Hi Everybody,
I need to prepare a file with time series of wind data at stations for use with the SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_XY, it worked for me with other data very nicely.
The problem is that the files containing time series (daily data) are not of the same length because of missing data. I followed the strategy described in "Working with special datasets-collection of profiles or time series". I created a time axis with all time steps and tried to fill the "merged" file as in the script below. Unfortunately always I obtain an empty file with correct structure.
I would be very grateful for any advices, I do not know how to manage with this??
Thanks in advance for any ideas, Malgorzata
1> /home/staff/mali/DATA/wiatr/wind_all_sta.cdf (default) name title I J K L M N WINDSTA wiatr 1:3 ... ... 1:2101 ... ... LAT Latitude 1:3 ... ... ... ... ... LON Longitude 1:3 ... ... ... ... ...
yes? list windsta[l=1:5] VARIABLE : wiatr (m/s) FILENAME : wind_all_sta.cdf FILEPATH : /home/staff/mali/DATA/wiatr/ SUBSET : 3 by 5 points (X (sequence)-TIME) 0 1 2 1 2 3 01-APR-2005 00 / 1:............ 02-APR-2005 00 / 2:............ 03-APR-2005 00 / 3:............ 04-APR-2005 00 / 4:............ 05-APR-2005 00 / 5:............
and the script: ------------------------------- \CANCEL MODE VERIFY
let path =... let pin=... let pin1=... let pout=...
let staparam=pin+"/"+"stacje" file/skip=1/var="wmoid,stname,lats,lons,elevs"/form=delimited/delimiter=";,;,;,;" "`staparam`"
let nsta=60 let nsta=3
let fout=pout+"wind_all_sta.cdf"
DEFINE AXIS/T="1-APR-2005":"31-DEC-2010":1/units=days taxx DEFINE AXIS/X=0:`nsta-1`:1/UNIT="sequence" xallsta define grid/x=xallsta/t=taxx gallsta
let windsta=1/0 * x[g=gallsta] * t[g=gallsta] SET VARIABLE/TITLE="wiatr"/units="m/s" windsta SAVE/CLOBBER/FILE="`fout`" windsta LET LAT = 1/0*X[gx=gallsta] SET VARIABLE/TITLE="Latitude"/UNITS="degrees" lat SAVE/CLOBBER/APPEND/FILE="`fout`"/ILIMITS=1:`nsta` lat LET LON = 1/0*X[gx=gallsta] SET VARIABLE/TITLE="Longitude"/UNITS="degrees" lon SAVE/CLOBBER/APPEND/FILE="`fout`"/ILIMITS=1:`nsta` lon
let delimin=" ,;,;"
repeat/range=1:`nsta`/name=n \ (let xsta=lons[i=`n`];\ let ysta=lats[i=`n`];\ let nrsta=wmoid[i=`n`];\ let fin=pin1+"/"+"dy_wind_"+"`nrsta`"+".cdf";\ use "`fin`";\ DEFINE AXIS/X=`n`:`n`:1/UNIT="sequence" x1sta;\ DEFINE GRID/X=x1sta/t=tax g1sta;\ list/clobber/file=aaa.dat/form=(f10.4)/noheader wind;\ FILE/VAR="invar"/GRID=g1sta aaa.dat;\ LET windsta = invar[g=gallsta,GT=@XACT];\ SAVE/CLOBBER/APPEND/FILE="`fout`" windsta[I=`n`];\ canc data 2;\ CANC DATA 3)
let lat = lats let lon = lons
SET MODE/LAST VERIFY ---------------------------------
-- Dr. Malgorzata Liszewska
Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling University of Warsaw Pawinskiego 5a, 02-106 Warszawa, Poland