National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce


FY 2024

Arctic research at PMEL: From sea ice to the stratosphere

Wang, M., and J.E. Overland

Oceanography, 36(2–3), 88–93, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2023.228, View open access article online at Oceanography (external link) (2023)

The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the global mean, making Arctic research essential for understanding the global climate system. For 50 years, researchers at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory have sought to detect and understand the numerous changes the Arctic is undergoing, the Arctic’s connections with the Earth system, and the impacts of climate change on the people who live in the Arctic. PMEL accomplishments in Arctic research include identifying future states and variability of sea ice, defining the ice-free Arctic threshold and initiating a climate model selection process by applying observational constraints, developing a Bering Sea conveyor belt sea-ice model and a vessel spray-icing index, investigating internal versus forced response of Arctic temperature change, studying the connection between a changing Arctic and midlatitude weather, and rescuing historical data. Through continued study, improved understanding, and communication, PMEL research informs policymakers, managers, and the public to help ensure a sustainable future for the Arctic.

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