2004 Field Season
Mooring Plans
Gulf of Alaska - April 2004 Miller Freeman [MF04-04]: table and links
Bering Sea - April 2004 Miller Freeman [MF04-05]: table and links
Bering Sea - July 2004 Sir Wilfrid Laurier: table and links
Gulf of Alaska - June 2004 Big Valley: table and links
Gulf of Alaska - September 2004 Ocean Dawn: table and links
Bering Sea - September 2004 Miller Freeman [MF04-11]: table and links
Bering Sea - September 2004 Alpha Helix: table and links
Gulf of Alaska - Sept/Oct 2004 Ewing [EW04-09]: table and links
2002 Mooring Plans
2003 Mooring Plans
Last Modified 07/13/2009
Web Page Contact:
P.Sullivan - FOCI
BACKGROUND IMAGE: Dutch Harbor, Alaska