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RE: [ferret_users] Doubt on usage of SCAT2GRID_BIN_XYT function

Dear All,


Just a quick report back:

To turn the plot around Ansley’s and Martin Schmidt’s suggestions worked.


Following Ansley:

shade/vlim=90:-90 st[i=1:43200:60,j=1:21600:30]

turns the plot around nicely.


Martin had suggested to write to a netcdf file first and then use the order qualifier when reading the data in netcdf back in.

Like so:

save/file=hwsd.nc st

use/order=x-y hwsd.nc


The latter has the advantage that when I now select points based on lat and lon with samplexy, these are correct sections.


Also, Ansley was right saying that I had a precision issue (even though I thought that I had put in enough 3s)


Using the following axis definitions gives me the expected number of points (see below).


Maybe that’s of use to somebody,





define axis/x=-180:180:`1/120`/edges/modulo/unit=degrees x1km

define axis/y=-90:90:`1/120`/edges/unit=degrees y1km

define grid/x=x1km/y=y1km gr1km

set data/ez/format=stream/var=st/type=i2/grid=gr1km hwsd.bil

show data

     currently SET data sets:

    1> ./hwsd.bil  (default)

name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N

ST       ST                               1:43200   1:21600   ...  



From: Ansley Manke [mailto:ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: 19 November 2013 18:56
To: Kaduk, Joerg (Dr.); ferret_users@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] Doubt on usage of SCAT2GRID_BIN_XYT function


Hi Joerg,
Try this to flip the plot over in Y:


The axis definition will always have increasing coordinates, but in the graphics step, we can ask the plot to be drawn the other way up.

Yes, I think the question about the axis definition is due to rounding. Axis coordinate definitions are made in double precision, so 0.00833333 is smaller than 1/120 when stored in double precision. To define the axis without issues of precision, you could use /NPOINTS:

define axis/x=-180:180/npoints=43200/edges/unit=degrees x1km

Or, give the full double-precision value for 1/120

define axis/x=-180:180:0.008333333333333333/edges/unit=degrees x1km

Either of these gives you the correct modulo axis, with the grid cell edges at -180 and 180 and the grid cell centers half of a 1/120 degree grid cell size from each end. Writing delta-x without its full precision may result in the wrong number of cells, and if the total length becomes longer than 360 then it isn't a modulo axis.


On 11/19/2013 2:52 AM, Kaduk, Joerg (Dr.) wrote:



I am reading some binary stream data and I get them displayed upside down (see below).

I tried various things to turn the data around, but haven’t found the trick.

Any pointer most appreciated.


Another thing I found strange was that if I used the axes with /edges I got one point too many:

define axis/x=-180:180:0.00833333/edges/unit=degrees x1km

gave me 43201 points. A rounding issue?


This is:

                FERRET v6.84 

                Linux 2.6.32-358.11.1.el6.x86_64 64-bit - 09/05/13


Thank you very much!





canc data 1

define axis/x=-179.99583333:179.99583333:0.00833333/unit=degrees x1km

define axis/y=89.99583333S:89.99583333N:0.00833333/unit=degrees y1km

define grid/x=x1km/y=y1km gr1km

set data/ez/format=stream/var=st/type=i2/grid=gr1km hwsd.bil

show data

set mem/size=4000


shade st[i=1:43200:60,j=1:21600:30]



I can reverse the y axis like so:

define axis/y=89.99583333N:89.99583333S:0.00833333/unit=degrees y1km


but that does not make a difference


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