OceanSITES Data Info
Details for OCS Time Series Data Files in OceanSITES format
Files are named using the pattern
OS_{station}_{deployment code}_{data mode}_{measurement type}_{location}_(frequency} . {format}
station is either PAPA or KEO
deployment code is the year and month of the first data in the file for the concatenated files (e.g. 200406 for KEO and 200706 for PAPA), or year of first data point and deployment designator for the deployment-by-deployment files (e.g. 2004KE001 for KEO’s first deployment file).
data mode is D for delay-mode data, R is for real-time, and M for mixed real-time, provisional, and delay-mode data.
location is either 50N145W (Papa) or 32N145E (KEO)
frequency is dy for daily, spot_hr for hourly spot data, hr for hourly, 10m for 10 minute, 2m for 2 minute data.
format is .nc for netCDF ( version 1.2)
These OceanSITES data files contain metadata information about the data, including quality flags and method of data processing (real-time, delayed-mode, etc.) for each of the parameters.
Measurement Type Abbreviations
M | Meteorological Measurements (uwind, vwind, wspeed, wdir, air T, SST, RH) |
BP | Barometric Pressure |
SW, LW | Solar (shortwave) and Infra-red (long wave) Radiation |
T | Subsurface Temperature |
S | Subsurface Salinity |
V | Currents |
Data Quality Codes
0 | No QC Performed |
1 | Good Data |
2 | Probably Good Data |
3 | Bad Data that are Potentially Correctable |
4 | Bad Data |
5 | Value Changed |
6 | Not Used |
7 | Nominal Value |
8 | Interpolated Value |
9 | Missing Value |