FY 2023 Role of mixed layer depth in Kuroshio Extension decadal variability Tozuka, T., T. Toyoda, and M.F. Cronin Geophys. Res. Lett., 50(12), e2022GL101846, doi: 10.1029/2022GL101846, View open access article at AGU/Wiley (external link) (2023) Sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the Kuroshio Extension (KE) have been suggested to play a crucial role in decadal climate variability of the North Pacific affecting global climate and marine ecosystem variability. By analyzing the mixed layer heat budget, taking into account seasonality and mixed layer depth (MLD) variations, we here show for the first time that the KE SST front undergoes large decadal variations mainly owing to decadal modulations of the effective heat capacity affecting the SST sensitivity to surface heat fluxes during 1982–2015. More specifically, when the mixed layer becomes anomalously thick (shallow) to the south (north) of the front, it becomes less (more) sensitive to wintertime surface cooling. As a result, the SST front is strengthened, with positive (negative) SST anomalies to the south (north). A heat conservation model suggests that MLD anomalies are mainly due to thermocline depth anomalies. Plain Language Summary. Decadal climate variability of the North Pacific is known to affect global climate and marine ecosystem variability. The sea surface temperature (SST) front associated with the Kuroshio Extension (KE) in the northwestern Pacific is considered to play a key role in the turnabout of the North Pacific decadal climate variability. The fundamental question of how the strength of the SST front is modulated on the decadal timescale, however, has yet to be understood. Through quantitative analyses of oceanic and atmospheric data sets during 1982–2015, here we present for the first time that the KE SST front undergoes large decadal variations mainly owing to decadal modulation in thickness of the surface mixed layer that controls sensitivity of SST to surface heat exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere. Furthermore, a highly idealized model suggests that the anomalous mixed layer thickness is mainly due to anomalous oceanic stratification. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Help