FY 2007 National Tsunami Research Plan: Report of a workshop sponsored by NSF/NOAA Bernard, E.N., L. Dengler, and S. Yim NOAA Tech. Memo. OAR PMEL-133, NTIS: PB2007-107302, 135 pp (2007) Executive Summary The Office of Science and Technology released a report in 2005 that called for a review of tsunami research needed to reduce tsunami vulnerability in the United States. An Organizing Committee was appointed by the Chair of the U.S. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) to develop a Strategic Plan for tsunami research. The Committee assembled a group of tsunami experts to review the current state of knowledge in areas essential to tsunami risk reduction and a workshop was held 25–26 July 2006 to develop a consensus on priority research needs. The focus of the effort was to define the basic research in areas of technology, geosciences, oceanography, engineering, and social sciences needed to develop, promote, and institutionalize tsunami-resilient communities in the United States. The group agreed to fifteen recommendations in tsunami hazard assessment, tsunami warnings, and tsunami preparedness and education. The Organizing Committee combined these recommendations into six synthesized high-priority areas for tsunami research. The synthesized plan was approved by the NTHMP Steering Committee on 1 November 2006. This final report reflects the comments for the NTHMP Steering Committee and workshop participants. Serendipitously, the U.S. Congress passed the Tsunami Warning and Education Act which President Bush signed into law on 20 December 2006. This Research Plan is consistent with the Tsunami Act and provides a roadmap for successful implementation of a multi-agency research effort. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Help