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Re: January at the end on the time axis

Hi Domingos,
When you use the /edges qualifier with /t=1:12:1 you are creating an axis
with 12 edge values but only 11 coordinate points:

yes? define axis/t0=1-jan-0000/t=1:12:1/edges/units=months/modulo tyear yes? list t[gt=tyear]
axis TYEAR
SUBSET : 11 points (TIME)
15-FEB / 1: 1.50
17-MAR / 2: 2.50
16-APR / 3: 3.50
16-MAY / 4: 4.50
16-JUN / 5: 5.50
16-JUL / 6: 6.50
16-AUG / 7: 7.50
15-SEP / 8: 8.50
16-OCT / 9: 9.50
15-NOV / 10: 10.50
16-DEC / 11: 11.50

I think you'll get the axis you want if you use /T=0:12:1
in the definition of the climatological axis tyear. Or,
use one of the axes from the climatologcal_axes dataset.
yes? use climatological_axes
yes? cancel data climatological_axes

Domingos Fernandes Urbano Neto wrote:

Hi Ferrets,

I just created a single cdf file from 12 monthly 2D cdf files following the
tip at Ferret's FAQ website. However, when I plot the seasonal cycle my first
time step is Feb and Jan apears at the end of the time axis.

What's going on? How can I fix this? Did I make some mistake defining the time

I did:

define axis/t0=1-jan-0000/t=1:12:1/edges/units=months/modulo tyear
define grid/t=tyear gg
let tx = t[g=gg]*0+taux
let ty = t[g=gg]*0+tauy
set variable/title="Zonal Wind Stress"/unit="kg/m/s2" tx
set variable/title="Meridional Wind Stress"/unit="kg/m/s2" ty
!loop over input files
use qs1
save/file=quickscat.cdf tx[l=1],ty[l=1]
use qs2
save/append/file=quickscat.cdf tx[l=2],ty[l=2]
use qs3

Universidade de Sao Paulo
Instituto Oceanografico

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