Expedition to Bering Strait and Pacific side of the Arctic Ocean August 23 - September 30, 2009 Cruise Photos by Aleksey Ostrovskiy 104 Sea Bottom Acoustic Imaging.jpg 104 Sea Bottom Acoustic Imaging.jpg 103 Sea Bottom Acoustic Imaging.jpg 103 Sea Bottom Acoustic Imaging.jpg 091 Crossing the Arctic Ice (Polar Bear's Prints).jpg 091 Crossing the Arctic Ice (Polar Bear's Prints).jpg 135 Sunrise.jpg 135 Sunrise.jpg 178 Aleksey Ostrovskiy.jpg 178 Aleksey Ostrovskiy.jpg 166 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 166 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 165 Crab.jpg 165 Crab.jpg 164 Starfish.jpg 164 Starfish.jpg 163 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 163 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 162 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 162 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 161 Crab.jpg 161 Crab.jpg 160 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 160 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 159 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 159 Sea Bottom Catch.jpg 167 Going Back.jpg 167 Going Back.jpg 168 Going Back.jpg 168 Going Back.jpg 169 Going Back.jpg 169 Going Back.jpg 177 Russian Bathing Beauties in Nome.jpg 177 Russian Bathing Beauties in Nome.jpg 176 Going Back.jpg 176 Going Back.jpg 175 Cruise Photo (Not Everybody).jpg 175 Cruise Photo (Not Everybody).jpg 174 heading back to Nome.jpg 174 heading back to Nome.jpg Pages« first‹ previous123456789next ›last »
091 Crossing the Arctic Ice (Polar Bear's Prints).jpg 091 Crossing the Arctic Ice (Polar Bear's Prints).jpg