Hi, There are several scripts that have been contributed by users as alternatives to the automatic line legends that Ferret makes. These include legend.jnl, legline.jnl, legline_nu.jnl (nu indicating not-user-units), and test_legend.jnl, a demo script showing calls to legend.jnl. To see the documentation at the start of the scripts, yes? go/help legend yes? go/help legline yes? go test_legend.jnl These let you organize the legend yourself. About your time axis plots, I'm not sure what you are asking. What does the FILL plot look like? The only restriction I can think of for FILL plots and time axes is that if overlaying a second plot on a plot with a time axis, the time coordinates must match, as discussed here, http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/faq/overlaying-on-a-time-axis-plot On 7/2/2013 7:17 AM, Theomar Trindade