National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce


FY 1992

Mean seasonal cycles and interannual variations at 0°, 110°W and 0°, 140° during 1980–1991

McPhaden, M.J., and M.E. McCarty

NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL PMEL-95, NTIS: PB93-114726, 118 pp (1992)

This report summarizes current meter mooring data at 0°, 110°W and 0°, 140°W in terms of multi-year monthly mean time series and mean seasonal cycles. Data span the years 1980-1991 at 110°W and 1983-1991 at 140°W. The measurements consist of surface winds, air temperatures, ocean currents in the upper 250 m and ocean temperatures in the upper 500 m.

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