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  Daily Temperature Data (RAS)

RAS temperature data is available by clicking the links below for each system.

Data files are ascii text with three columns of data. The first column represents the date and time. Format of the date is YearJDyHHMM. JDy is the Julian date for the year where January 1 is 001 and December 31 is 365. Second and third columns are the temperature values for probe 1 and 2 respectively. Temperature numbers must be divided by 10 to reflect their true values, e.g. 1028 and 605 respresent 102.8 and 60.5 degreesC. The -999 indicates missing data. Data is stored every hour, the number
of records will be 24 x (Number of Days) since July 23, 2002.

Temperature data files are updated each day after 5:00pm PST.



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