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TAO TIP 7 current conditions


At the time of TIP-7, cold La Niņa conditions characterized the tropical Pacific (Figure 1). Temperatures

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were as much as 2°C below normal in areas of the central Pacific, and the trade winds were significantly stronger than normal in the western Pacific. Likewise, across nearly the entire range of longitudes shown in figure 1, the thermoline (as measured by the 20°C depth) was shallower than normal by as much as 40 m. The transition from warm El Niņo to cold La Niņa conditions occurred abruptly with an 8°C drop in SST over a 30-day period in May-June 1998. Since then, the area of below normal SST's has continued to expand, although warm surface anomalies persist in the eastern and western Pacific, and to the north and south of the cold equatorial strip. Most ENSO forecast models suggest that cold equatorial SST's will persist through boreal spring, after which near normal conditions are expected to return.

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