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Science News:
June-Aug. 2000
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NeMO Date: July 5, 2000
Ship's Location: 45 56.0'N/130 00.8'W

  Science Report:
ROPOS dive 544 was spent in the ASHES vent field, on the other side of the caldera from the 1998 lava flow. There are about a half a dozen separate chimneys at ASHES, each venting high-temperature fluid (up to 348 degrees C). During the dive detailed biological observations were made of the behavior of sulfide worms living on the sides of the chimneys by zooming in closely with ROPOS's color camera. These animals live in dense groups but are highly territorial and are constantly scuffling with their neighbors. In addition, high-resolution temperature measurements were made where the sulfide worms were living to learn more about their habitat.

At the end of the dive ROPOS traversed over to the elevator mooring and released it, bringing many samples from the previous dive back to the surface. After dive 544 we deployed a new transponder net at the southern end of the 1998 eruption site, where we will be diving in a day or two.

Tonight ROPOS will be returning to continue the biological observations and sampling work at ASHES.


High resolution spider temperature probe at a sulfide worm colony in the ASHES vent field.

Close-upt of red-orange sulfide worms (Paralvinella sulfinola) at Mushroom Vent in the ASHES vent field.