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In some hydrothermal vent areas and under certain temperature and pressure conditions the vent fluid actually boils beneath or at the seafloor. When this happens, the vent fluid may separate into two distinct phases, a vapor phase and a brine phase. Dissolved gases are concentrated in the vapor phase, whereas the dissolved metals are concentrated in the brine phase. Such phase separation is on-going in the ASHES vent field at Axial. At ASHES, the vapor and brine phases come out in different areas of the vent field and they produce very different chimneys. Vapor phase chimneys, like Virgin mound, are composed almost entirely of anhydrite and are very fragile. On the other hand, brine-phase chimneys, like Inferno vent, are larger and stronger because they are composed of metallic sulfides. The flame-like flickering at Inferno vent is caused by light reflecting off bubbles forming and collapsing in the vent fluid - more evidence of phase separation. At the base of Castle vent there is also an active anhydrite chimney.

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Related video clips:
Virgin chimney at ASHES | Castle anhydrite chimney | Castle fluid sample
Inferno chimney at ASHES | Inferno flame

Related Virtual Sites:
ASHES | Castle

Other NeMO-related concepts:
Mid-ocean ridges | seafloor spreading | seamounts & hot spots | calderas | Axial volcano
Hydrothermal vents | fluid paths | focused vents | diffuse vents | sulfide | anhydrite
Animal Gallery | chemosynthesis | biological colonization of new lava

Lava morphology | sheets | pillows | lava contacts | skylights | pillars | the 1998 flow
NeMO at Axial | the 1998 eruption | the rumbleometer story | lava flow animation

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