2022 Mission
TPOS Mission 5: June 22, 2022 - September 26, 2022
TPOS Mission 5 launched June 22, 2022, with two Saildrone uncrewed surface vehicles (USV) SD1033 and SD1052 initially departing San Francisco Bay, CA, in early May 2022. The pair, starting near 10°N, 125°W, will survey along the TAO moored buoy array along 125°W to observe the air-sea interaction processes and CO2 fluxes associated with the predicted rare 3rd consecutive La Niña, the Tropical Instability Waves and high frequency eddy and frontal variability between the Equatorial Cold Tongue and the Intertropical Convergence Zone. This 90-day mission, funded by NOAA OMAO, is the 5th TPOS Saildrone mission since 2017.
For more details about this mission, please visit the OCS Saildrone TPOS 2022 Mission Blog.