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Re: Unlabel (also title)

Hi Tony -

The automatic labels can be controlled automatically
because each is assigned a label number. To see how
this works, after making a plot, try PPL LISTSYM.
For example, after making a plot with Reynolds SST, 
the relevant part of the output of PPL LISTSYM includes:

shade/l=40 fsst		! a random date from Reynolds SST

   22  LAB1                             FERRET Ver. 5.53
   23  LAB2                             NOAA/PMEL TMAP
   24  LAB3                             Feb 10 2004 06:38:40 
   32  LAB4                             TIME : 29-JUL-1982 00:00
   45  LABNUM_T                         4
   46  LAB5                             DATA SET: reynolds_sst_wk
   47  LABNUM_DSET                      5
   48  LAB6                             Reynolds Optimum Interpolation Weekly SST Analysis
   49  LABNUM_DATITL                    6
   44  LABTIT                           Filtered Weekly SST means (deg C)

Note LAB1-6 are the automatic labels. 1,2,3 are always the
Ferret identifiers. In this example, labels 4,5,6 are specific 
to the dataset, though they can change after several plots are 
made and datasets are used. 

To refer to these without looking through PPL LISTSYM,
note that the numbers LABNUM_T, LABNUM_DSET and LABNUM_DATITL
give the label number of the corresponding label. Therefore,
an automatic label can be made by referring to these symbols:

For example, in the above plot, suppose I wanted to remove the 
dataset label from its default position and place it at the
top center of the plot:

shade/set/l=40 fsst		! same plot with /set to delay execution
go unlabel `($labnum_dset)`	! remove the dataset label
ppl shade			! make the plot
label/nou 4 7 0 0 .3 @as($lab($labnum_dset))	! place the label where wanted

Note that for text containing the "_" or "^" symbols, as in
the present example, the "@as" font must be used to prevent
Ferret from interpreting them as superscript or subscripts.
Otherwise this is not necessary. 

Fonts can also be changed with the @nn syntax:

label/nou 4 5 0 0 .2 @ti($lab($labnum_datitl))	! data title in italic

Similarly (in answer to Jon's question), the title can
be placed anywhere as a label by using the LABTIT symbol:

label/nou 4 .2 0 0 .2 ($labtit)		! title placed anywhere

Billy K

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