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Re: [las_users] curvilinear grid fails to zoom

Hi John,
The index values that are used to find a subset are in the map file, so they should be valid for the dataset that you used to create the map file.  A way to double check your map file is to run Ferret and see whether you can use it to regrid data in your curvilinear dataset to the rectilinear grid using the map.

> ferret
yes? use data_curvilinear_dat.nc   ! containing ptemp, curvi_lon, curvi_lat
yes? use mapfile.nc                         ! containing the map file you defined for this grid

yes? let out_temp = curv_to_rect(ptemp[d=1], map[d=2])

yes? shade/L=1/K=1 out_temp

And that should show your variable, interpolated onto the rectilinear grid that was defined by the mapping.

On 4/8/2011 1:06 PM, John Maurer wrote:
Hi LAS folks,
The following dataset successfully displays an initial map in LAS, even if you change the date or time:


However, attempting to zoom gives gives the following error:

 *** NOTE: If no missing_value or _FillValue attribute on variables, will use NaN
 **ERROR: illegal limits: LON_RHO does not exist at I=87
          Axis extremes are I=1:70
DEFINE VARIABLE xmax = `MAX(lon_rho[d=1,i=87,j=1],           lon_rho[d=1,i=87,j=50] )`
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

The dataset displays successfully in other applications, so I'm not sure there's a problem with the data. Any ideas what's wrong? It's on a curvilinear grid (two-dimensional lat/lon axes). The dataset used to zoom correctly before the grid was changed about a week ago. I updated my mapfile with Ferret before restarting LAS. Here's the link to the dataset in our TDS:


Thanks for your help,
John Maurer
Hawaii Ocean Observing System (HiOOS)

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