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Re: Comparing Two Curvilinear Variables

      It seems that the transformation of curvilinear data to regular
grid is of general interst. Earlier Prasad posted a mail about the same
and we made some offline discussions. Infact the answer to this problem
was there in the Ferret mail archive 
as a workaround suggested for SAMPLEXY_CURV function by James Orr. 
James Orr kindly provided me all the details necessary for the 
transformation of a variable on curvilinear co-ordinates to regular/
rectilinear co-ordinates. I just made a simple example based on 
objective_analysis_demo.jnl to describe the method. Fine details are 
given in the jnl(curv2regular_demo.jnl) file atached. 

Suppose the curvilinear data is of the form (from Prasad's mail)

         nx = 316 ;
         ny = 332 ;
         float lon(ny, nx) ;
                 lon:long_name = "longitude" ;
                 lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
         float lat(ny, nx) ;
                 lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
                 lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
         float ice_con(ny, nx) ;
                 ice_con:units = "%"

 ie. ny*nx lat points,  ny*nx lon points,  ny*nx data(ice_con) points.

The steps involved to get this in regular grid are :
	1. get 2D data of lat(ny,nx) & lon(ny,nx) to 1D variables
                   of nx*ny points using xsequence
        2. define regular/rectilinear axes on which the data
                   is needed
        3. Now we have 1D lat (nx*ny points), 1D lon (nx*ny points) 
                   and 2D(in the above case; only x & y dimesions) 
                   variable (nx*ny points) ...or we can say  
                   data in a  "scattered" form. Regrid this data to  
                   a "regular grid" using SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_XY or SCAT2GRIDLAPLACE_XY  
                   functions available in ferret.  We need to provide
                   other necessary arguments like XSCALE/YSCALE/OFFSET
                   to the function according to the accuracy/need.
        4. perform nessessary calculations/plotting using the new
                   variable on regular grid and save the output to 
                   a netcdf file for future use (if needed).

Daryl almost reached the answer ; the problem was with the 2D array of
latitude and longitude passed to the SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_XY function.

I would like to thank James Orr for his quick response and detailed 
reply. Hope James Orr will add his comments especially if I missed 

With Regards 


On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, Daryl Herzmann wrote:

> Hi Ferret!
> I am in a dill of a pickle and have been trying to think like a Ferret 
> without much luck.  Perhaps a kind person could help me out with a 
> documentation reference I have probably missed :(
> I have MM5 model forecasted precip on one curvilinear grid.  The NetCDF 
> highlights are:
>     float rain_non(time, i_cross, j_cross) ;
>         rain_non:long_name = "ACCUMULATED NONCONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION" ;
>         rain_non:units = "cm" ;
>     float latitcrs(i_cross, j_cross) ;
>         latitcrs:long_name = "LATITUDE (SOUTH NEGATIVE)" ;
>         latitcrs:units = "degrees" ;
>     float longicrs(i_cross, j_cross) ;
>         longicrs:long_name = "LONGITUDE (WEST NEGATIVE)" ;
>         longicrs:units = "degrees" ;
> And I have NCEP stage4 precip data on a different curvilinear grid. Again, 
> the NetCDF highlights.
>     float APCP_SFC(YCells, XCells) ;
>         APCP_SFC:long_name = "Total precipitation" ;
>         APCP_SFC:units = "inch" ;
>     float longitude(YCells, XCells) ;
>         longitude:long_name = "longitude" ;
>         longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
>     float latitude(YCells, XCells) ;
>         latitude:long_name = "latitude" ;
>         latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
> So, thinking like a Ferret, I would think I need to regrid these two 
> curvilinear grids onto a common regular lat-lon grid and then proceed with 
> the comparison between the two.  Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to 
> do this :(  From the docs, I see this in Chp 8 Sec 8.2
> "To perform the analysis in a rectilinear coordinate system, the
> conversion of the curvilinear data is most easily done with SAMPLEXY_CURV
> (under development06/00 )."
> I can't seem to find that samplexy_curve was implemented. So I searched 
> the email archives and found this post which suggests to use scat2grid 
> functions.
> http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/Mail_Archives/fu_2001/msg00084.html
> But those functions don't seem to work for me.  The resulting grid is 
> always "No valid data".  For example I did:
> yes? use APCP_06171200.nc  ! My NCEP data
> yes? DEFINE AXIS/X=100w:90w:0.5/UNITS=degrees x0
> yes? DEFINE AXIS/Y=40n:50n:0.5/UNITS=degrees y0
> yes? show data
>      currently SET data sets:
>     1> ./APCP_06171200.nc  (default)
>  name     title                             I         J         K      L
>  APCP_SFC Total precipitation              1:1121    1:881     ...    ...
>           MapProjection                    ...       ...       ...    ...
>           longitude                        1:1121    1:881     ...    ...
>  LATITUDE latitude                         1:1121    1:881     ...    ...
> yes? LET outg = SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_XY(longitude, latitude, APCP_SFC, x[gx=x0], 
> y[gy=y0],0.5,0.5,2,2)
> yes? shade outg
> I am using Ferret 5.53 on Fedora Core 1 and am probably doing something 
> ignorant :(
> thanks,
>   daryl


    Jaison Kurian                           
    Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
    Indian Institute of Science
    B A N G A L O R E   560 012
    Ph: +91-80-3942505
\ cancel mode verify
! curv2regular_demo.jnl
! 1. get some sample data on curvilinear co-ordinates
! ---------------------------------------------------
! like
!      lat(ni,nj), lon(ni,nj), var(ni,nj,time)
!           define ni & nj axis ; suppose we need 
!                                10      lon points
!                                12      lat points & 
!                                10      time points

    ! define two "index" axes and a time axis
	define axis/x=1:10:1 niax
	define axis/y=1:12:1 njax
        define axis/t="01-jan-2003:12":"10-jan-2003:12":1/t0="31-dec-2002:12"/np=10/units=days tax 

    ! get curvilinear lat & lon : curv_*

	let curv_lon = x[gx=niax]   + y[gy=njax]*0
	let curv_lat = x[gx=niax]*0 + y[gy=njax]

    ! get curvilinear variable : curv_var
    !    "curv_var" is defined in the same way as given in the 
    !    objective_analysis_demo.jnl but with 'time' dimension

        let xpts  = x[gx=niax] ; let ypts = y[gy=njax]

        let wave  = sin(kx*xpts + ky*ypts - phase) / 3
        let phase = 0    ; let  kappa = 0.4
        let kx    = 0.4  ; let  ky    = 0.7

        let fcn1  = sin(r)/(r+1)
        let r     = ((xpts-x0)^2+ 5*(ypts-y0)^2)^0.5
        let x0    = 3   ;  let y0 = 8

        let curv_dummy = fcn1 + wave

    ! to make curv_dummy a 3d variable with time dimension
    !     like curv_var(ni,nj,time)

        let curv_var = curv_dummy + sin(t[gt=tax])

        fill/l=10/title="varialbe on curvilinear grid" curv_var

        say ; message "let us do the regridding to regular lat-lon grid"

! 2. get the 2D lat and lon to 1D ( or to "flatten" lat and lon) : scat_*
        let scat_lon  = xsequence(curv_lon)
        let scat_lat  = xsequence(curv_lat)

! 3. Define a regular grid/axes on which the data is needed

    ! get the safe minimum and maximum for the regular grids to be defined

        let x_min   = int(scat_lon[i=@min]) ; let x_max = int(scat_lon[i=@max])
        let y_min   = int(scat_lat[i=@min]) ; let y_max = int(scat_lat[i=@max])

    ! define axes of regular grid : reg_*

        define axis/x=`x_min`:`x_max`:1/units=longitudes reg_lon        
        define axis/y=`y_min`:`y_max`:1/units=latitudes  reg_lat        

! 4. Do actual "REGRIDDING" : for details refer Ch3 Sec2.3.35. SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_XY
!                                 (SCAT2GRIDLAPLACE_XY also can be used)

    ! define arguments for scat2gridgauss_xy 

        define symbol scale  = 0.5
        define symbol cutoff = 2        

        let reg_var = scat2gridgauss_xy(scat_lon,scat_lat,curv_var,x[gx=reg_lon],y[gy=reg_lat],($scale),($scale),($cutoff),($cutoff))

! 5. Do calculations / plotting or save to a netcdf file

        set var/title="Variable on regular grid"/units="myunits" reg_var
        fill/l=10 reg_var
       !save/file=reg_var.nc/append reg_var 

! end of curv2regular_demo.jnl

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