2004 Articles & Data Plots
- Mecklenburg C.W., Stein D.L., Sheiko B.A., Chernova N.V., Mecklenburg T.A., and Holladay B.A. (2007) Russian-American Long-term Census of the Arctic: benthic fishes trawled in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait, August 2004, Northwestern Naturalist 88(3):168-187
- B. I. Sirenko and S. Yu. Gagaev (2007) Unusual abundance of macrobenthos and biological invasions in the Chukchi Sea, Russian Journal of Marine Biology, Volume 33, Number 6 / December, 2007, Pages 355-364
- Demersal and larval fish assemblages in the Chukchi Sea, Norcross et al.
- Distribution and egg production of Psesudocalanus species in the Chukchi Sea, Hopcroft and Kosobokova, 2009, Deep-Sea Research II
- DNA barcoding of Arctic Ocean holozooplankton for species identification and recognition, Bucklin et al., 2009 Deep-Sea Research II
- Evolution and dynamics of the flow through Herald Canyon in the western Chukchi Sea, Pickart et al., 2009 Deep-Sea Research II
- Benthic food-web structure under differing water mass properties in the southern Chukchi Sea, Iken, Bluhm and Dunton, 2009 Deep-Sea Research II
- High incorporation of carbon into proteins by the phytoplankton of the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea, Lee, Kim and Whitledge, 2009 Continental Shelf Research 29, 1689-1696
- Observations and Exploration of the Arctic's Canada Basin and the Chukchi Sea The Hidden Ocean and Rusalca Expeditions, Bluhm, Iken and Hopcroft, 2009
- The western Arctic boundary current at 152°W Structure, variability and transport, Nikolopoulos et al., 2009, Deep-Sea Research II (56) 1164-1181
- Zooplankton community patterns in the Chukchi Sea during summer 2004, Hopcroft, Kosobokova and Pinchuk, 2009 Deep-Sea Research II
- Seasonal and decadal shifts in particulate organic matter processing and sedimentation in the Bering Strait Shelf region, Cooper et al., 2009 Deep-Sea Research II