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Re: [las_users] F-TDS doesn't work for define variable

Le mardi 13 novembre 2007 à 10:44 -0600, Roland Schweitzer a écrit :

Tony Jolibois wrote:
All right, it works, but in the configure process I specified a directory which is not the directory used. The LAS use the LAS_HOME/conf/server/data/ and not the directory I specified.

This is the default directory.   The configure process should use the directory you specify, unless you choose to reuse an existing FerretConfigBackend.xml then the new value won't get used.  If you can help me figure out what you did (Did you run configure more than once?  Did you say "Yes" to the question about reusing the FerretBackendConfig.xml file?  etc.) I will try to make the configure process better.
I run the configure more than once.
I said yes about reusing the FerretBackendConfig.xml, but in this file this is the directory I specified which is pointed, and not the default one. Do i have to modify it to be coherent ?

Thank you,

So I changed the thredds catalog to point to LAS_HOME/conf/server/data/ and it works.
Glad it works.  You can set these values in the configuration files after the fact and restart if you prefer to use a different directory.



Le mardi 13 novembre 2007 à 09:32 -0600, Roland Schweitzer a écrit :

Tony Jolibois wrote:
Now the apache configuration is modified.
http://las.aviso.oceanobs.com/thredds/ works fine, but i still can not define a variable...
Ok thanks.  I can connect.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/thredds/InvCatalog/v1.0" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" name="THREDDS Server Default Catalog : You must change this to fit your server!" version="1.0.1">
  <service name="opendap" serviceType="OPENDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/" />
  <service name="wcs" serviceType="WCS" base="/thredds/wcs/" />
  <dataset name="Test Single Dataset" ID="testDataset" urlPath="test/testData.nc">
  <catalogRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="Test Enhanced Catalog" name="" />
  <catalogRef name="" xlink:href="" xlink:title="Data From LAS">
    <property name="DatasetScan" value="true" />

Why did you set this up with a catalogRef for your LAS data?  I haven't tried that and am not familiar with any advantages to doing it that way.

Let's eliminate that variable and try putting the data scan element in the top level catalog.  If we get that working we can experiment with a more complicated setup.

And you need to add the "gridded" service to the list of services.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog xmlns="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/namespaces/thredds/InvCatalog/v1.0" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" name="THREDDS Server Default Catalog : You must change this to fit your server!" version="1.0.1">
      <service name="gridded" serviceType="Compound" base="" >
          <service name="opendap" serviceType="OpenDAP" base="/thredds/dodsC/"/>
          <service name="wcs" serviceType="WCS" base="/thredds/wcs/"/>
  <dataset name="Test Single Dataset" ID="testDataset" urlPath="test/testData.nc">
  <dataset name="** Misconfigured DatasetScan &lt;testAll&gt; **">
    <!--Invalid InvDatasetScan <path=testAll; scanLocation=content/testdata>: CrawlableDataset for scanLocation does not exist.-->
  <catalogRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="Test Enhanced Catalog" name="" />
   <datasetScan name="Data From LAS" path="las" location="/your/data/directory/could/be/LAS_HOME/conf/server/data" serviceName="gridded">
         <include wildcard="*.nc"/>
         <include wildcard="*.fds"/>
         <include wildcard="*.jnl"/>



Le mardi 13 novembre 2007 à 10:55 +0100, Tony Jolibois a écrit :

You're right, I have to modify my apache configuration for the thredds, but I don't think the error comes from that reason. Even if I connect to the server through tomcat port it doesn't work...
The page http://las.aviso.oceanobs.com:8280/thredds/catalog.html works, but if I click on "Data from LAS" I have an http error 404.


Le lundi 12 novembre 2007 à 11:23 -0600, Roland Schweitzer a écrit :

Tony Jolibois wrote:
    Hi all,

Install of LAS Armstrong seems to be good, I have a last problem : F-TDS.
I followed instructions on the page :
But it doesn't work ; when I define a variable, I can not plot it on http://las.aviso.oceanobs.com
The first thing I would expect to see after you completed the installation and integration of TDS with you LAS server is a catalog of the LAS datasets at the URL: http://las.aviso.oceanobs.com/thredds/dodsC/las.  However, I don't find any TDS server running at that address.  You probably need to add a proxy to your Apache httpd.conf file to expose the TDS just as you do with the LAS server.


I checked the configuration file and don't find anything wrong.

Any help ?
Thanks in advance,

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Tony Jolibois <tjolibois@xxxxxx>
Tony Jolibois <tjolibois@xxxxxx>


CLS Space oceanography Division
Product Information and Diffusion
8-10 rue Hermes,
31526 Ramonville-St-Agne, Cedex, France

Email: tjolibois@xxxxxx
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Tony Jolibois <tjolibois@xxxxxx>

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