2011 Ferret Users' mail archive
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Last updated: Tue Feb 14 16:41:32 2012
905 messages
- [ferret_users] ferret for altix ia64,
C Kalyani Devasena, 12/30/11
- [ferret_users] how to create climatology from monthly data,
Mahesh Shinde, 12/23/11
- [ferret_users] MacBook Pro proble in writing netcdf file,
Namba Takaya, 12/19/11
- [ferret_users] plotting good points with SD,
madhu vr, 12/05/11
- [ferret_users] EOF in ferret,
nitin patil, 12/05/11
- [ferret_users] Was Patrick Brockmann's polynomial fit ever included?,
Hella Riede, 12/03/11
- [ferret_users] extracting data from a region,
madhu vr, 12/01/11
- [ferret_users] Re: Your Ferret mail list questions,
Ansley Manke, 11/30/11
- [ferret_users] write missing value into output netcdf,
Haoping Yang, 11/29/11
- [ferret_users] strange error in climatological zonal average,
jagadish karmacharya, 11/22/11
- [ferret_users] plot/vs and axes,
Ryo Furue, 11/21/11
[ferret_users] arrow_head,
[ferret_users] axis and average 'problems',
Izidine Pinto, 11/19/11
[ferret_users] how to skip the invalid data by drawing vector? ferret v6.72 & unix,
金懐東(Jimmy Kin), 11/18/11
[ferret_users] Partial blank area in viewport at lower right corner,
jagadish karmacharya, 11/17/11
[ferret_users] strange behavior with inverse fft,
golla nageswararao, 11/13/11
[ferret_users] eof variance,
golla nageswararao, 11/10/11
[ferret_users] append variables on time when time reference (since date) are different,
Brockmann Patrick, 11/10/11
[ferret_users] geostropic currents,
Mahesh Shinde, 11/08/11
[ferret_users] Taylor Diagram with two Quadrants,
Andrew . Lenton, 11/06/11
R: Re: [ferret_users] Spatial average on irregular domain,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 11/05/11
[ferret_users] how to handle "remove ferret.jnl* ? [Y] :" in unix? ferret v6.72,
金懐東(Jimmy Kin), 11/04/11
[ferret_users] Spatial average on irregular domain,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 11/03/11
[ferret_users] how to add date into figs and set the region using the latitude and longitude to the y axis and x axis respectively? unix ferret v6.72,
金懐東(Jimmy Kin), 10/31/11
[ferret_users] permille,
Wendy Wang, 10/30/11
[ferret_users] accessing ftp data from ferret,
golla nageswararao, 10/30/11
[ferret_users] how to make a color-bar including two palettes(greyscale and default)? Unix , ferret v6.72,
金懐東(Jimmy Kin), 10/29/11
[ferret_users] Fwd: Ferret usage,
Chacko KV, 10/29/11
[ferret_users] how to make a color-bar with a part of my data values? by unix and v6.72,
金懐東(Jimmy Kin), 10/28/11
[ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Hsu,Wen Chin, 10/27/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Ryo Furue, 10/27/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Ansley Manke, 10/31/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Hsu,Wen Chin, 10/31/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Ansley Manke, 10/31/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Ansley Manke, 10/31/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Ryo Furue, 10/31/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Ansley Manke, 11/01/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to pass the value from a ferret script to a c shell file ?,
Sudheer Joseph, 10/27/11
[ferret_users] colors taylor diagram,
wang, 10/27/11
[ferret_users] problem saving image with 6 viewports,
jagadish karmacharya, 10/26/11
[ferret_users] Check file exist before saving it,
Yu, Hao-Cheng, 10/25/11
[ferret_users] big file reading issue,
golla nageswararao, 10/24/11
[ferret_users] ASCII read issues,
Sam Rabin, 10/21/11
[ferret_users] setting ivetor skip,
Sudheer Joseph, 10/21/11
[ferret_users] appending to file: history crash & time bounds,
Hella Riede, 10/20/11
[ferret_users] Job opening with LAS/Ferret team at NOAA/PMEL/UW,
Kevin O'Brien, 10/19/11
[ferret_users] netcdf reading,
Namba Takaya, 10/18/11
[ferret_users] how to inverse x axis in ferret v6.72 by unix,
金懐東(Jimmy Kin), 10/17/11
[ferret_users] error in y coordinate of an ascii file,
Otacilio Leandro, 10/16/11
[ferret_users] strange behavior of vector and viewports,
Otacilio Leandro, 10/14/11
[ferret_users] I have the problem in reading ascii file of 1 variable 2 dimensions,
Namba Takaya, 10/13/11
[ferret_users] saving seasonal values on to a continuos time axis,
nuncio, 10/13/11
[ferret_users] ASCII to netCDF issue,
[ferret_users] remove tick mark partly in figure,
xiangbaoq, 10/10/11
[ferret_users] heat transport,
Lívia Sancho, 10/09/11
[ferret_users] text in bar scale,
Maria Custódio, 10/03/11
[ferret_users] -script, with arguments,
Aleksander Borowski IOPAN, 09/29/11
[ferret_users] JJAS climatology,
nitin patil, 09/29/11
[ferret_users] save regridding process to netcdf/ascii file,
dessy berlianty, 09/29/11
[ferret_users] Eddy tracking algorithm,
vidya pj, 09/28/11
[ferret_users] Sample variance and computing running variance,
jagadish karmacharya, 09/27/11
[ferret_users] Changing grid units,
Ge . Peng, 09/26/11
[ferret_users] deleting a column from ascii data,
jagadish karmacharya, 09/22/11
[ferret_users] opendap access,
nuncio, 09/22/11
[ferret_users] lanczos function - retaining annual cycle signal in monthly time series,
Torben Mueller, 09/21/11
[ferret_users] Inseting string in output text file,
jagadish karmacharya, 09/21/11
[ferret_users] differences with -gif option,
cedric Ody, 09/21/11
[ferret_users] contour labels,
wang, 09/19/11
- Re: [ferret_users] contour labels,
Sudheer Joseph, 09/19/11
- Re: [ferret_users] contour labels,
wang, 09/20/11
- Re: [ferret_users] contour labels,
Hein Zelle, 09/20/11
- [ferret_users] ASCII to netCDF via ferret.,
- Re: [ferret_users] ASCII to netCDF via ferret.,
Russell Fiedler, 09/20/11
- Re: [ferret_users] ASCII to netCDF via ferret.,
- Re: [ferret_users] ASCII to netCDF via ferret.,
Steve Hankin, 09/21/11
- Re: [ferret_users] contour labels,
William S. Kessler, 09/19/11
I: [ferret_users] Question about curv_to_rect_map,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 09/19/11
[ferret_users] Question about curv_to_rect_map,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 09/16/11
[ferret_users] Plotting ascii data and/or converting ascii to netcdf,
david hitzl, 09/14/11
Re: [ferret_users] help in converting sigma levels to z depths....,
Ansley Manke, 09/14/11
[ferret_users] Announcing the release of Ferret v6.7.2,
Ansley Manke, 09/13/11
[ferret_users] Save grid area [nlon,nlat] to file?,
Paul Young, 09/13/11
[ferret_users] how calculate real Median 3D,
francoise orain, 09/13/11
[ferret_users] RESHAPE and SAVE error - variable unknown,
Samrat Rao, 09/10/11
[ferret_users] plot nino index in ferret,
wang, 09/08/11
[ferret_users] ferret eof - varimax rotation and data reconstruction,
Torben Mueller, 09/07/11
[ferret_users] VP_RT_MARGIN symbols label/nouser (corrected),
Brockmann Patrick, 09/07/11
[ferret_users] VP_RT_MARGIN symbols label/nouser,
Brockmann Patrick, 09/07/11
[ferret_users] TMAP ERR: non-existent or not on line,
Zena Rebello, 09/06/11
[ferret_users] Repeat/range/name=format ?,
alek.borowski IOPAN, 09/05/11
[ferret_users] Multi model ensemble mean and standard deviation,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 09/05/11
[ferret_users] multiple property-property plots in a single figure,
Keith Lindsay, 09/01/11
[ferret_users] how to count the number of irregularly-spaced observations in each gridbox,
William S. Kessler, 08/31/11
[ferret_users] NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 08/31/11
[ferret_users] axis font,
Carlos Román Cascón, 08/31/11
[ferret_users] How compute mean yearly temperature from monthly dataset?,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 08/26/11
[ferret_users] Scales,
Broadbent, Richard J., 08/25/11
[ferret_users] How to remove labels in plots without opening a x-window,
Hsu,Wen Chin, 08/25/11
[ferret_users] How to index a new variable?,
PaulaOCN Nunes, 08/23/11
[ferret_users] format ASCII output,
Wang Jiqin, 08/15/11
[ferret_users] how to plot coastline, land and lat and lon coordinates etc...,
Mahesh Shinde, 08/12/11
[ferret_users] Announcing the release of Ferret v6.7.1,
Ansley Manke, 08/10/11
[ferret_users] Compute mean yearly temperature from monthly dataset,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 08/10/11
[ferret_users] Request for calculating confidence interval on FFTA plot,
rajesh sikhakolli, 08/08/11
[ferret_users] how to insert scale,
dessy berlianty, 08/08/11
[ferret_users] error in calculating correlation coefficient,
jagadish karmacharya, 08/05/11
[ferret_users] how to convert the axis from sigma coordinates to depth axis,
johnson zacharia, 08/03/11
[ferret_users] error ploting bar chart,
jagadish karmacharya, 08/01/11
[ferret_users] Default nlevels,
Jian Ma, 07/30/11
R: Re: [ferret_users] Different results between ferret and other softwares,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 07/28/11
[ferret_users] Nearest coordinate regridding NRST,
Brockmann Patrick, 07/28/11
[ferret_users] Different results between ferret and other softwares,
markus.mingel@xxxxxxxxx, 07/28/11
[ferret_users] uneven grid from ASCII file,
Leticia Cotrim da Cunha, 07/28/11
[ferret_users] [ferret] Calculating monthly mean from NOLEAP daily mean,
Jian Ma, 07/27/11
[ferret_users] how to appear decimal label,
dessy berlianty, 07/25/11
[ferret_users] Polar Stereographic data to Lon/Lat?,
Steve Cousins, 07/25/11
Message not available
[ferret_users] dynamic height calculation near coast,
golla nageswararao, 07/25/11
[ferret_users] how to integer output,
golla nageswararao, 07/25/11
[ferret_users] Re: [ferret_users] wind stick plot,
Thuckan, 07/23/11
[ferret_users] wind stick plot,
Thuckan, 07/22/11
[ferret_users] several things,
Carlos Román Cascón, 07/22/11
[ferret_users] COARE Algorithm,
Hasibur Rahman, 07/21/11
[ferret_users] statistically significant correlation,
Steeven Paul Yerraguntla, 07/20/11
[ferret_users] graphics secuence,
Carlos Román Cascón, 07/20/11
[ferret_users] cant label t axis,
nuncio, 07/14/11
[ferret_users] vector type and insert small sinusoidal graph to main graph,
dessy berlianty, 07/13/11
- Re: [ferret_users] vector type and insert small sinusoidal graph to main graph,
Ansley Manke, 07/13/11
- Re: [ferret_users] vector type and insert small sinusoidal graph to main graph,
dessy berlianty, 07/13/11
- Re: [ferret_users] vector type and insert small sinusoidal graph to main graph,
Ansley Manke, 07/14/11
- [ferret_users] Upgrade Ferret and Histogram/Bar-Chart,
dessy berlianty, 07/14/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Upgrade Ferret and Histogram/Bar-Chart,
Ansley Manke, 07/15/11
- [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
Sergei Maurits, 07/18/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
William S. Kessler, 07/18/11
- RE: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
Xuebin . Zhang, 07/18/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
Sergei Maurits, 07/19/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
Yu, Hao-Cheng, 07/18/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
Russell Fiedler, 07/18/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...,
Sergei Maurits, 07/19/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Upgrade Ferret and Histogram/Bar-Chart,
dessy berlianty, 07/19/11
[ferret_users] plot with an image as background,
Wang Jiqin, 07/12/11
Srinivas Chamarthi, 07/09/11
[ferret_users] this is regard to updating ferret!,
Srinivas Chamarthi, 07/08/11
[ferret_users] monthly averages,
Izidine Pinto, 07/08/11
[ferret_users] a paletter with only red (pink) and blue and white centered,
Chaojiao . Sun, 07/07/11
[ferret_users] inserting names of countries in drawings,
Srinivas Chamarthi, 07/07/11
[ferret_users] plotting of zonal and meridional transport,
Mahesh Shinde, 07/05/11
[ferret_users] sigma to zaxis conversion,
Mahesh Shinde, 07/05/11
[ferret_users] Emergency,
Farshid Daryabor, 07/03/11
[ferret_users] Need help in ferret installation,
Steeven Paul Yerraguntla, 07/01/11
[ferret_users] time axis,
Srinivas Chamarthi, 07/01/11
[ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Szymon Roziewski, 07/01/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Ansley Manke, 07/05/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Szymon Roziewski, 07/13/11
- RE: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Zheng Zhang, 07/13/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Ansley Manke, 07/13/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Szymon Roziewski, 07/15/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Szymon Roziewski, 07/15/11
- Re: [ferret_users] How to turn on labeling on contour lines command?,
Ansley Manke, 07/26/11
[ferret_users] tracer on irregular grid along cruise track,
Marco van Hulten, 07/01/11
[ferret_users] how to calculate transport through straits....,
Mahesh Shinde, 06/29/11
[ferret_users] Wheeler-Kiladis Space-Time Spectra,
Sandro Wellyanto Lubis, 06/27/11
[ferret_users] monthly means,
Srinivas Chamarthi, 06/27/11
[ferret_users] Variable on a varying pressure level,
Samrat Rao, 06/25/11
[ferret_users] averaging,
Saji Kuttan, 06/22/11
[ferret_users] interpolate along time axis,
michael hughes, 06/21/11
[ferret_users] doubt how to customize tics,
golla nageswararao, 06/20/11
[ferret_users] Converting missing values to "NaN",
Sam Rabin, 06/20/11
[ferret_users] T-S plot on density contours,
Mahesh Shinde, 06/17/11
[ferret_users] A note about Ferret's IF statement,
Ansley Manke, 06/15/11
[ferret_users] Color filling contours in Plate Caree projection - problem,
Sergei Maurits, 06/15/11
[ferret_users] apparent bug in frequency_histogram.jnl,
Keith Lindsay, 06/15/11
[ferret_users] time axis and precision,
Bruno Levier, 06/15/11
[ferret_users] list and save commands,
Brockmann Patrick, 06/14/11
[ferret_users] Ambiguous time axis,
Brockmann Patrick, 06/14/11
[ferret_users] vector/nolabels/key,
CAPT Jessie Carman, 06/09/11
[ferret_users] "go vertical_section" with more points,
alek.borowski, 06/09/11
[ferret_users] combining netcdf files,
Saji Kuttan, 06/08/11
[ferret_users] using polygons to fill a land contour,
Hein Zelle, 06/08/11
[ferret_users] computation and plotting of MLD from ROMS output,
Mahesh Shinde, 06/07/11
[ferret_users] power spectrum,
wang, 06/06/11
[ferret_users] saving graph, plot station position and station label,
dessy berlianty, 06/06/11
[ferret_users] multiple plots with stereographic projections,
nuncio, 06/06/11
[ferret_users] Date functions,
Szymon Roziewski, 06/03/11
[ferret_users] average from many files,
Srinivas Chamarthi, 06/02/11
[ferret_users] Fwd: ps file to gif or png or jpg,
wang, 06/01/11
[ferret_users] show topography plus some variable.,
Carlos Román Cascón, 06/01/11
[ferret_users] ps file to gif or png or jpg,
wang, 06/01/11
[ferret_users] append by column when writing from netCDF to ArscII possible?,
Chao YUE, 06/01/11
[ferret_users] problem in outputing netcdf file in mac os X,
namba takaya, 05/30/11
[ferret_users] Read HDF files,
Brockmann Patrick, 05/27/11
[ferret_users] time-series and mark,
dessy berlianty, 05/27/11
[ferret_users] How to max up the window size?,
Sergei Maurits, 05/26/11
[ferret_users] Problem with Ferret e-mail Archive Search,
Hella Riede, 05/25/11
[ferret_users] new beginner to plot bathymetry file in ASCII,
dessy berlianty, 05/24/11
[ferret_users] Removing axis and plotting vectors outside of plot region,
McCann, Mike, 05/24/11
[ferret_users] detiding the currents,
Udaya Bhaskar, 05/23/11
[ferret_users] Re: EDITING .netcdf files by scripts (without dumping and editing manually),
Ansley Manke, 05/20/11
[ferret_users] string variable as file name,
Chao YUE, 05/20/11
[ferret_users] current path length,
Leela Frankcombe, 05/19/11
[ferret_users] can i average met data excluding land.,
MOHAMMED ALI, 05/19/11
[ferret_users] Fwd: average met data excluing land data,
MOHAMMED ALI, 05/19/11
[ferret_users] version of ferret for windows,
S nandini, 05/18/11
[ferret_users] dynamic regridding problem,
Brockmann Patrick, 05/18/11
[ferret_users] Bar plot possible in ferret?,
Yue Chao, 05/17/11
[ferret_users] Libraries in the latest Ferret,
Karl . Smith, 05/14/11
[ferret_users] * unknown netCDF error code: -1,
Xiufeng Yang, 05/12/11
[ferret_users] Ferret problem with nested repeat loops,
Xiufeng Yang, 05/11/11
[ferret_users] Announcing the official release of Ferret v6.7,
Ansley Manke, 05/11/11
[ferret_users] 1D data to 2D grid,
David Ogier, 05/11/11
[ferret_users] ferret memory allocation problem,
Xiufeng Yang, 05/11/11
[ferret_users] fine-resolution bathymetry for small regions,
William S. Kessler, 05/09/11
[ferret_users] problems reading a GMT-style grid,
William S. Kessler, 05/09/11
[ferret_users] File output using LIST,
Matthew Niznik, 05/05/11
[ferret_users] Limitation in length in descriptor file name,
Brockmann Patrick, 05/05/11
[ferret_users] plotting synop observations and wind barbs,
Hein Zelle, 05/05/11
[ferret_users] pt_in_poly,
Brockmann Patrick, 05/03/11
[ferret_users] legend for scatter plot,
Yue Chao, 05/02/11
[ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Yue Chao, 05/02/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Ansley Manke, 05/02/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Yue Chao, 05/03/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Hein Zelle, 05/03/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Brockmann Patrick, 05/03/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Yue Chao, 05/04/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Ansley Manke, 05/04/11
- Re: [ferret_users] data from netcdf file automatically reversed,
Yue Chao, 05/04/11
[ferret_users] grid making,
Srinivas Chamarthi, 05/01/11
[ferret_users] vector plotting,
Ravindra Jadhav, 04/27/11
[ferret_users] Re: Making contours/ embarrasing style and thickness,
Szymon Roziewski, 04/27/11
[ferret_users] hi,
simi, 04/27/11
[ferret_users] fill ffta with respect to period,
Abhisek Chatterjee, 04/26/11
[ferret_users] Ensemble realization analysis,
Brockmann Patrick, 04/26/11
[ferret_users] define/axis/like,
Brockmann Patrick, 04/26/11
[ferret_users] FERRET erroneously reports '0' for values of field,
Gary Strand, 04/22/11
[ferret_users] How to grab z axis info?,
Szymon Roziewski, 04/20/11
[ferret_users] Defined colours, appear grey in ".ps files",
Joshua DMello, 04/20/11
[ferret_users] Is tan inverse possible?,
Ravindra Jadhav, 04/20/11
Re: [ferret_users] How to fix error in reading hdf data?,
Yogesh Tiwari, 04/19/11
[ferret_users] progressive vector diagram,
golla nageswararao, 04/19/11
[ferret_users] Changing variable's grid,
Szymon Roziewski, 04/19/11
[ferret_users] vector representation,
Marco van Hulten, 04/18/11
[ferret_users] tics,
golla nageswararao, 04/18/11
[ferret_users] small numbers cause ferret error,
Hella Riede, 04/17/11
[ferret_users] Spatial Fourier Analysis,
David Ogier, 04/16/11
[ferret_users] defining a var consisting of two vars on different time axes,
Peter Szabo, 04/15/11
[ferret_users] daily climatology - problem of February 29,
Peter Szabo, 04/13/11
[ferret_users] Global Relief -- GRD Files,
Szymon Roziewski, 04/12/11
[ferret_users] time axis tics,
golla nageswararao, 04/11/11
[ferret_users] Plot multiple lines using plot/vs,
Samrat Rao, 04/11/11
[ferret_users] Sandro Lubis,
Sandro Wellyanto Lubis, 04/10/11
[ferret_users] potential government shutdown,
Ansley Manke, 04/08/11
[ferret_users] Transformation: curvilinear to rectangular issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 04/08/11
[ferret_users] IF-THEN commands and merging variables,
Oliver Andrews, 04/06/11
[ferret_users] symbols LABZ, LABT as LABX, LABY,
Brockmann Patrick, 04/05/11
[ferret_users] change units of an axis,
Brockmann Patrick, 04/05/11
[ferret_users] Extracting frequency from FFTA,
David Ogier, 04/04/11
[ferret_users] Mac screen spew on opening/changing viewports,
William S. Kessler, 04/01/11
[ferret_users] Installation Problem,
Ravindra Jadhav, 03/31/11
[ferret_users] fortran and ferret,
Izidine Pinto, 03/29/11
[ferret_users] Light A Candle With SocialKonnekt And Pray For Japan,
D Nagarjuna Rao, 03/28/11
[ferret_users] [las_users] some z-levels of special variables cannot be displayed by LAS,
Martin Schmidt, 03/24/11
[ferret_users] looping through the files,
Steeven Paul Yerraguntla, 03/22/11
[ferret_users] question about replace a value on a grid,
Liya Jin, 03/21/11
[ferret_users] geostrophic velocity,
nuncio, 03/21/11
[ferret_users] polygon/modulo,
Brockmann Patrick, 03/21/11
[ferret_users] question about define axis t,
Otacilio Leandro, 03/18/11
[ferret_users] Odd behaviour a batch file,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/18/11
[ferret_users] fill operators give ambigous results near the zero meridian,
Marin Schmidt, 03/17/11
[ferret_users] Calendar names,
Brockmann Patrick, 03/17/11
[ferret_users] open ascii file question,
Otacilio Leandro, 03/16/11
[ferret_users] unexplained hang during list/format=cdf,
Keith Lindsay, 03/16/11
[ferret_users] How to grab time info?,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/16/11
[ferret_users] ROMS mld plots,
Mahesh Shinde, 03/15/11
[ferret_users] ferret 6.67 OPeNDAP error -68,
Brockmann Patrick, 03/15/11
[ferret_users] color key gets wrong,
Sabine Brinkop, 03/14/11
[ferret_users] EOF analysis,
nuncio murukesh, 03/13/11
[ferret_users] about interpolation,
Mahesh Shinde, 03/10/11
[ferret_users] about sigma coordinates to z coordinates..,
Mahesh Shinde, 03/10/11
[ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/08/11
- [ferret_users] Re: Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/08/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Ansley Manke, 03/08/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Martin Schmidt, 03/08/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/09/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Martin Schmidt, 03/09/11
- Message not available
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/10/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/10/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Ansley Manke, 03/10/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/11/11
- Message not available
- Message not available
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/11/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
William S. Kessler, 03/11/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
William S. Kessler, 03/11/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
William S. Kessler, 03/11/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Interpolation 2D issue,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/14/11
[ferret_users] about medatlas plot in ferret,
Mahesh Shinde, 03/08/11
[ferret_users] NO_LEAP, 365_DAYS axis,
Brockmann Patrick, 03/08/11
[ferret_users] fourth-order polynomial least square,
Peter Szabo, 03/07/11
- Re: [ferret_users] fourth-order polynomial least square,
Brockmann Patrick, 03/08/11
- Message not available
- Fwd: [ferret_users] fourth-order polynomial least square,
Peter Szabo, 03/17/11
- Re: Fwd: [ferret_users] fourth-order polynomial least square,
Brockmann Patrick, 03/17/11
- Re: Fwd: [ferret_users] fourth-order polynomial least square,
Martin Schmidt, 03/17/11
- Re: [ferret_users] FILL_XY and modulo operatinos,
Ansley Manke, 03/17/11
- Re: Fwd: [ferret_users] fourth-order polynomial least square,
Peter Szabo, 03/18/11
[ferret_users] Reading from an ASCII file,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/07/11
[ferret_users] How to save NetCDF data on curvilinear grid?,
Szymon Roziewski, 03/02/11
[ferret_users] conversion to netcdf nonuniform zaxis,
simi, 03/01/11
[ferret_users] FERRET build for Linux 2.6.16 ?,
Stephen Guimond, 03/01/11
[ferret_users] use of ppl color for changing line color/thickness,
Stephen Guimond, 03/01/11
[ferret_users] Map Projections: Robinson,
Gian-Kasper Plattner, 03/01/11
[ferret_users] Plotting a (irregular) transect of steepest descent,
Rob Briggs, 02/28/11
[ferret_users] low pass filter,
golla nageswararao, 02/20/11
[ferret_users] Finding the area a certain distance/number of grid cells from a boundary,
Rob Briggs, 02/19/11
[ferret_users] Annual mean anomaly time series plot,
sudev das M P, 02/16/11
[ferret_users] How to get "illegal" var names from opendap server,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 02/16/11
[ferret_users] Changing data in NetCDF file,
Szymon Roziewski, 02/16/11
Message not available
[ferret_users] accessing environment variables within ferret,
Keith Lindsay, 02/15/11
[ferret_users] Wavelet Analysis,
Sandro Wellyanto Lubis, 02/15/11
[ferret_users] Fast Fourier Transformation,
sudev das M P, 02/14/11
[ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Ansley Manke, 02/11/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Martin Schmidt, 02/14/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Ansley Manke, 02/14/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Jian Ma, 02/16/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Marco Steinacher, 02/16/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Ansley Manke, 02/16/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Ansley Manke, 02/16/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v6.6.7, a bug-fix release,
Jian Ma, 02/16/11
- [ferret_users] plotting and interpolating data given on curvilinear grids,
Martin Schmidt, 02/18/11
- Re: [ferret_users] plotting and interpolating data given on curvilinear grids,
Ansley Manke, 02/18/11
- RE: [ferret_users] plotting and interpolating data given on curvilinear grids,
PaulaOCN Nunes, 03/21/11
- Re: [ferret_users] plotting and interpolating data given on curvilinear grids,
Martin Schmidt, 03/21/11
- [ferret_users] Jason Images,
PaulaOCN Nunes, 03/21/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Jason Images,
Martin Schmidt, 03/22/11
- Re: [ferret_users] Jason Images,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 03/22/11
- RE: [ferret_users] Jason Images,
PaulaOCN Nunes, 03/23/11
[ferret_users] difference between vertical and horizontal key labeling,
Franziska Schwarzkopf, 02/08/11
[ferret_users] list lat,lon along a contour,
Abhisek Chatterjee, 02/08/11
[ferret_users] global subset mean,
Juliette Harrington, 02/07/11
[ferret_users] statistics,
golla nageswararao, 02/07/11
[ferret_users] escape_character.tar,
Brockmann Patrick, 02/07/11
[ferret_users] problem in combining files,
Yogesh Tiwari, 02/06/11
[ferret_users] Changing Axis Scales,
Juliette Harrington, 02/05/11
[ferret_users] xtics for time axis,
Neil Swart, 02/04/11
[ferret_users] Overlaying Vectors,
Juliette Harrington, 02/04/11
[ferret_users] Overlaying location of minimum U wind,
Samrat Rao, 02/04/11
[ferret_users] Making mask in the picture -- fland?,
Szymon Roziewski, 02/01/11
[ferret_users] bug in white vector?,
Aditi Deshpande, 01/31/11
[ferret_users] plotting wind speed data with proper labels,
Thuckan, 01/31/11
[ferret_users] Script crashed -- scat2gridgauss_xy,
Szymon Roziewski, 01/28/11
[ferret_users] more than 1 polar projection plot in page,
Ilana Wainer, 01/27/11
[ferret_users] missing value and scale factor,
Bruno Levier, 01/26/11
[ferret_users] Ferret Cygwin Problem,
Nye . Janet, 01/25/11
[ferret_users] scattered data vector plot,
golla nageswararao, 01/25/11
[ferret_users] Unable to write to the next vertical level,
sray, 01/25/11
[ferret_users] shuffle or how to permute randomly elements,
Patrick . Brockmann, 01/25/11
[ferret_users] reducing background bleedthrough (white lines/grid) in Ferret PostScript,
Andrew Wittenberg, 01/21/11
[ferret_users] stacking variables in time,
Neil Swart, 01/20/11
[ferret_users] partionned files, **ERROR Ferret crash; signal = 11,
Brockmann Patrick, 01/19/11
[ferret_users] verbosity with set data,
Brockmann Patrick, 01/19/11
[ferret_users] Reading NPP h5 files,
Ge . Peng, 01/18/11
[ferret_users] dimension inconsistency?,
Ryo Furue, 01/17/11
[ferret_users] Missing values - interpolation and smoothing,
Szymon Roziewski, 01/17/11
[ferret_users] climatology,
vidya pj, 01/16/11
[ferret_users] plot thickness,
Steeven Paul Yerraguntla, 01/13/11
[ferret_users] Plot mean with shaded area of standard deviation?,
Jian Ma, 01/12/11
[ferret_users] OPeNDAP,
Carol Ladd, 01/04/11
[ferret_users] Ronaldo Palmeira invited you to Dropbox,
Dropbox, 01/04/11
Re: [ferret_users] ferret: lnetcdf/lv1hpg.c:189:,
Ansley Manke, 01/03/11
RE: [ferret_users] Printing images,
Howard Lander, 01/03/11
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