National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
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1968 to Present
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Author contains: WANG, M

Fiscal Year 2024
Cont. #: 5614
Chylek, P., C. Folland, J.D. Klett, M. Wang, G. Lesins, and M.K. Dubey (2024): Why does the ensemble mean of CMIP6 models simulate Arctic temperature more accurately than global temperature? Atmosphere, 15(5), 567, doi: 10.3390/atmos15050567, View open access article at MDPI (external link).
Cont. #: 5531
Sweeney, A.J., Q. Fu, S. Po-Chedley, H. Wang, and M. Wang (2023): Internal variability increased Arctic amplification during 1980-2022. Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2023GL106060, doi: 10.1029/2023GL106060, View open access article online at AGU/Wiley (external link).
Cont. #: 5599
Sweeney, A.J., Q. Fu, S. Po-Chedley, H. Wang, and M. Wang (2024): Unique temperature trend pattern associated with internally driven global cooling and Arctic warming during 1980-2022. Geophys. Res. Lett., 51(11), e2024GL108798, doi: 10.1029/2024GL108798, View open access article at AGU/Wiley (external link).
Cont. #: 5490
Wang, M., and J.E. Overland (2023): Arctic research at PMEL: From sea ice to the stratosphere. Oceanography, 36(2–3), 88–93, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2023.228, View open access article online at Oceanography (external link).
Cont. #: 5569
Zhang, X., X. Chen, A. Orr, J.E. Overland, T. Vihma, M. Wang, Q. Yang, and R. Zhang (2023): Preface to the Special Issue on Changing Arctic Climate and Low/Mid-latitudes Connections. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40(12), 2135–2137, doi: 10.1007/s00376-023-3015-8, View online at Springer (external link).
Fiscal Year 2023
Cont. #: 5320
Ballinger, T.J., J.E. Overland, M. Wang, J.E. Walsh, B. Brettschneider, R.L. Thoman, U.S. Bhatt, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, and S.-J. Kim (2022): Surface Air Temperature. In Arctic Report Card 2022, M. L. Druckenmiller, R. L. Thoman, and T. A. Moon (eds.), doi: 10.25923/13qm-2576, View article online at NOAA.
Cont. #: 5551
Ballinger, T.J., J.E. Overland, M. Wang, J.E. Walsh, B. Brettschneider, R.L. Thoman, U.S. Bhatt, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, and S.-J. Kim (2023): Surface air temperature, in State of the Climate in 2022, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 104(9), S279–S281, doi: 10.1175/10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0079.1, View online at AMS (external link).
Cont. #: 5295
Logerwell, E., M. Wang, L. Jorgensen, and K. Rand (2022): Winners and losers in a warming Arctic: Potential habitat gain and loss for epibenthic invertebrates of the Chukchi and Bering Seas. Deep-Sea Res. II, 206, 105210, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2022.105210, View online at Elsevier (external link).
Fiscal Year 2022
Cont. #: 5377
Ballinger, T.J., J.E. Overland, R.L. Thoman, M. Wang, M.A. Webster, L.N. Boisvert, C.L. Parker, U.S. Bhatt, B. Brettschneider, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, and J.E. Walsh (2022): Surface air temperature, in State of the Climate in 2021, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 103(8), S264–S267.
Cont. #: 5346
Ballinger, T.J., J.E. Overland, M. Wang, U.S. Bhatt, B. Brettschneider, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, R.L. Thoman, and J.E. Walsh (2021): Surface air temperature, in Arctic Report Card 2021. Arctic Report Card, T. A. Moon, M. L. Druckenmiller, and R. L. Thoman (eds.), doi: 10.25923/53xd-9k68.
Cont. #: 5327
Chylek, P., C. Folland, J.D. Klett, M. Wang, N. Hengartner, G. Lesins, and M.K. Dubey (2022): Annual mean Arctic Amplification 1970–2020: Observed and simulated by CMIP6 climate models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49(13), e2022GL099371, doi: 10.1029/2022GL099371, View online.
Cont. #: 5272
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2022): Frequency of winter coupled North Pacific/North America circulation regimes. Climate, 10(4), 54, doi: 10.3390/cli10040054, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 5292
Steele, M., H. Eicken, U. Bhatt, P. Bieniek, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, H. Wiggins, B. Turner-Bogren, L. Hamilton, J. Little, F. Massonnet, W.N. Meier, J. Overland, M. Serreze, J. Stroeve, J. Walsh, and M. Wang (2021): Moving sea ice prediction forward via community intercomparison. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 102(12), Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), Sea Ice Prediction Network—Phase 2(SIPN2) January 2021 Workshop (virtual), January 21–22, 2021, E2226–E2228, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0159.1, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 5200
Wang, S., Q. Wang, M. Wang, G. Lohmann, and F. Qiao (2022): Arctic Ocean freshwater in CMIP6 coupled models. Earth's Future, 10, e2022EF002878, doi: 10.1029/2022EF002878, View online, open access at AGU (external link).
Cont. #: 5122
Zhang, C., A.F. Levine, M. Wang, C. Gentemann, C.W. Mordy, E.D. Cokelet, P.A. Browne, Q. Yang, N. Lawrence-Slavas, C. Meinig, G. Smith, A. Chiodi, D. Zhang, P. Stabeno, W. Wang, H. Ren, A. Peterson, S.N. Figueroa, M. Steele, N.P. Barton, A. Huang, and H.-C. Shin (2022): Evaluation of surface conditions from operational forecasts using in situ saildrone observations in the Pacific Arctic. Mon. Weather Rev., 150(6), 1437–1455, doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-20-0379.1, View online.
Fiscal Year 2021
Cont. #: 5256
Ballinger, T.J., J.E. Overland, M. Wang, M.A. Webster, U.S. Bhatt, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, R.L. Thoman, and J.E. Walsh (2021): Surface air temperature, in State of the Climate in 2020, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 102(8), S270–S274, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0086.1, View The Arctic chapter online.
Cont. #: 5158
Chiodi, A.M., C. Zhang, E.D. Cokelet, Q. Yang, C.W. Mordy, C.L. Gentemann, J.N. Cross, N. Lawrence-Slavas, C. Meinig, M. Steele, D.E. Harrison, P.J. Stabeno, H.M. Tabisola, D. Zhang, E.F. Burger, K.M. O'Brien, and M. Wang (2021): Exploring the Pacific Arctic Seasonal Ice Zone with Saildrone USVs. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, 640690, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.640697, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 5252
Drenkard, E.J., C. Stock, A.C. Ross, K.W. Dixon, A. Adcroft, M. Alexander, V. Balaji, S.J. Bograd, M. Butenschön, W. Cheng, E. Curchitser, E. Di Lorenzo, R. Dussin, A.C. Haynie, M. Harrison, A. Hermann, A. Hollowed, K. Holsman, J. Holt, M.G. Jacox, C.J. Jang, K.A. Kearney, B.A. Muhling, M. Pozo Buil, V. Saba, A.B. Sandø, D. Tommasi, and M. Wang (2021): Next-generation regional ocean projections for living marine resource management in a changing climate. ICES J. Mar. Sci., fsab100, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsab100, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 5081
Overland, J., T. Ballinger, J. Cohen, J. Francis, E. Hanna, R. Jaiser, B.-M. Kim, S.-J. Kim, J. Ukita, T. Vihma, M. Wang, and X. Zhang (2021): How do intermittency and simultaneous processes obfuscate the Arctic influence on midlatitude winter extreme weather events? Environ. Res. Lett., 16(4), 043002, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abdb5d, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 5119
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2021): The 2020 Siberian heat wave. Int. J. Climatol., 41(S1), E2341-E2346, doi: 10.1002/joc.6850, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 5269
Zhang, X., Y. Fu, Z. Han, J.E. Overland, A. Rinke, H. Tang, T. Vihma, and M. Wang (2021): Extreme cold events from East Asia to North America in winter 2020/21: Comparison, causes, and future implications. Adv. Atmos. Sci., doi: 10.1007/s00376-021-1229-1, View online.
Fiscal Year 2020
Cont. #: 4948
Andrews, A., K. Aydin, S.W. Bell, N.A. Bond, P. Boveng, L. Britt, G. Buck, H. Burgess, C. Bursch, K. Cieciel, M. Auburn Cook, B. Cormack, C.J. Cunningham, A. Dimond, L. Divine, S. Dressel, A.M. Eich, L. Eisner, E. Farley, B. Fissel, S. Fitzgerald, S. Gaichas, J. Gann, S. Garcia, C.M. Guthrie III, J. Head, R. Heintz, K. Holsman, K. Howard, J. Ianelli, T. Jarvis, T. Jones, R. Kaler, S. Kasperski, D. Kimmel, C. Kondzela, J. Krieger, C. Kuhn, K. Kuletz, E. Labunski, C. Ladd, N. Laman, J. Lamb, G.M. Lang, B. Lauth, J. Lee, M.W. Lomas, M. Marsh, E. McHuron, S. Miller, C.W. Mordy, J. Murphy, H.T. Nguyen, D. Nichol, J.M. Nielsen, J.V. Olson, J.E. Overland, M. Paquin, P. Ressler, M. Rhodes-Reese, J. Richar, L. Rogers, M. Romano, K. Savage, H. Schultz, F. Sewall, G. Sheffield, E. Siddon, K. Sparks, I. Spies, P.J. Stabeno, J. Sterling, M. Szymkowiak, R.L. Thoman Jr., R. Towell, S. Vega, M. Wang, C. Waters, J.T. Watson, C. Weiss, G.A. Whitehouse, J. Whittle, T. Wilderbuer, S.P. Wise, E. Yasumiishi, L. Zacher, and S. Zador (2019): Ecosystem Status Report 2019: Eastern Bering Sea, Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report. E. Siddon and S. Zador (eds.), North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Anchorage, AK.
Cont. #: 5074
He, H., H. Wang, Z. Guan, H. Chen, Q. Fu, M. Wang, X. Dong, C. Cui, L. Wang, B. Wang, G. Chen, Z. Li, and D.-L. Zhang (2020): Facilitating international collaboration on climate change research. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 101(5), E650–E654, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0320.1, View online (Open access).
Cont. #: 5052
Li, S., M. Wang, W. Huang, S. Xu, B. Wang, and Y. Bai (2020): Using a skillful statistical model to predict September sea ice covering Arctic shipping routes. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 39, 11–25, doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1595-z, View online.
Cont. #: 5146
Overland, J.E., T.J. Ballinger, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, J.E. Walsh, M. Wang, U.S. Bhatt, and R.L. Thoman (2020): Surface air temperature, in State of the Climate in 2019, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 101(8), S246–S249, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0086.1, View online.
Cont. #: 5094
Overland, J.E., R.J. Hall, E. Hanna, A. Karpechko, T. Vihma, M. Wang, and X. Zhang (2020): The polar vortex and extreme weather: the Beast from the East in winter 2018. Atmosphere, 11(6), 664, doi: 10.3390/atmos11060664, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 4942
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2019): Impact of the winter polar vortex on greater North America. Int. J. Climatol., 39(15), 5815–5821, doi: 10.1002/joc.6174, View online.
Cont. #: 5043
Peng, G., J.L. Matthews, M. Wang, R. Vose, and L. Sun (2020): What do global climate models tell us about future Arctic sea ice coverage changes? Climate, 8(1), 15, doi: 10.3390/cli8010015, View online.
Cont. #: 4900
Post, E., R.B. Alley, T.R. Christensen, M. Macias-Fauria, B.C. Forbes, M.N. Gooseff, A. Iler, J.T. Kerby, K.L. Laidre, M.E. Mann, J. Olofsson, J.C. Stroeve, F. Ulmer, R.A. Virginia, and M. Wang (2019): The polar regions in a 2°C warmer world. Science Adv., 5(12), eaaw9883, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaw9883, View online.
Cont. #: 5076
Smith, A., A. Jahn, and M. Wang (2020): Seasonal transition dates can reveal biases in Arctic sea ice simulations. Cryosphere, 14, 2977–2997, doi: 10.5194/tc-14-2977-2020, View online.
Fiscal Year 2019
Cont. #: 4749
Ballinger, T.J., C.C. Lee, S.C. Sheridan, A.D. Crawford, J.E. Overland, and M. Wang (2018): Subseasonal atmospheric regimes and ocean background forcing of Pacific Arctic sea ice melt onset. Climate Dynam., 52, 5657–5672, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4467-x, Published online.
Cont. #: 4860
Box, J.E., W.T. Colgan, T.R. Christensen, N.M. Schmidt, M. Lund, F.-J.W. Parmentier, R. Brown, U.S. Bhatt, E.S. Euskirchen, V.E. Romanovsky, J.E. Walsh, J.E. Overland, M. Wang, R.W. Corell, W.N. Meier, B. Wouters, S. Mernild, J. Mård, J. Pawlak, and M.S. Olsen (2019): Key indicators of Arctic climate change: 1971-2017. Environ. Res. Lett., 14(4), 045010, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aafc1b, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 4846
Hermann, A., G. Gibson, W. Cheng, I. Ortiz, K. Aydin, M. Wang, A. Hollowed, and K. Holsmann (2019): Projected biophysical conditions of the Bering Sea to 2100 under multiple emission scenarios. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 76(5), 1280–1304, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz043, View online.
Cont. #: 4868
Li, S., M. Wang, N.A. Bond, W. Huang, Y. Wang, S. Xu, J. Liu, B. Wang, and Y. Bai (2018): Precursors of September Arctic sea-ice extent based on causal effect networks. Atmosphere, 9(11), 437, doi: 10.3390/atmos9110437, View online.
Cont. #: 4813
Mioduszewski, J., S. Vavrus, and M. Wang (2018): Diminishing Arctic sea ice promotes stronger surface winds. J. Climate, 31(19), 8101–8119, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0109.1, View online.
Cont. #: 4676
Overland, J.E., E. Dunlea, J.E. Box, R. Corell, M. Forsius, V. Kattsov, M. Skovgård Olsen, J. Pawlak, L.-O. Reiersen, and M. Wang (2019): The urgency of Arctic change. Polar Sci., 21, 6–13, doi: 10.1016/j.polar.2018.11.008, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 4882
Overland, J.E., E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, J.E. Walsh, M. Wang, and U.S. Bhatt (2019): Surface air temperature, in State of the Climate in 2018, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 100(9), S144–S146, doi: 10.1175/2019BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
Cont. #: 4871
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and J.E. Box (2019): An integrated index of recent pan-Arctic climate change. Environ. Res. Lett., 14(3), 035006, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aaf665, View online (open access).
Fiscal Year 2018
Cont. #: 4766
Cohen, J., X. Zhang, J. Francis, T. Jung, R. Kwok, J. Overland, P.C. Tayler, S. Lee, F. Laliberte, S. Feldstein, W. Maslowski, G. Henderson, J. Stroeve, D. Coumou, D. Handorf, T. Semmler, T. Ballinger, M. Hell, M. Kretschmer, S. Vavrus, M. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Wu, T. Vihma, U. Bhatt, M. Ionita, H. Linderholm, I. Rigor, C. Routson, D. Singh, M. Wendisch, D. Smith, J. Screen, J. Yoon, Y. Peings, H. Chen, and R. Blackport (2018): Arctic change and possible influence on mid-latitude climate and weather. US CLIVAR White Paper, US CLIVAR Report 2018-1, K. Uhlenbrock (ed.), US CLIVAR Project Office, 41 pp, doi: 10.5065/D6TH8KGW., Published online by US CLIVAR Project Office,
Cont. #: 4818
Overland, J., E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, J.E. Walsh, M. Wang, U.S. Bhatt, and R.L. Thoman (2018): Surface air temperature, in State of the Climate in 2017, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 99(8), S144–S146, doi: 10.1175/2018BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
Cont. #: 4613
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2017): Potential Arctic connections to eastern North American cold winters. Czech Polar Reports, 7(2), Proceedings of the Arctic Science Summit Week 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 31 March–7 April 2017.
Cont. #: 4699
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2018): Arctic-midlatitude weather linkages in North America. Polar Sci., 16, 1–9, doi: 10.1016/j.polar.2018.02.001.
Cont. #: 4745
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2018): Resolving future Arctic/midlatitude weather connections. Earth's Future, 6(8), 1146–1152, doi: 10.1029/2018EF000901, View online (open access).
Cont. #: 4485
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and T.J. Ballinger (2018): Recent increased warming of the Alaskan marine Arctic due to midlatitude linkages. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 35(1), 75–84, doi: 10.1007/s00376-017-7026-1.
Cont. #: 4537
Wang, M., Q. Yang, J.E. Overland, and P.J. Stabeno (2018): Sea-ice cover timing in the Pacific Arctic: The present and projections to mid-century by selected CMIP5 models. Deep-Sea Res. II, 152, SOAR II, 22–34, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.11.017, View online.
Fiscal Year 2017
Cont. #: 4515
Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., A. Barthelemy, M. Chevallier, R. Cullather, N. Fučkar, F. Massonnet, P. Posey, W. Wang, J. Zhang, C. Ardilouze, C.M. Bitz, G. Vernieres, A. Wallcraft, and M. Wang (2017): Multi-model seasonal forecast of Arctic sea-ice: Forecast uncertainty at pan-Arctic and regional scales. Climate Dynam., 49(4), 1399–1410, doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3388-9.
Cont. #: 4183
Hermann, A.J., G.A. Gibson, N.A. Bond, E.N. Curchitser, K. Hedstrom, W. Cheng, M. Wang, E.D. Cokelet, and P.J. Stabeno (2016): Projected future biophysical states of the Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Res. II, 134, 30–47, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.11.001, Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Eastern Bering Sea IV.
Cont. #: 4286
Ortiz, I., K. Aydin, A.J. Hermann, G.A. Gibson, A.E. Punt, F.K. Wiese, L.B. Eisner, N. Ferm, T.W. Buckley, E.A. Moffitt, J.N. Ianelli, J. Murphy, M. Dalton, W. Cheng, M. Wang, K. Hedstrom, N.A. Bond, E.N. Curchitser, and C. Boyd (2016): Climate to fish: Synthesizing field work, data and models in a 39-year retrospective analysis of seasonal processes in the eastern Bering Sea shelf and slope. Deep-Sea Res. II, 134, 390–412, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.009, Understanding Ecosystem Processes in the Eastern Bering Sea IV.
Cont. #: 4702
Overland, J., E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, J.E. Walsh, M. Wang, U.S. Bhatt, and R.L. Thoman (2017): Arctic air temperature. In State of the Climate in 2016, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 98(8), S130–S131, doi: 10.1175/2017BAMSStateoftheClimate.1, Full report available online.
Cont. #: 4489
Yang, Q., M. Wang, J.E. Overland, W. Wang, and T.W. Collow (2017): Impact of model physics on seasonal forecasts of surface air temperature in the Arctic. Mon. Weather Rev., 145(3), 773–782, doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-16-0272.1.
Fiscal Year 2016
Cont. #: 4529
Overland, J., E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and U.S. Bhatt (2016): Arctic air temperature. In State of the Climate in 2015, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 97(8), S132–S134, doi: 10.1175/2016BAMSStateoftheClimate.1, Full report published at AMS online.
Cont. #: 4487
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2016): Recent extreme Arctic temperatures are due to a split polar vortex. J. Climate, 29(15), 5609–5616, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0320.1.
Fiscal Year 2015
Cont. #: 3995
Cheng, W., E. Curchitser, C. Ladd, P.J. Stabeno, and M. Wang (2014): Influences of sea ice on the eastern Bering Sea: NCAR CESM simulations and comparison with observations. Deep-Sea Res. II, 109, 27–38, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.03.002.
Cont. #: 4202
Naik, P., M. Wang, E.J. D'Sa, and C.W. Mordy (2015): Bering Sea optical and biological properties from MODIS. Remote Sens. Environ., 163, 240–252, doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2015.03.020.
Cont. #: 4343
Overland, J., E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, S.-J. Kim, J. Walsh, M. Wang, and U.S. Bhatt (2015): Arctic Air temperature. In State of the Climate in 2014, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 96(7), S128–S129, doi: 10.1175/2015BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
Cont. #: 4327
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2015): Increased variability in early winter subarctic North American atmospheric circulation. J. Climate, 28(18), 7297–7305, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0395.1.
Cont. #: 4058
Wang, M., and J.E. Overland (2015): Projected future duration of the sea-ice-free season in the Alaskan Arctic. Prog. Oceanogr., 136, 50–59, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2015.01.001.
Fiscal Year 2014
Cont. #: 3939
Hermann, A.J., G.A. Gibson, N.A. Bond, E.N. Curchitser, K. Hedstrom, W. Cheng, M. Wang, P.J. Stabeno, L. Eisner, and K.D. Cieciel (2013): A multivariate analysis of observed and modeled biophysical variability on the Bering Sea shelf: Multidecadal hindcasts (1970-2009) and forecasts (2010-2040). Deep-Sea Res. II, 94, 121–139, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.04.007.
Cont. #: 4206
Overland, J., J. Key, E. Hanna, I. Hanssen-Bauer, B.-M. Kim, S.-J. Kim, J. Walsh, M. Wang, U. Bhatt, Y. Liu, R. Stone, C. Cox, and V. Walden (2014): The lower atmosphere: Air temperature, clouds and radiation. In State of the Climate in 2013, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 95(7), S115–S117, S120, doi: 10.1175/2014BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
Cont. #: 3679
Overland, J.E., J. Wang, R.S. Pickart, and M. Wang (2014): Recent and future changes in the meteorology of the Pacific Arctic. In The Pacific Arctic Region: Ecosystem Status and Trends in a Rapidly Changing Environment, J.M. Grebmeier and W. Maslowski (eds.), Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, 17–30, doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-8863-2_2.
Cont. #: 4052
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, J.E. Walsh, and J.C. Stroeve (2014): Future Arctic climate changes: Adaptation and mitigation timescales. Earth's Future, 2(2), 68–74, doi: 10.1002/2013EF000162.
Fiscal Year 2013
Cont. #: 4027
Ito, S., T. Okunishi, M.J. Kishi, and M. Wang (2013): Modelling ecological responses of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) to future climate change and its uncertainty. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 70(5), 980–990, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fst089.
Cont. #: 4038
Overland, J., J. Key, B.-M. Kim, S.-J. Kim, Y. Liu, J. Walsh, M. Wang, U. Bhatt, and R. Thoman (2013): Air temperature, atmospheric circulation, and clouds. In State of the Climate in 2012, The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 94(8), S111–S113, doi: 10.1175/2013BAMSStateoftheClimate.1, View full report online.
Cont. #: 3890
Overland, J.E., J.A. Francis, E. Hanna, and M. Wang (2012): The recent shift in early summer arctic atmospheric circulation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L19804, doi: 10.1029/2012GL053268.
Cont. #: 3971
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2013): When will the summer Arctic be nearly sea ice free? Geophys. Res. Lett., 40(10), 2097–2101, doi: 10.1002/grl.50316.
Fiscal Year 2012
Cont. #: 3901
Overland, J., U. Bhatt, J. Key, Y. Liu, J. Walsh, and M. Wang (2012): b. Air temperature, atmospheric circulation, and clouds. In State of the Climate in 2011, 5. The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 93(7), S127–S129, doi: 10.1175/2012BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
Cont. #: 3680
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, J.E. Walsh, J.H. Christensen, V.M. Kattsov, and W.L. Chapman (2012): Climate model projections for the Arctic. Chapter 3 in Snow, Water, Ice and Permafrost in the Arctic (SWIPA): Climate Change and the Cryosphere, Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Oslo, Norway, 3.1- 3.18, Full report published at AMAP.
Cont. #: 3683
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, K.R. Wood, D.B. Percival, and N.A. Bond (2012): Recent Bering Sea warm and cold events in a 95-year context. Deep-Sea Res. II, 65–70, 6–13, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.02.013.
Cont. #: 3567
Overland, J.E., K.R. Wood, and M. Wang (2011): Warm Arctic–cold continents: Impacts of the newly open Arctic Sea. Polar Res., 30, 15787, doi: 10.3402/polar.v30i0.15787.
Cont. #: 3869
Wang, M., and J.E Overland (2012): A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years-an update from CMIP5 models. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L18501, doi: 10.1029/2012GL052868.
Cont. #: 3674
Wang, M., J.E. Overland, and P. Stabeno (2012): Future climate of the Bering and Chukchi seas projected by global climate models. Deep-Sea Res. II, 65–70, 46–57, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2012.02.022.
Fiscal Year 2011
Cont. #: 3677
Overland, J., M. Wang, and J. Walsh (2011): b. Atmosphere. In State of the Climate in 2010, 5. The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 92(6), S143–S145, doi: 10.1175/1520-0477-92.6.S1.
Cont. #: 3458
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, N.A. Bond, J.E. Walsh, V.M. Kattsov, and W.L. Chapman (2011): Considerations in the selection of global climate models for regional climate projections: The Arctic as a case study. J. Climate, 24(6), 1583–1597, doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3462.1.
Fiscal Year 2010
Cont. #: 3588
Overland, J., M. Wang, and J. Walsh (2010): b. Atmosphere. In State of the Climate in 2009, 5. The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 91(7), S107–S109, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-91-7-StateoftheClimate.
Cont. #: 3302
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2010): Large-scale atmospheric circulation changes are associated with the recent loss of Arctic sea ice. Tellus, 62A, 1–9, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2009.00421.x.
Cont. #: 3319
Schwing, F.B., R. Mendelssohn, S.J. Bograd, J.E. Overland, M. Wang, and S.-I. Ito (2010): Climate change, teleconnection patterns, and regional processes forcing marine populations in the Pacific. J. Mar. Syst., 79(3–4), 245–257, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.11.027.
Cont. #: 3042
Wang, M., J.E. Overland, and N.A. Bond (2010): Climate projections for selected large marine ecosystems. J. Mar. Syst., 79(3–4), 258–266, doi: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.11.028.
Fiscal Year 2009
Cont. #: 3339
Chylek, P., C.K. Folland, G. Lesins, M.K. Dubey, and M. Wang (2009): Arctic air temperature change amplification and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L14801, doi: 10.1029/2009GL038777.
Cont. #: 3436
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and J. Walsh (2009): b. Atmosphere. In State of the Climate in 2008, 5. The Arctic. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 90(8), S97–S99, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-90-8-StateoftheClimate.
Cont. #: 3261
Wang, M., and J.E. Overland (2009): A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years? Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L07502, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037820.
Fiscal Year 2008
Cont. #: 3250
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2008): Atmosphere. In State of the Climate in 2007, 5. The Poles. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 89(7), S85–S86, doi: 10.1175/1520-0477-89.7.S10.
Cont. #: 3113
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and S. Salo (2008): The recent Arctic warm period. Tellus, 60A, 589–597, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2008.00327.x.
Cont. #: 2926
Wang, M., N.A. Bond, and J.E. Overland (2007): Comparison of atmospheric forcing in four sub-arctic seas. Deep-Sea Res. II, 54(23–26), 2543-2559, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2007.08.014.
Fiscal Year 2007
Cont. #: 3135
Overland, J.E., J.E. Walsh, and M. Wang (2007): Why are ice and snow changing? Chapter 3 in Global Outlook for Ice and Snow, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA), 29–38.
Cont. #: 3019
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2007): Future climate of the North Pacific Ocean. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(16), 178, 182, doi: 10.1029/2007EO160003.
Cont. #: 3081
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2007): Future regional Arctic Sea ice declines. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34(17), L17705, doi: 10.1029/2007GL030808.
Cont. #: 2804
Wang, M., J.E. Overland, V. Kattsov, J.E. Walsh, X. Zhang, and T. Pavlova (2007): Intrinsic versus forced variation in coupled climate model simulations over the Arctic during the twentieth century. J. Climate, 20(6), 1093–1107, doi: 10.1175/JCLI4043.1.
Fiscal Year 2006
Cont. #: 2844
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2005): The Third Arctic Climate Pattern: 1930s and early 2000s. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(23), L23808, doi: 10.1029/2005GL024254.
Cont. #: 2793
Wang, M., J.E. Overland, D.B. Percival, and H.O. Mofjeld (2006): Change in the Arctic influence on Bering Sea climate during the twentieth century. Int. J. Climatol., 26(4), 531–539, doi: 10.1002/joc.1278.
Fiscal Year 2005
Cont. #: 2761
Overland, J.E., and M. Wang (2005): The Arctic climate paradox: the recent decrease of the Arctic Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32(6), L06701, doi: 10.1029/2004GL021752.
Cont. #: 2578
Wang, M., and J.E. Overland (2004): Detecting Arctic climate change using Köppen classification. Climatic Change, 67(1), 43–62, doi: 10.1007/s10584-004-4786-2.
Fiscal Year 2004
Cont. #: 2546
Overland, J.E., M.C. Spillane, D.B. Percival, M. Wang, and H.O. Mofjeld (2004): Seasonal and regional variation of pan-Arctic surface air temperature over the instrumental record. J. Climate, 17(17), 3263–3282, doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2004)017<3263:SARVOP>2.
Cont. #: 2591
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and N.A. Bond (2004): Ocean and climate changes. In Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific, PICES Special Publication 1, 39–57. [Full Text]
Cont. #: 2647
Percival, D.B., M. Wang, and J.E. Overland (2004): An introduction to wavelet analysis with applications to vegetation time series. Community Ecol., 5(1), 19–30, doi: 10.1556/ComEc.5.2004.1.3.
Fiscal Year 2003
Cont. #: 2554
Wang, M., and J.E. Overland (2003): Detecting Arctic climate change using Köppen climate classification. In Seventh Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography and Joint Symposium on High Latitude Climate Variations, Session 13.6, AMS, Hyannis, MA, 12–16 May 2003, on CD.
Fiscal Year 2002
Cont. #: 2348
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and N.A. Bond (2002): Recent temperature changes in the western Arctic during Spring. J. Climate, 15(13), 1702–1716, doi: 10.1175/1520-0442(2002)015<1702:RTCITW>2.
Cont. #: 2420
Wang, M., J.E. Overland, and N. Bond (2002): The climate change in the western Arctic during the last two decades. In 13th Symposium on Global Change and Climate Variations, AMS, Orlando, FL, 13–17 January 2002, 40–41.
Fiscal Year 2001
Cont. #: 2312
Overland, J.E., M. Wang, and N.A. Bond (2001): The Arctic Oscillation as the driver of spring warmings. In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography and the 11th Conference on the Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, San Diego, CA,, 14–18 May 2001, 81–84.
Cont. #: 2313
Wang, M., J.E. Overland, and N.A. Bond (2001): Temperature decadal change over polar region as seen from TOVS and NCEP reanalysis. In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography and the 11th Conference on the Interaction of the Sea and Atmosphere, San Diego, CA, 14–18 May 2001, 31–32.
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