Expedition to the Bering Strait & Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean
August 23 - September 30, 2009
The 2009 RUSALCA mission set sail from Nome, Alaska on the Russian Research Vessel Professor Khromov on August 22, 2009 for a 40-day voyage into the Bering Strait and northwards to the Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean.
Relevant information
- Statement on Joint Research: NOAA and the Russian Academy of Sciences (signed November 9, 2009)
- Russian participation in RUSALCA - published in Hydro International Jan 2, 2009
- Russian-U.S. Arctic Census 2009 information from the NOAA Ocean Explorer website
Cruise plans and reports
- Leg 1 Preliminary Cruise Report
- Leg 2 Cruise Plan (Nome - Nome), September 1-30, 2009
- Final Cruise Report (Legs 1 and 2)
News articles
- Arctic expedition reaches the ice (9/22/09, Reuters)
- ‘Not enough ice to make a margarita’ (9/21/09) Reuters)
- Sovereignty, oil hunt complicate Arctic research (9/18/09Reuters)
- Former Cold War foes team up to probe warming seas (9/17/09, Reuters)
- Aboard the Professor Khromov (9/16/09, New York Times)
- Reuters Blog Posts
- Dispatches from research vessel Professor Khromov (University of Maryland)
Data and Plots
- Chukchi Sea Physical Oceanography, R. Pickart (WHOI)
- Hydrographic, Velocity and Video Plankton Recorder Measurements (WHOI)
- Bering Strait Mooring Data, R. Woodgate, T. Weingartner et al. (UW)
- Nutrients and Chlorophyll Data (UAF)
- Anchors Aweigh (1.9Mb)
- Exchanging coordinates (2.8Mb)
- Little Diomede and zodiac (2.6Mb)
- Rosette, Little Diomede and zodiac (16.5Mb)