
extracting non-uniform pressure levels,
Mike Fiorino, 04/19/04
Data download,
Ben Burford, 04/19/04
How do I deal with variables without dimension,
Erwan Monier, 04/16/04
LINUX (RedHat 7.1 - built with g77/gcc v2.96),
Boyin Huang, 04/15/04
satellital image composits,
Vincent Le Fouest, 04/14/04
shade and -gif,
Helge Avlesen, 04/14/04
problem on removing labels on a contour,
Zibiao Zhang, 04/13/04
Harmonic analysis,
Dr Sudheer Joseph, 04/13/04
Question on reading binary data files,
LZG, 04/12/04
Vine Linux,
Vinu K V, 04/12/04
how to clean the plot?,
Zibiao Zhang, 04/08/04
read a keyboard entry ?,
Emilie Vanvyve, 04/08/04
plot upside down,
Zibiao Zhang, 04/07/04
How to handle the mean of multiple files,
du hui, 04/07/04
How to do the mean of 4 files,
du hui, 04/07/04
how to handle a figure?,
Zibiao Zhang, 04/06/04
text size,
Wendy Wang, 04/06/04
- Re: text size,
Jaison Kurian, 04/06/04
- Message not available
- Re: text size,
Wendy Wang, 04/08/04
- Re: text size,
Ansley Manke, 04/08/04
- Re: text size,
Wendy Wang, 04/08/04
- Re: text size,
Ansley Manke, 04/09/04
- MLD reaches bottom,
Chan Joo Jang, 04/11/04
- Re: MLD reaches bottom,
Ansley Manke, 04/12/04
how to change the Z axis ranges without change the plot?,
Zibiao Zhang, 04/06/04
plotting diferent ranges,
Toni Mira, 04/06/04
graphics in ps,
Toni Mira, 04/06/04
dummy index with REPEAT command ?,
Emilie Vanvyve, 04/06/04
How to contour a variable in 12 cdf files?,
Zibiao Zhang, 04/05/04
specifying axes (solution),
Toni Mira, 04/05/04
LIST command,
Emilie Vanvyve, 04/05/04
- <Possible follow-ups>
- LIST command,
Emilie Vanvyve, 04/05/04
plot_swath function (correction),
Toni Mira, 04/05/04
plot_swath function,
Toni Mira, 04/05/04
I can't access remote ascii data with DODS,
cch, 04/04/04
Run time question,
Bill Conway, 04/02/04
Ferret paths cannot be used,
Roland von Glasow, 04/02/04
writing white on black?,
Vincent Le Fouest, 04/02/04
more details,
Toni Mira, 04/02/04
polygon lines,
Patrick Brockmann, 04/02/04
about fill_between,
Toni Mira, 04/02/04
what is wrong with my script,
du hui, 04/01/04
What does this error message mean,
du hui, 04/01/04
why does not it work even after I reshape the varialbes,
du hui, 04/01/04
Finding a linear trend for mapped rainfall data,
Nathan Toombs, 03/31/04
problem with my script,
du hui, 03/25/04
List command and daily average over years,
Piyatida Hoisungwan, 03/25/04
ferret_paths file for BASH,
Sebastien Biraud, 03/25/04
bug (?) in the -script commandline option,
Hein Zelle, 03/24/04
animated gif sequences,
Stephen Nash, 03/23/04
ferret question,
Mark Carson, 03/23/04
Where can I find the source code for Ferret ???,
Jacob Weismann Poulsen, 03/23/04
logarithmic color scale,
Jerome Fiechter, 03/19/04
Summary to Distributing annual data across months,
Barry Baker, 03/17/04
stack overflow,
Tony Jolibois, 03/17/04
no configured web browser,
Ren Baohua, 03/17/04
eofs and current vectors,
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/16/04
eofs functions,
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/16/04
Distribution of annual data across months,
Barry Baker, 03/16/04
create climatological axes,
Rob Scott, 03/15/04
south polar stereographic olot,
Jozef SYKTUS, 03/14/04
do loop,
Barry Baker, 03/12/04
memory size,
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/12/04
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/11/04
How can get the square of a variable,
du hui, 03/10/04
Altix 3700,
Mark.Collier, 03/10/04
ppl aline,
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/10/04
filter function,
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/10/04
palette with ppl command,
Livingston, Claire, 03/09/04
Question about palette,
du hui, 03/08/04
hdf tio ncdf ?,
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/08/04
running ferret from a CGI script,
Rodrigo Caballero, 03/07/04
feature request(s),
Brent A McDaniel, 03/04/04
polymark bug,
Carol Ladd, 03/04/04
restore line style,
Helge Avlesen, 03/04/04
How to do the Fourier Analysis in ferret,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 03/02/04
- Re: How to do the Fourier Analysis in ferret,
Ansley Manke, 03/03/04
- Nolabels and title,
Wendy Wang, 03/28/04
- Re: Nolabels and title,
Jaison Kurian, 03/28/04
- plotting data in a separate directory,
Helge Avlesen, 03/30/04
- Re: plotting data in a separate directory,
Jaison Kurian, 03/31/04
- Re: plotting data in a separate directory,
Helge Avlesen, 03/31/04
- Re: plotting data in a separate directory,
Ansley Manke, 03/31/04
- Re: plotting data in a separate directory,
Helge Avlesen, 03/31/04
Vincent Le Fouest, 03/01/04
Grib reader?,
Halldor Björnsson, 02/27/04
Vectors on polar stereographic plots,
Stephen Nash, 02/26/04
clarification on MC descriptor files,
Chris Anderson, 02/25/04
Reading Vis5d datasets,
Sim Larkin, 02/24/04
new user: multiple file question,
Chris Anderson, 02/24/04
external functions on NEC Sx5,
Julien Le Sommer, 02/24/04
Re: Climatological data,
Ansley Manke, 02/24/04
Vorticity calculation: third request,
Dave Flory, 02/20/04
don't open,
antonio rodriguez, 02/18/04
Vector Plots,
Thanasis Pritsivelis, 02/17/04
How to write special symbols,
jute, 02/17/04
ferret for solaris 9,
Barıs Onol, 02/17/04
convert Variable into Symbol,
Boyin Huang, 02/16/04
ferret.el for XEmacs,
Emilie Vanvyve, 02/16/04
Fland and Transparency,
Bruce W. Ford, 02/12/04
without lines between the shade key bar without lines between thecolors,
Steve Knox, 02/12/04
@GB Netcdf file support (with and without DODS),
Steve Knox, 02/11/04
statement for vertical axis in external functions,
Hemerson Tonin, 02/10/04
Re: Unlabel (also title),
William.S.Kessler, 02/10/04
How do I get at the dataset title in a script?,
Jonathan Callahan, 02/10/04
Tony Jolibois, 02/10/04
DODS access to GDS GRIB files,
Matt Howard, 02/09/04
- Re: DODS access to GDS GRIB files,
Lynn deWitt, 02/09/04
- Re: DODS access to GDS GRIB files,
James Gallagher, 02/09/04
- Re: DODS access to GDS GRIB files,
Mick.Spillane, 02/09/04
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: DODS access to GDS GRIB files,
Matt Howard, 02/09/04
- Re: DODS access to GDS GRIB files,
Matt Howard, 02/09/04
z levels,
Vincent Le Fouest, 02/09/04
ERROR: Cannot open pipe,
Jozef SYKTUS, 02/08/04
Cubic Spline?,
Bruce W. Ford, 02/08/04
** unknown netCDF error code: -1,
Dongxiao Zhang, 02/06/04
dods problem on RH7.1,
Bill Howe, 02/04/04
MC descriptor file for unevenly spaced time in netCDF files,
Einar Örn Ólason, 01/29/04
White band at edge of domain,
Steve Cousins, 01/27/04
- Re: White band at edge of domain,
Jonathan Callahan, 01/27/04
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: White band at edge of domain,
Steve Cousins, 01/28/04
- Re: White band at edge of domain,
Steve Cousins, 01/28/04
- Re: White band at edge of domain,
Steve Cousins, 01/28/04
- Re: White band at edge of domain,
Steve Cousins, 01/29/04
matching line and palette colors,
Lev Tarasov, 01/27/04
Reverse integral,
Domingos Fernandes Urbano Neto, 01/27/04
symbol size in a versus plot,
Yves-Alain Roulet, 01/27/04
climatology and leap year,
Jaison Kurian, 01/27/04
Can we split netcdf file in side ferret ????,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 01/26/04
Polygon command with ferret 5.53 version,
Patrick Brockmann, 01/26/04
how to get more colours,
Suprit Kumar, 01/24/04
Install Failure in RH 9,
Paul Higgins, 01/23/04
integral in the reverse direction,
Domingos Fernandes Urbano Neto, 01/23/04
Re: regridding data,
Ansley Manke, 01/23/04
Creating an animantion,
Manfredi Manizza, 01/20/04
file name from batch mode,
Andrea S. Taschetto, 01/19/04
Barry Baker, 01/16/04
how do I reverse lat. axis for binary data?,
Glenn Carver, 01/15/04
memory size question,
Barry Baker, 01/14/04
calculate grid area a function of latitude and longitude on earth'ssurface,
Steve Knox, 01/13/04
multi-netcdf files for ensemble simulations,
Sonia Seneviratne, 01/09/04
McCann, Mike, 01/08/04
Background color,
Boyin Huang, 01/08/04
gcc and ferret external functions,
LE SOMMER Julien, 01/07/04
Unusual behavior of 5.53 under RH,
Gary Strand, 01/06/04
Label on repeat command,
Domingos Fernandes Urbano Neto, 01/06/04
Vorticity Calculation,
Dave Flory, 01/06/04
Re: 1D to 3D,
Ansley Manke, 01/06/04
Longitude label at greenwich meridian,
John Donners, 01/06/04
Ferret for Linux, bug reading stdin,
Andrew Wittenberg, 10/23/03
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