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Re: [ferret_users] How to merge daily and monthly data file in Ferret

Hi Dona,
So, you want to merge a set of daily data into one file, and a set of monthly data into another, is that correct?

For the set of files in units of days, I think  Akshay's idea should work  - define a time axis for each file, representing the days in that file, and then put the data onto that time axis.  The crucial thing there is to use the same common time origin (Ferret sets a time origin if you don't give one in the DEFINE AXIS command), and the same time-axis name for all of the input data files. Then the data from each file can be appended to the big dataset. 

However I think that instead of these commands,

let var1_with_T = t[g=gg]*0 + wnd10;\
let var2_with_T = t[g=gg]*0 + err;\

you would need to define the variables like this, to transfer the data from the incoming time axis to the time axis you're going to write the data on.

let var1_with_T =  wnd10[gt=t_day@ASN];\
let var2_with_T =  err[gt=t_day@ASN];\

I have something else to point out here. The files you show don't have the time-axis attributes that Ferret, and the CF standard uses to recognize calendar time axes.  The attributes must contain information in standard attributes that spell out the time origin. Here is the standard,

and the time-axis portion of the standard is here,

The time coordinates should have a time origin and units, which for your data should probably be,
netcdf ws_oaflux_1985 {
    time = UNLIMITED ; // (365 currently)
    lat = 180 ;
    lon = 360 ;


    int time(time) ;
        time:units = "days since 1-jan-1985" ;

If you wanted to do something along the lines that Hein suggests, defining a new time axis and using Ferret transformations to work with the time axes, these individual yearly files would need to be first fixed with a units attribute that specifies the time origin.


On 4/3/2013 7:42 AM, Akshay Hegde wrote:
Hi ! Dona Clara,

try following may help you, if you modify as per dataset, either monthly or daily

let ii=0
let yr=1984
let model={spawn:'ls *.nc '};
repeat/range=1:27 (let ii=`ii+1`; let yr=`yr+1`;let a=model[i=`ii`];use `a`;\
let npts = `wnd10,RETURN=lsize`;\
def axis/t="01-jan-`yr`":"31-dec-`yr`"/npoint=`npts`/units=days t_day;\
def grid/t=t_day gg;\      
let var1_with_T = t[g=gg]*0 + wnd10;\
let var2_with_T = t[g=gg]*0 + err;\
LET/units="`wnd10,RETURN=units`"/TITLE="Daily mean neutral wind speed at 10m" Wind_Speed = var1_with_T;\
LET/units="`err,RETURN=units`"/TITLE="Estimated error of analysed neutral wind speed at 10m" Error = var2_with_T;\
save/append/file=output_filename.nc/format=cdf Wind_Speed[l=1:`npts`],error[l=1:`npts`];\
canc data 1)

Akshay Hegde,
National Institute of Oceanography,
Goa, India.

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Don DNA <don_vbe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I don't want to do either averaging or daily to monthly or monthly to yearly

see first daily file has l length is 365(days), second may contains 366 days,

I want to simply merge like this 365+366....so on upto 2012, for daily data 365*27 files around 9855 l length should be,

have you seen ICOADS monthly data ?

like that I want to create grid for monthly data, if I plot by setting

set r/i=1:360/j=1:180/l=1
should result 1958 January 1st

set r/i=1:360/j=1:180/l=2
should result 1958 February 1st ...so on upto 2012

those who have done before please help.

-Dona Clara

----- Original Message -----
From: Hein Zelle <hein.zelle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Don DNA <don_vbe@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ferret users mailing list <ferret_users@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2013 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] How to merge daily and monthly data file in Ferret

Dear Dona Clara,

> Daily data I am having from 1985 to 2012 total 27 files, and monthly
> data I am having from 1958 to 2012 total 54 files, finally I want to
> create single file,

what do you want to do with the overlapping period?

> please explain how to define time axis for daily
> and monthly data and moving data into grid.

As I said, please read up on the "define axis" command in the manual.
You can find it here:


You'll need to decide if you want all data on a daily axis, or all
data on a monthly axis.  Once you decide that,

1)    define your new axis, covering 1958-2012
2)    define a new variable on the new axis, e.g.

      let new_montly_data = old_daily_data[gt=my_monthly_time_axis@ave]

3)    decide how to deal with duplicate data.  Do you want to average
      them, or choose daily over monthly?

4)    Assuming you want daily data where it is available, combine the
      two variables with something like

      let my_combined_data = if (new_monthly_data) then \
               new_monthly_data else old_monthly_data

Kind regards,
     Hein Zelle


Dr. Hein Zelle
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