National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
United States Department of Commerce


Saildrones Poised to Enter Bering Sea to Survey Alaska Pollock

Three saildrones left Alameda, California in May and have arrived at Unimak Pass in Alaska’s remote Aleutian Islands. The ocean drones have sailed nearly 2,700 miles at a walking pace, about 2.5 miles per hour (2 knots), which is just about the distance from Seattle to Miami. Once they navigate through the pass, the saildrones will enter the Bering Sea.

Two orange saildrones in the Pacific Ocean with San Francisco in the background.

Two saildrones in the Pacific Ocean just west of the Golden Gate Bridge at the start of their journey. Photo Credit: Saildrone, Inc. 

Map showing the 2700 miles travelled by saildrones from Alameda, California to Unimak Pass in Alaska

Three saildrones left Alameda, California in May and have arrived at Unimak Pass in Alaska’s remote Aleutian Islands to collect valuable abundance data to support sustainable management of the largest commercial fishery in the United States.


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