Expedition to Bering Strait and Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean August 23 - September 30, 2009 Cruise Photos by Aleksey Ostrovskiy 173 Going Back.jpg 173 Going Back.jpg 172 Going Back.jpg 172 Going Back.jpg 171 All Decked Out.jpg 171 All Decked Out.jpg 170 CTD team, Marshall, Lena and Dave.jpg 170 CTD team, Marshall, Lena and Dave.jpg 158 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 158 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 157 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 157 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 156 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 156 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 144 Natalia Chernova.jpg 144 Natalia Chernova.jpg 143 fish team in the Lab.jpg 143 fish team in the Lab.jpg 142 below deck labs.jpg 142 below deck labs.jpg 141 Marlene Jeffries.jpg 141 Marlene Jeffries.jpg 140 Sediment team.jpg 140 Sediment team.jpg 139 Gus and Christina.jpg 139 Gus and Christina.jpg 138 Benthic Team.jpg 138 Benthic Team.jpg 137 Brenda Holliday on the Deck.jpg 137 Brenda Holliday on the Deck.jpg 145 So many computers.jpg 145 So many computers.jpg 146 Terry Whitledge.jpg 146 Terry Whitledge.jpg 147 Terry and Michael.jpg 147 Terry and Michael.jpg 155 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 155 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 154 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 154 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg Pages« first‹ previous123456789next ›last »