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Re: missing mp_land_detail

Hi Goran,
I've attached mp_land_detail.jnl here.  You can save it to a local journals
directory.  We'll make sure it gets included in future releases of Ferret.

  yes? USE coads_climatology
  yes? SET REGION/X=0:360/Y=-90:90/L=1

  yes? GO mp_orthographic 210 45
  yes? SET GRID sst
  yes? GO mp_aspect
  yes? LET masked_sst = sst * mp_mask
  yes? FILL/TITLE="View From Space"/NOAXES masked_sst, x_page, y_page

  yes? GO mp_fland

  yes? ! Plot all of the options.
  yes? GO mp_land_detail thick over red green blue lightblue purple

Ansley Manke

Goran Georgievski wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to put on my stereographic projection map rivers available in
the geo_borders_intermed.nc file, but I can not find the script
As an alternative, with mp_line I put the rivers from Coastline Extractor as
described in Ferret FAQ
(http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret/FAQ/graphics/coastlines.html) on the
sterographic projection map, but I woud like to have only the biggest and
intermediate rivers on my picture.
When I try to plot the rivers from geo_borders_intermed.nc it looks fine
ploted with land_detail.jnl (and not on the sterographic projection map)
script, but when I try to plot it the same way as is described in the FAQ but with mp_line in order to put it on projection map I got wrong picture.

My questions are: Is there a file mp_land_detail.jnl but I cannot find it?
And if so, could somebody provide me with the script?


Is there a file with only biggest and intermediate rivers available in the
form such as the file with all rivers available at
(http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html) or how could I plot
only the biggest and intermediate rivers from the file available there?

With regards,

Goran Georgievski
ICBM, Physical Oceanography (Theory)
University of Oldenburg
Postfach 2503, D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Tel: ++49 (0)441 798 4061; Fax: ++49 (0)441 798 3404

\cancel mode verify	
! overlaying coastal outline using detailed geo_borders_intermed data.

! Description: Plot outlines of continents, countries, and/or states

! usage:   go mp_land_detail arg1 [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] [arg5] [arg6] [arg7]
!    arg1  continent_pen  
!    arg2 "basemap" "overlay", or omitted for overlay
!    arg3 country_pen	Pen for optional national boundaries 
!    arg4 state_pen	Pen for optional state boundaries (Western hemisphere)
!    arg5 rivers_pen	Pen for largest rivers
!    arg6 more_rivers	Pen for additional rivers 
!    arg7 marine boundaries  Pen for marine boundaries in South Pacific, Bering Strait
! pens 	may be "0"(background), "1"(foreground), "thick"(same as pen 7),
!	"black", "red", "green", "blue", or 2-18.
! arg 2 may be "basemap", "overlay", "fast" (fast, 20e:20e overlay) or omitted

!	Note 1: A pen color of "black" will actually pen number 1
!		-- normally white if the window background is black
!	Note 2: An "N" for the continent pen means no continents
!		-- use this for the special case of geo-political
!		   overlay without continents.
! Example calls:
!   GO mp_land_detail red	     - overlay continents using red pen (2)
!   GO mp_land_detail  10           - overlay continents using pen number 10
!   GO mp_land_detail 1 basemap     - basemap of continents outline in foreground color
!   GO mp_land_detail 1 " " red     - overlay continents with countries in red
!   GO mp_land_detail thick basemap black black - continents, countries, and states
!   GO mp_land_detail thick " " red green blue lightblue purple - continents, countries, states, 
!                                                 all rivers, and marine boundaries
!   GO mp_land_detail N " " 1 1     - overlay: no continents; yes political boundaries
! Example:
!   USE coads_climatology
!   SET REGION/X=0:360/Y=-90:90/L=1
!   GO mp_orthographic 210 45
!   SET GRID sst
!   GO mp_aspect
!   LET masked_sst = sst * mp_mask
!   FILL/TITLE="View From Space"/NOAXES masked_sst, x_page, y_page
!   GO mp_fland
!   GO mp_land_detail thick over red green blue lightblue purple
! Notes:
!  1) This script is SLOW! It computes the map projection for all the 
!       boundary data, even when a small subset is being plotted.
!  2) If a pen value is given for the country_pen or state_pen then the
!	corresponding geopolitical boundaries will be drawn - else
!	they will be omitted
!  3) use  GO line_samples    to view the first 6 pen numbers
!       Higher pen numbers cycle with thicker lines (max 18)
!  3) For more control over basemaps use "GO basemap"

! test argument before performing any actions

query/ignore $1%1|black|red|green|blue|lightblue|purple|white|thick|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|N|<go land_detail [pen or "N"] ["basemap"] [pen] [pen] with pen = 0(back), 1(fore), thick, 2-18 or a color%
query/ignore $2%default|basemap|overlay|<argument 2 can be "basemap", "overlay"%
query/ignore $3%1|black|red|green|blue|lightblue|purple|white|thick|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|N|<go land_detail [pen or "N"] ["basemap"] [pen] [pen] with pen = 0(back), 1(fore), thick, 2-18 or a color%
query/ignore $4%1|black|red|green|blue|lightblue|purple|white|thick|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|N|<go land_detail [pen or "N"] ["basemap"] [pen] [pen] with pen = 0(back), 1(fore), thick, 2-18 or a color%
query/ignore $5%1|black|red|green|blue|lightblue|purple|white|thick|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|N|<go land_detail [pen or "N"] ["basemap"] [pen] [pen] with pen = 0(back), 1(fore), thick, 2-18 or a color%
query/ignore $6%1|black|red|green|blue|lightblue|purple|white|thick|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|N|<go land_detail [pen or "N"] ["basemap"] [pen] [pen] with pen = 0(back), 1(fore), thick, 2-18 or a color%
query/ignore $7%1|black|red|green|blue|lightblue|purple|white|thick|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|N|<go land_detail [pen or "N"] ["basemap"] [pen] [pen] with pen = 0(back), 1(fore), thick, 2-18 or a color%

! introduce the outline data set
set data/save
set grid/save

let/quiet mp_x = x
let/quiet mp_xmin = `mp_x[i=@min]`
let/quiet mp_xmax = `mp_x[i=@max]`
let/quiet mp_y = y
let/quiet mp_ymin = `mp_y[j=@min]`
let/quiet mp_ymax = `mp_y[j=@max]`
let/quiet mp_std_parallel_north = mp_ymax
let/quiet mp_std_parallel_south = mp_ymin

! This test will keep the central meridians defined by "from space" views
let/quiet mp_test = `mp_central_meridian` - `(mp_x[i=@max] + mp_x[i=@min])/2`
if `mp_test eq 0` then
   let/quiet mp_central_meridian = `(mp_x[i=@max] + mp_x[i=@min])/2`
let/quiet mp_test = `mp_standard_parallel` - `(mp_y[j=@max] + mp_y[j=@min])/2`
if `mp_test eq 0` then
   let/quiet mp_standard_parallel = `(mp_y[j=@max] + mp_y[j=@min])/2`
cancel variable mp_test

define region/default save
cancel region

use geo_borders_intermed

! Initialize
let landi_subx = 0
let landi_addx = 0
let landi_datxmin = continent_lon[x=@min]
let landi_datxmax = continent_lon[x=@max]

let landi_basemap = $2"0|basemap>1|*>0"
IF `landi_basemap EQ 0` THEN

   IF `mp_xmin LT landi_datxmin` then let landi_subx = `landi_subx - 360`
   IF `mp_xmax GT landi_datxmax` then let landi_addx = `landi_addx + 360`


! always do the continents
set grid continent_lon
let/quiet mp_lambda = if (continent_lon ge mp_xmin and continent_lon le mp_xmax and continent_lat ge mp_ymin and continent_lat le mp_ymax) then (continent_lon * deg2rad)
let/quiet mp_phi = if (continent_lon ge mp_xmin and continent_lon le mp_xmax and continent_lat ge mp_ymin and continent_lat le mp_ymax) then (continent_lat * deg2rad)
let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page

$1"plot|N>QUERY/IGNORE stuff |*>plot"/set/vs/nolab/noax/line=1/$2"i=1:200826/overlay|basemap>i=1:200826/overly|*>i=1:200826/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page

! select line style and plot
ppl pen 1 $1"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|N>1|"

! draw it - as an overlay or as a basemap

$1"ppl plot|N>QUERY/IGNORE stuff |*>ppl plot"$2"/overlay|basemap> |*>/overlay"

! Draw any lines outside 0 to 360

IF `landi_addx NE 0` THEN 
  set grid continent_lon
  let/quiet mp_lambda = if ((continent_lon+landi_addx) ge mp_xmin and (continent_lon+landi_addx) le mp_xmax and continent_lat ge mp_ymin and continent_lat le mp_ymax) then ((continent_lon+landi_addx) * deg2rad)
  let/quiet mp_phi = if ((continent_lon+landi_addx) ge mp_xmin and (continent_lon+landi_addx) le mp_xmax and continent_lat ge mp_ymin and continent_lat le mp_ymax) then (continent_lat * deg2rad)
  let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
  let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
  $1"plot|N>QUERY/IGNORE stuff |*>plot"/set/vs/nolab/noax/line=1/$2"i=1:200826/overlay|basemap>i=1:200826/overly|*>i=1:200826/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page
  ppl pen 1 $1"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|N>1|"
  $1"ppl plot|N>QUERY/IGNORE stuff |*>ppl plot"$2"/overlay|basemap> |*>/overlay"
IF `landi_subx NE 0` THEN 
  set grid continent_lon
  let/quiet mp_lambda = if ((continent_lon+landi_subx) ge mp_xmin and (continent_lon+landi_subx) le mp_xmax and continent_lat ge mp_ymin and continent_lat le mp_ymax) then ((continent_lon+landi_subx) * deg2rad)
  let/quiet mp_phi = if ((continent_lon+landi_subx) ge mp_xmin and (continent_lon+landi_subx) le mp_xmax and continent_lat ge mp_ymin and continent_lat le mp_ymax) then (continent_lat * deg2rad)
  let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
  let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
  $1"plot|N>QUERY/IGNORE stuff |*>plot"/set/vs/nolab/noax/line=1/$2"i=1:200826/overlay|basemap>i=1:200826/overly|*>i=1:200826/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page
  ppl pen 1 $1"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|N>1|"
  $1"ppl plot|N>QUERY/IGNORE stuff |*>ppl plot"$2"/overlay|basemap> |*>/overlay"

! **** now the optional country borders
set grid COUNTRY_LON
let/quiet mp_lambda = if (COUNTRY_LON ge mp_xmin and COUNTRY_LON le mp_xmax and COUNTRY_LAT ge mp_ymin and COUNTRY_LAT le mp_ymax) then (COUNTRY_LON * deg2rad)
let/quiet mp_phi = if (COUNTRY_LON ge mp_xmin and COUNTRY_LON le mp_xmax and COUNTRY_LAT ge mp_ymin and COUNTRY_LAT le mp_ymax) then (COUNTRY_LAT * deg2rad)
let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
$3"query/ignore|*>plot/set/vs/nolab/line=1/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page

! select line style and plot
ppl pen 1 $3"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|"

! draw it - as an overlay or as a basemap
$3"query/ignore|*>ppl plot/overlay"

! **** now the optional state borders
set grid STATE_LON
let/quiet mp_lambda = if (STATE_LON ge mp_xmin and STATE_LON le mp_xmax and STATE_LAT ge mp_ymin and STATE_LAT le mp_ymax) then (STATE_LON * deg2rad)
let/quiet mp_phi = if (STATE_LON ge mp_xmin and STATE_LON le mp_xmax and STATE_LAT ge mp_ymin and STATE_LAT le mp_ymax) then (STATE_LAT * deg2rad)
let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
$4"query/ignore|*>plot/set/vs/nolab/line=1/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page

! select line style and plot
ppl pen 1 $4"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|"

! draw it - as an overlay
$4"query/ignore|*>ppl plot/overlay"

! **** now the optional rivers (secondary ones first)
set grid RIVER1_2_LON
let/quiet mp_lambda = if (RIVER1_2_LON ge mp_xmin and RIVER1_2_LON le mp_xmax and RIVER1_2_LAT ge mp_ymin and RIVER1_2_LAT le mp_ymax) then (RIVER1_2_LON * deg2rad)
let/quiet mp_phi = if (RIVER1_2_LON ge mp_xmin and RIVER1_2_LON le mp_xmax and RIVER1_2_LAT ge mp_ymin and RIVER1_2_LAT le mp_ymax) then (RIVER1_2_LAT * deg2rad)
let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
$6"query/ignore|*>plot/set/vs/nolab/line=1/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page

! select line style and plot
ppl pen 1 $6"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|"

! draw it - as an overlay or as a basemap
$6"query/ignore|*>ppl plot/overlay"

! **** now the optional rivers (primary ones second)
set grid RIVER1_LON
let/quiet mp_lambda = if (RIVER1_LON ge mp_xmin and RIVER1_LON le mp_xmax and RIVER1_LAT ge mp_ymin and RIVER1_LAT le mp_ymax) then (RIVER1_LON * deg2rad)
let/quiet mp_phi = if (RIVER1_LON ge mp_xmin and RIVER1_LON le mp_xmax and RIVER1_LAT ge mp_ymin and RIVER1_LAT le mp_ymax) then (RIVER1_LAT * deg2rad)
let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
$5"query/ignore|*>plot/set/vs/nolab/line=1/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page

! select line style and plot
ppl pen 1 $5"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|"

! draw it - as an overlay or as a basemap
$5"query/ignore|*>ppl plot/overlay"

! **** now the optional marine boundaries
set grid MARINE_LON
let/quiet mp_lambda = if (MARINE_LON ge mp_xmin and MARINE_LON le mp_xmax and MARINE_LAT ge mp_ymin and MARINE_LAT le mp_ymax) then (MARINE_LON * deg2rad)
let/quiet mp_phi = if (MARINE_LON ge mp_xmin and MARINE_LON le mp_xmax and MARINE_LAT ge mp_ymin and MARINE_LAT le mp_ymax) then (MARINE_LAT * deg2rad)
let/quiet masked_x_page = mp_mask * x_page
let/quiet masked_y_page = mp_mask * y_page
$7"query/ignore|*>plot/set/vs/nolab/line=1/overlay" masked_x_page, masked_y_page

! select line style and plot
ppl pen 1 $7"1|black>1|red>2|green>3|blue>4|lightblue>5|purple>6|white>19|thick>7|0>0|1>1|2>2|3>3|4>4|5>5|6>6|7>7|8>8|9>9|10>10|11>11|12>12|13>13|14>14|15>15|16>16|17>17|18>18|"

! draw it - as an overlay or as a basemap
$7"query/ignore|*>ppl plot/overlay"

cancel data geo_borders_intermed

set grid/restore
set data/restore
let/quiet mp_x = x
let/quiet mp_y = y
let/quiet mp_test = `mp_central_meridian` - `(mp_x[i=@max] + mp_x[i=@min])/2`
if `mp_test eq 0` then
   let/quiet mp_central_meridian = (mp_x[i=@max] + mp_x[i=@min])/2
let/quiet mp_test = `mp_standard_parallel` - `(mp_y[j=@max] + mp_y[j=@min])/2`
if `mp_test eq 0` then
   let/quiet mp_standard_parallel = (mp_y[j=@max] + mp_y[j=@min])/2
cancel variable mp_test
let/quiet mp_std_parallel_north = mp_y[j=@max]
let/quiet mp_std_parallel_south = mp_y[j=@min]
let/quiet mp_lambda = mp_x * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi = mp_y * deg2rad

set region save
set mode/last verify

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