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Re: [ferret_users] go land_detail questions

Yes. You can always make a dataset of your own, and plot it using a your own script based on land.jnl, calling your local dataset.

One way to go as far as adding to the data and scripts that are part of the Ferret distribution, is to add your script and the dataset it uses, as a "contribution". We have a number of scripts that have been contributed by users, and they are released as part of the Ferret environment. (For example the map projection scripts that Patrick asked about earlier this week).

As far as repairing the geo_borders datasets, it's a bit more work. We'd have to mask out the existing outdated values and add the new ones. Please send your data and we'll see if we can get to that - but we can definitely make your work available as contributions.


On 4/24/2012 1:02 PM, Fabrício Zimmerer Murta wrote:

   So, in the end, this is a matter of updating SATE_LON and STATE_LAT on
go/geo_borders.cdf and

And sending them to someone at NOAA, if we wanted it to be shipped with new versions of Ferret. Am I right? Would that be accepted if we fixed (as long as we don't break everything else)? Also, if we wanted like Otacilio asked, to draw a particular country's state lines, essentially we can make a (for example) go/land_brstates.jnl (for example for Brazil state borders), and have it use the STATE_LON and STATE_LAT from a different file from which we have only the brazillian state borders, so we have similar behavior of go land and go land_detail. Of course, this is not something one would expect to get inside the official ferret packages as it implies a new script (which ONLY changes the data source for the STATE_* vars) plus the said data file. But if we think a little further, we can give the STATE_* variable another dimension (the country) on the data files and choose either all or an vector of desired country state borders to be drawn (on go land[_detail] syntax -- additional script argument). This option could be accepted by NOAA team to make it go live and at the same time resolve the issue Otacilio has (and maybe others in the future). Or would such a change (even though the default could be to write down every state) is likely to be assumed "too overkill" to be elegible for distribution in the official code?

- Fabricio

-----Original Message----- From: Brockmann Patrick
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 6:22 AM
Cc: Ferret user group
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] go land_detail questions


Have a look to this thread posted on the ferret mailling list.
It exposed a solution based on kml files that are available from
at different admnistrative levels.


Hi -
There's an FAQ about coastlines and borders -

which gives a couple of resources that we know of for coastline data. It also discusses formatting the data for this kind of data. Basically all you need is (lon,lat) data for the border and then plot it with the PLOT/OVER/VS command.


On 4/19/2012 7:14 AM, Hein Zelle wrote:
Dear Otacilio Leandro,

Question 1:
I was thinking if its possible to draw the lines of states only at Brazil.
The easiest way would be to obtain a border dataset somewhere from the
Brazilian government.  The data must be available digitally,
somewhere.  Convert it to netcdf or load it directly from ASCII, and
plot it the same way as the "go land" script does.

Question 2:
Two states of Brazil are with outdated borders (Goias/Tocantis and Mato
Grosso/Mato Grosso do Sul). Is there any way to get the go land_detail
script file with update borders?
Same answer really: you'll have to find an up-to-date border data
set.  The government website would probably be the first stop to

Kind regards,
      Hein Zelle

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