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[ferret_users] several things


I would like to "smooth" the attached image (the qcloud output), in
order not to see the "lines" separating points of the grid in vertical
levels and horizontal resolution. I don't know if it's possible with

I would also like to put a name of a place ("Investigation centre") in a
concrete point of the surface in the graphic and change the colour of
the surface (the white part). I would also like to specify the colour of
the colorbar, for example, I want the surface (now white) in brown and
the 0-0.5 part (pink part) in clear blue or white...

I don't know how to handle the axis in coordenates instead of grid
points in Ferret. I think I have to use a post-processing tool of WRF to
do it, but I don't know which one I should use.

This is the code I use.

use 15julio.nc
set region /i=0:120/j=60
let height=(PH+PHB)/9.81
REPEAT/l=1:40 (shade /vlim=670:1400/lev="(0,1,0.05)" qcloud*1000, xlong,
height; plot /nolab /over /line /vs xlong,hgt/1000;

There are a lot of question, but you always solve my doubts. Thank you
very much in advance

Carlos Román Cascón

Attachment: dibujo15.gif
Description: GIF image

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