Overview of Recent Work
Here's a link to my current CV. Here are some web pages and documents which summarize past work: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/hermann/hpcc2007/surfaces_-161_-155_50_60_tempzc.kmz http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/hermann/hpcc2007/surfaces_-155_-145_50_60_tempzc.kmz http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/hermann/hpcc2007/surfaces_-145_-135_50_60_tempzc.kmz
Virtual Reality
![]() A 4D representation of some of our indiviual-based fish (pollock) model results for various years. The model is centered near Kodiak Island, AK. In the above frame Kodiak Island is on the right and Alaska is to the left; we are looking northeast into Shelikof Strait. These are animated VRML worlds which *should* run on most PC and Mac web browsers (if not try installing the Cortona Viewer). Fish are represented as spheres which move through time, with modeled seafloor bathymetry rendered as a 3D surface. Click on the above frame to open this world. Here also are some representative fish worlds (in black and white) for 1978 1987 1988 1991 1994 Also check out our animations
of salinity fields for these years, which highlight eddies in this
These are short animated
gifs. We have experimented with other formats but these are *guaranteed*
to run on any web browser
Submitted/in review: Thorson, James T., Wei Cheng, Al Hermann, James N. Ianelli , Michael A. Litzow, Cecilia O’Leary, Grant Thompson. 2020. Empirical Orthogonal Function Regression: Linking population biology to spatial varying environmental conditions in end-of-century forecasts, Global Change Biology, in review.
Daly, Benjamin, Carolina Parada, Timothy Loher, Sarah Hinckley, Albert J. Hermann, and David Armstrong. 2020. Red king crab larval advection in Bristol Bay: implications for recruitment variability. Fisheries Oceanography, in review.
Holsman, Kirstin, Alan Haynie , Anne Hollowed , Jonathan Reum , Kerim Aydin , Albert Hermann , Wei Cheng , Amanda Faig , James Ianelli , Kelly Kearney , Andre Punt. 2020. Ecosystem-based fisheries management forestalls climate-driven collapse. Nature Communications, submitted.
Published/in press: Norton, Emily Louise, Samantha Ann Siedlecki, Isaac C. Kaplan, Albert J Hermann, Jennifer L Fisher, Cheryl A Morgan, Suzanna Officer, Casey Saenger, Simone R Alin, Jan A Newton, Nina Bednarsek and Richard Alan Feely (2020). The importance of environmental exposure history in forecasting Dungeness crab megalopae occurrence using J-SCOPE, a high-resolution model for the US Pacific Northwest, Frontiers in Marine Science, accepted.
Reum, Jonathan, Julia Blanchard, Kirstin Holsman, Kerim Aydin, Anne Babcock Hollowed, Albert J Hermann, Wei Cheng, Amanda Faig, Alan C Haynie, Andre Punt (2020). Ensemble projections of future climate change impacts on the Eastern Bering Sea food web using a multispecies size spectrum model. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Global Change and the Future Ocean, accepted.
Jacox, Michael G., Michael A. Alexander, Samantha Siedlecki, Ke Chen, Young-Oh Kwon, Stephanie Brodie, Ivonne Ortiz, Desiree Tommasi, Matthew J. Widlansky, Dan Barrie, Antonietta Capotondi, Wei Cheng, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Christopher Edwards, Jerome Fiechter, Paula Fratantoni, Elliott L. Hazen, Albert J. Hermann, Arun Kumar, Arthur J. Miller, Douglas Pirhalla, Mercedes Pozo Buil, Sulagna Ray, Scott C. Sheridan, Aneesh Subramanian, Philip Thompson, Lesley Thorne, Hariharasubramanian Annamalai, Steven J. Bograd, Roger B. Griffis, Hyemi Kim, Annarita Mariotti, Mark Merrifield, Ryan Rykaczewski (2020). Seasonal-to-interannual prediction of U.S. coastal marine ecosystems: Forecast methods, mechanisms of predictability, and priority developments Progress in Oceanography, accepted
Kearney, K., Hermann, A., Cheng, W., Ortiz, I., and Aydin, K. (2020). A coupled pelagic–benthic–sympagic biogeochemical model for the Bering Sea: documentation and validation of the BESTNPZ model (v2019.08.23) within a high-resolution regional ocean model, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 597–650, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-597-2020.
Hollowed, A. B., K. K. Holsman, A. C. Haynie, A. J. Hermann, A. E. Punt, K. Aydin, J. N. Ianelli, S. Kasperski, W. Cheng, A. Faig, K. A. Kearney, J. C. P. Reum, P. Spencer, I. Spies, W. Stockhausen, C. S. Szuwalski, G. A. Whitehouse and T. K. Wilderbuer (2020). "Integrated Modeling to Evaluate Climate Change Impacts on Coupled Social-Ecological Systems in Alaska." Frontiers in Marine Science 6.
Capotondi, A., M. Jacox, C. Bowler, M. Kavanaugh, P. Lehodey, D. Barrie, S. Brodie, S. Chaffron, W. Cheng, D. F. Dias, D. Eveillard, L. Guidi, D. Iudicone, N. S. Lovenduski, J. A. Nye, I. Ortiz, D. Pirhalla, M. P. Buil, V. Saba, S. Sheridan, S. Siedlecki, A. Subramanian, C. de Vargas, E. Di Lorenzo, S. C. Doney, A. J. Hermann, T. Joyce, M. Merrifield, A. J. Miller, F. Not and S. Pesant (2019). "Observational Needs Supporting Marine Ecosystems Modeling and Forecasting: From the Global Ocean to Regional and Coastal Systems." Frontiers in Marine Science 6.
Yasumiishi, Ellen; Farley, Ed; Maselko, Jacek; Aydin, Kerim; Kearney, Kelly; Hermann, Albert; Ruggerone, Greg; Howard, Katherine. (2020). Differential north-south response of the juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) marine growth to ecosystem change in the eastern Bering Sea, 1972-2010. ICES J. Mar Sci. 77(1):216-229, https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz166
Spencer, P. D., A. B. Hollowed, M. F. Sigler, A. J. Hermann, and M. W. Nelson. (2019). Trait-based climate vulnerability assessments in data-rich systems: an application to eastern Bering Sea fish and invertebrate stocks. Global Change Biology, 25(11): 3954-3971.
Doyle, M., S.L. Strom, K.O. Coyle, A.J. Hermann, C. Ladd, A.C. Matarese, S.K. Shotwell, and R.R. Hopcroft (2019): Early life history phenology among Gulf of Alaska fish species: Strategies, synchronies, and sensitivities. Deep-Sea Res. II, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.06.005.
Coyle, K.O., Hermann, A.J. and Hopcroft, R.R., 2019. Modeled spatial-temporal distribution of productivity, chlorophyll, iron and nitrate on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf relative to field observations. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.
Mordy, C.W., P.J. Stabeno, N.B. Kachel, D. Kachel, C. Ladd, M. Zimmerman, A.J. Hermann, K. Coyle, and M.J. Doyle (2019): Patterns of flow in the canyons of the northern Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Res. II, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2019.03.009.
Hinckley, S., W. Stockhausen, K.O. Coyle, B. Laurel, G.A. Gibson, C. Parada, A.J. Hermann, M. Doyle, T. Hurst, A.E. Punt, and C. Ladd (2019): Connectivity between spawning and nursery areas for Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Res. II, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.05.014.
Hermann, A. J., G. A. Gibson, W. Cheng, I. Ortiz, K. Aydin, M. Wang, A.B. Hollowed and K.K. Holsman. 2019. Projected biophysical conditions of the Bering Sea to 2100 under multiple emission scenarios. ICES J. Mar Sci., 76(5): 1280-1304, doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz043
Pilcher, D.J., D. M. Naiman, J. N. Cross, A. J. Hermann, S. A. Siedlecki, G. A. Gibson, and J.T. Mathis. 2018. Modeled effect of coastal biogeochemical processes, climate variability, and ocean acidification on aragonite saturation state in the Bering Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. - Marine Biogeochemistry
Hodgson, E.E., Kaplan, I.C., Marshall, K.N., Leonard, J., Essington, T.E., Busch, D. S., Fulton, E.A., Harvey, C.J., Hermann, A., and McElhany, P. 2018. Consequences of spatially variable ocean acidification in the California Current: Lower pH drives strongest declines in benthic species in southern regions while greatest economic impacts occur in northern regions. Ecological Modelling, 383: 106-117, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2018.05.018
Stockhausen, William T., Kenneth O. Coyle, Albert J. Hermann, Deborah Blood, Miriam Doyle, Georgina Gibson, Sarah Hinckley, Carol Ladd, and Carolina Parada. 2018. Running the Gauntlet: Connectivity between natal and nursery areas for arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) in the Gulf of Alaska, as inferred from a biophysical individual-based model. Deep-Sea Research II, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.05.017
Gibson, G.A, W. Stockhausen, K.O. Coyle, S. Hinckley, C. Parada, A. Hermann, M. Doyle, and C. Ladd. 2018. An individual-based model for Sablefish: Exploring the connectivity between potential spawning and nursery grounds in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.05.015.
Stockhausen, William T., Kenneth O. Coyle, Albert J. Hermann, Miriam Doyle, Georgina Gibson, Sarah Hinckley, Carol Ladd, and Carolina Parada. 2018. Running the Gauntlet: Connectivity between natal and nursery areas for Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes altus) in the Gulf of Alaska, as inferred from a biophysical individual-based model. Deep-Sea Research II, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.05.016
Pilcher, D.J., S.A. Siedlecki, A. J. Hermann, K.O. Coyle, J.T. Mathis, and W. Evans. 2018. Simulated impact of glacial runoff on CO2 uptake in the Gulf of Alaska. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 880–890. https://doi.org/10.1002/ 2017GL075910
Siedlecki, S.A., D.J. Pilcher, A. J. Hermann, K. Coyle, and J.T. Mathis. 2017. The importance of freshwater to spatial variability of aragonite saturation state in the Gulf of Alaska. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 10.1002/2017JC012791
Bednaršek, N., R.A. Feely, N. Tolimieri, A.J. Hermann, S.A. Siedlecki, G.G. Waldbusser, P. McElhany, S.R. Alin, T. Klinger, B. Moore-Maley, and H.O. Pörtner. 2017. Exposure history determines pteropod vulnerability to ocean acidification along the US West Coast. Nature Scientific Reports, 7, p. 4526, 10.1038/s41598-017-03934-z
Marshall, K.N., I.C. Kaplan, E.E. Hodgson, A.J. Hermann, S. Busch, P. McElhany, T.E. Essington, C.J. Harvey, and E.A. Fulton. 2017. Potential effects of ocean acidification on the California Current food web and fisheries: ecosystem model projections. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13594. Ortiz, I., K. Aydin, A. J. Hermann, G. Gibson, A. E. Punt, F. Wiese, L. B. Eisner, N. Ferm, T. W. Buckley, E. A. Moffitt, J. N. Ianelli, J. Murphy, M. Dalton, W. Cheng, M. Wang, K. Hedstrom, E. N. Curchitser, N. A. Bond and C. Boyd. 2016. Climate to fish: Synthesizing field work, data and models in a 39-year retrospective analysis of seasonal processes on the eastern Bering Sea shelf and slope. Deep-Sea Research II, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.07.009. Siedlecki, S.A., I.C. Kaplan, A.J. Hermann, T.T. Nguyen, N.A. Bond, J. Newton, G.D. Williams, W.T. Peterson, S. Alin and R.A. Feely. Experiments with seasonal forecasts of ocean conditions for the northern region of the California Current upwelling system. Nature Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep27203. Hermann, A. J., C. Ladd, W. Cheng, E. N. Curchitser and K. Hedstrom. A model-based examination of multivariate physical modes in the eastern and western Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Research II, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.04.005i. Wilderbuer, T. J., T. Duffy-Anderson, P.J. Stabeno and A.J. Hermann. Differential patterns of divergence in ocean drifters: Implications for larval flatfish advection and recruitment. Journal of Sea Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2016.03.003. Kaplan, I.C., G.D. Williams, N.A. Bond, A.J. Hermann, S.A. Siedlecki. 2016. Cloudy with a chance of sardines: forecasting sardine distributions using regional climate models. Fisheries Oceanography, 25: 15.27. doi: 10.1111/fog.12131 Hermann, A. J., G. A. Gibson, N. A. Bond, E. N. Curchitser, K. Hedstrom, W. Cheng, M. Wang, E. D. Cokelet, P. J. Stabeno and K. Aydin. 2015. Projected future biophysical states of the Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research II. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.11.001 Parada, C., S. Hinckley, J. Horne, M. Mazur, A. Hermann and E. Curchitser. 2015. Modeling connectivity of walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska: Are there any linkages to Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands? Deep-Sea Research Part II, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.12.010 Cheng, W., E. Curchitser, C. Stock, A. Hermann, E. Cokelet, C. Mordy, P. Stabeno, G. Hervieux, and F. Castruccio. 2015. What processes contribute to the spring and fall bloom co-variability on the Eastern Bering Sea shelf? Deep-Sea Research II. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.07.009 Richar, J. I., G. H. Kruse, E. Curchitser and A. J. Hermann. 2014. Patterns in connectivity and retention of simulated Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi) larvae in the eastern Bering Sea. Prog. Oceanogr., doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.08.001. Rooper, C. N., M. Zimmerman, M. M. Prescott and A. J. Hermann. 2014. Predictive models of coral and sponge distribution, abundance and diversity in bottom trawl surveys of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 503:157-176, doi: 10.3354/meps10710. Hermann, A. J., G. A. Gibson, N. A. Bond, E. N. Curchitser, K. Hedstrom, W. Cheng, M. Wang, P. J. Stabeno, L. Eisner, K. D. Cieciel. 2013. A multivariate analysis of observed and modeled biophysical variability on the Bering Sea shelf: multidecadal hindcasts (1970-2009) and forecasts (2010-2040). Deep Sea Research II, in press, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.04.007. Coyle, K. O., G.A. Gibson, K. Hedstrom, A.J. Hermann, and R.R. Hopcroft. 2013. Zooplankton biomass, advection and production on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf from simulations and field observations. Journal of Marine Systems, in press, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.04.018. Coyle, K., W. Cheng, S.L. Hinckley, E.J. Lessard, T. Whitledge, A.J. Hermann and K. Hedstrom. 2012. Model and field observations of effects of circulation on the timing and magnitude of nitrate utilization and production on the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf. Progress in Oceanography, 103:16-41, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.03.002. Cheng, W., A. Hermann, K. Coyle, E. Dobbins, N. Kachel, and P. Stabeno. 2012. Macro- and micro-nutrient flux to a highly productive submarine bank in the Gulf of Alaska: a model-based analysis of daily and interannual variability. Progress in Oceanography, 101:63-77, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.01.001. Williams, W., T. Weingartner, and A. Hermann. 2010. Idealized 2-dimensional modeling of a coastal buoyancy front under downwelling-favourable wind-forcing with application to the Alaska Coastal Current. Journal of Physical Oceanography 40(2): 279-294. Brickman, D., B. Ådlandsvik, U. H. Thygesen, C. Parada, K. Rose, A. J. Hermann and K. Edwards. 2009. Particle Tracking. In: Manual of Recommended Practices for Modelling Physical – Biological Interactions during Fish Early Life, pp. 9 – 19. Ed. by E. W. North, A. Gallego, and P. Petitgas. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 295. 111 pp. Di Lorenzo, E., J. Fiechter, N. Schneider, P. J. S. Franks, S. J. Bograd, A. M. Moore, A. C. Thomas, W. Crawford. A. Peña and A. J. Hermann. 2009. Nutrient and Salinity Low-Frequency Variations in the central and eastern North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters 36 (L14601), doi:10.1029/2009GL038261. Hinckley, S., J.M. Napp, and A.J. Hermann. 2009. Simulation of physically-mediated variability in prey resources for a larval fish - a 3-dimensional NPZ model. Fisheries Oceanography, 18(4), 201–223. Hermann, A. J., E. N. Curchitser, D. B. Haidvogel and E. L. Dobbins. 2009. A comparison of remote versus local influence of El Nino on the coastal circulation of the Northeast Pacific. Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.02.005. Hermann, A.J., S. Hinckley, E. L. Dobbins, D. B. Haidvogel, N. A. Bond, C. Mordy, N. Kachel and P. J. Stabeno. 2009. Quantifying cross-shelf and vertical nutrient flux in the Gulf of Alaska with a spatially nested, coupled biophysical model. Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.02.008. Dobbins, E. L., A. J. Hermann, P. J. Stabeno, N. A. Bond and R. C. Steed. 2009. Modeled transport of freshwater from a line-source in the coastal Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.02.004 Hinckley, S., K. O. Coyle, G. Gibson, A. J. Hermann, and E. L. Dobbins. 2009. A biophysical NPZ model with iron for the Gulf of Alaska: Reproducing the differences between an oceanic HNLC ecosystem and a classical northern temperate shelf ecosystem. Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2009.03.003 Hermann, A.J. and C. W. Moore. 2009 Visualization in fisheries oceanography: new approaches for the rapid exploration of coastal ecosystems. In: B.A. Megrey and E. Moksness (eds.), Computers in Fisheries Research, 2nd ed., DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-8636-6_10, Springer Science and Business Media B.V. Haidvogel, D. B., H. Arango, W. P. Budgell, B. D. Cornuelle, E. Curchitser, E. Di Lorenzo, K. Fennel, W. R. Geyer, A. J. Hermann, L. Lanerolle, J. Levin, J. C. McWilliams, A. J. Miller, A. M. Moore,T. M. Powell, A. F. Shchepetkin, C. R. Sherwood, R. P. Signell, John C. Warner, J. Wilkin. 2008. Regional Ocean Forecasting in Terrain-following Coordinates: Model Formulation and Skill Assessment. J. Comput. Phys. 227: 3595-3624. Williams, W., T. Weingartner, and A. Hermann. 2007. Idealized Modeling of Seasonal Variation in the Alaska Coastal Current, J. Geophys. Res. 112, C07001, doi:10.1029/2005JC003285. Stockhausen, W.T., and A.J. Hermann. 2007. Modeling larval dispersion of rockfish: A tool for marine reserve design? In: J. Heifetz, J. DiCosimo, A.J. Gharrett, M.S. Love, T. O'Connell, and R. Stanley (eds.), Biology, assessment, and management of North Pacific rockfishes. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks. AK-SG-07-01. Curchitser, E. N., D. B. Haidvogel, A. J. Hermann, E. L. Dobbins and T. M. Powell. 2005. Multi-scale modeling of the North Pacific Ocean I: Assessment and analysis of simulated basin-scale variability (1996-2003). J. Geophys. Res., 110, C11021, doi:101029/2005JC002902. Powell, T. M., C.V. W. Lewis, E. Curchitser, D. Haidvogel, A. Hermann, and E. Dobbins. 2005. Results from a three-dimensional, nested biological-physical model of the California Current System: Comparisons with Statistics from Satellite Imagery. J. Geophys. Res., 111, C07018, doi:10.1029/2004JC002506. Stabeno, P. J., N. A. Bond, A. J. Hermann, C. W. Mordy and J. E. Overland. 2004. Meteorology and Oceanography of the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Prog. Oceanog. 24: 859-897. Hermann, A.J., D. B. Haidvogel, E. L. Dobbins, and P. J. Stabeno. 2002. Coupling Global and Regional Circulation Models in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska . Prog. Oceanog. 53: 335-367. Hermann, A.J., P. J. Stabeno, D. B. Haidvogel, D. L. Musgrave. 2002. A regional tidal/subtidal circulation model of the southeastern Bering Sea: Development, sensitivity analyses and hindcasting. Deep-Sea Res. II (Topical Studies in Oceanography) 49: 5495-5967. Hermann, A.J., S. Hinckley, B.A Megrey and J.M. Napp. 2001. Applied and theoretical considerations for constructing spatially explicit Individual-Based Models of marine fish early life history which include multiple trophic levels. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 58: 1030-1041. Hinckley, S., Hermann, A. J., Meir, K. L. and B. A. Megrey. 2001. The importance of spawning location and timing to successful transport to nursery areas: a simulation modeling study of Gulf of Alaska walleye pollock. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 58:1042-1052. Hermann, A. J. and P. J. Stabeno. 1996. An eddy resolving model of circulation on the western Gulf of Alaska shelf. I. Model development and sensitivity analyses. J. Geophys. Res. 101: 1129-1149. Stabeno. P. J. and A. J. Hermann. 1996. An eddy resolving model of circulation on the western Gulf of Alaska shelf. II. Comparison of results to oceanic observations. J. Geophys. Res. 101: 1151-1161. Hermann, A. J., S. Hinckley, B. A. Megrey and P. J. Stabeno. 1996. Interannual variability of the early life history of walleye pollock near Shelikof Strait, as inferred from a spatially explicit, individual-based model.Fish. Oceanogr. 5 (Suppl. 1): 39-57. Hinckley, S., A. J. Hermann and B. A. Megrey. 1996. Development of a spatially explicit, individual-based model of marine fish early life history. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 139: 47-68. Stabeno, P. J., A. J. Hermann, N. A. Bond and S. J. Bograd. 1995. Modeling the possible impact of climate change on the survival of larval walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Gulf of Alaska. Can. Spec. Pub. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 121: 719-727. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton and A. J. Hermann. 1995. Simulation models of an estuarine macrophyte ecosystem. In: B. Patten and S. Jorgensen, eds., Complex Ecology: The Part-Whole Relation in Ecosystems, Prentice-Hall. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton and A. J. Hermann. 1995. Ecosystem modeling and energy analysis of submerged aquatic vegetation in Chesapeake Bay. In: C. A. S. Hall, ed., Maximum Power: The Contribution of H. T. Odum to Ecology, Energy, and Engineering , University Press of Colorado. Hermann, A. J. and W. B. Owens. 1993. Energetics of gravitational adjustment for mesoscale chimneys. Journal of Physical Oceanography 23: 346-371. Hermann, A. J. and H. M. Hsu. 1993. A vertical coordinate mapping technique for semi-spectral primitive equation models of oceanic circulation. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 10: 381-396. Hermann, A. J., P. B. Rhines and E. R. Johnson. 1989. Nonlinear Rossby adjustment in a channel: beyond Kelvin waves. J. Fluid Mech. 205:469 - 502. Hermann, A. J., B. M. Hickey, M. L. Landry and D. F. Winter. 1989. Coastal Upwelling Dynamics. In: B. M. Hickey and M. R. Landry, eds., Coastal Oceanography of Washington and Oregon, Elsevier Publishers. Bayley, S. E., J. Zoltek, Jr., A. J. Hermann, T. J. Dolan and L. Tortorra. 1985. Experimental manipulation of nutrients and water in a freshwater marsh: Effects on biomass, decomposition, and nutrient accumulation. Limnol. Oceanogr. 30: 500 512. Dolan, T. J., A. J. Hermann, S. E. Bayley and J. Zoltek, Jr. 1984. Evapotranspiration of a Florida, U.S.A., freshwater wetland. J. Hydrol. 74: 355 371. Kemp, W. M., W. R. Boynton and A. J. Hermann. 1983. A simulation modeling framework for ecological research in complex systems: the case of submerged vegetation in upper Chesapeake Bay. In: K. W. Turgeon, ed., Marine Ecosystem Modeling, U. S. Dept. of Commerce NOAA publication # S/T 83 38. Dolan, T. J., S. E. Bayley, J. Zoltek, Jr. and A. J. Hermann. 1981. Phosphorous dynamics of a Florida freshwater marsh receiving treated wastewater. J. Appl. Ecol. 18: 205 219. Boynton, W. R., W. M. Kemp, A. J. Hermann and others. 1981. An analysis of energetic and economic values associated with the decline of submerged macrophytic communities in Chesapeake Bay. In: W. J. Mitsch and R. W. Bosserman, eds., Energy and Ecological Modeling. Int. Soc. Ecol. Modl. Publ., Copenhagen.
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