Expedition to the Bering Strait Nome, July 12, 2011 - Nome, July 23, 2011 Photos from Aleksey Ostrovskiy 32 Deck Life.jpg 32 Deck Life.jpg 05 Departure from Nome.jpg 05 Departure from Nome.jpg 62 Deck Life.jpg 62 Deck Life.jpg 123 Goodbye Reception.jpg 123 Goodbye Reception.jpg 131 Goodbye Reception.jpg 131 Goodbye Reception.jpg 52 Mooring Deployment.jpg 52 Mooring Deployment.jpg 127 Goodbye Reception.jpg 127 Goodbye Reception.jpg 57 Mooring Deployment.jpg 57 Mooring Deployment.jpg 76 Inside the Vessel.jpg 76 Inside the Vessel.jpg 43 Mooring Deployment.jpg 43 Mooring Deployment.jpg 17 Mooring Recovery.jpg 17 Mooring Recovery.jpg 112 Looking Around.jpg 112 Looking Around.jpg 20 Mooring Recovery.jpg 20 Mooring Recovery.jpg 134 Goodbye Reception.jpg 134 Goodbye Reception.jpg 89 CTD Experiments.jpg 89 CTD Experiments.jpg 74 Inside the Vessel.jpg 74 Inside the Vessel.jpg 140 Back to Nome.jpg 140 Back to Nome.jpg 92 CTD Experiments.jpg 92 CTD Experiments.jpg 116 Looking Around.jpg 116 Looking Around.jpg 128 Goodbye Reception.jpg 128 Goodbye Reception.jpg Pages« first‹ previous12345678next ›last »