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National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration For more information: (206) 526-6239

Field Experience

Our concept for a low cost and easily deployed surface mooring for global arrays has moved from the lab and into the field for further development and testing. Prototype PICO buoy systems have shown the concept's viability and encouraging results from more than 15 successful deployments support further design and exploration.

Prawler: Hawaii Development Results

Prawler: Hawaii deployment results

Measurements at discrete depths measured by individual instruments compared with dense integrated vertical profile measured by PICO parwler
Dense integrated vertical profiles measured by the PICO parwler (top) and temperatures at discrete depths typically measured by individual instruments on the morring line (bottom).

Hawaii deployment temperature and salinity

Continuous Measurements from the Deep Ocean in Real Time
"Advanced technology makes the ocean visible"
                                                    ... Ocean Sites brochure
Conceptual future
Designed to be a component of the
Global Ocean Observing System
Sponsored by the NOAA Office of Climate Observation

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