FY 1995 Chlorofluorocarbon measurements in the southwestern Pacific during the CGC-90 Expedition Wisegarver, D.P., J.L. Bullister, F.A. Van Woy, F.A. Menzia, R.F. Weiss, A.H. Orsi, and P.K. Salameh NOAA Data Report ERL PMEL-57, NTIS: PB96-112644, 98 pp (1995) This report presents chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydrographic data collected in the Southwest Pacific Ocean during the 1990 NOAA Climate and Global Change (CGC-90) expedition on NOAA Research Ship Malcolm Baldrige. On this expedition, full water column CTD/hydrocast stations were made on a section extending along 170°W from 5°N to 60°S, on a short section crossing the Southwest Pacific Basin to the southeast of New Zealand, and on a short section along 32° 30´S east of the Kermadec Ridge. Measurements of dissolved and atmospheric dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12) and trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) made by the SIO and NOAA/PMEL groups are compared in this report. Also included in the report are hydrographic data (measurements of salinity, temperature, pressure and depth) collected by NOAA/PMEL investigators during this expedition. The CFC and hydrographic data sets included in this report are also available from the authors in digital format. Feature Publications | Outstanding Scientific Publications Contact Sandra Bigley | Help