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Re: trouble with X-server


You are correct when you surmised that the problem is due to the color scheme
used by your computer.

There is (still) a problem with running Ferret with an X server that uses a
TrueColor visual. This will be fixed in the next release of Ferret. Until then,
the only workaround is to set up your PC X server to use a PseudoColor visual.

On Feb 2,  2:56pm, Joerg wrote:
> Subject: trouble with X-server
> [ text/plain
>   Encoded with "quoted-printable" ]:
> I've installed ferret 4.9 on our sun ultra-2 :
> SunOS cecropia.Stanford.EDU 5.5.1 Generic_103640-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-2
> and it seems to work fine on there - go tutorial ran without complaining
> However when I try to run it off that machine via the X-server on my PC
> I get:
> yes? go tutorial
> ... setting up demo environment ...
> The display must support an indexed visual
> gopenws()   26 Specified workstation cannot be opened
> gactivatews()    6 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be either in the
> state WSOP or in the state WSAC
> gsetdeferst()    7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
> states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
> ....................... (and some more like that)
> My vague idea is that it might be related to different colour schemes:
> the X-server on the PC uses true colour, I'm not sure about what ferret
> does in this case.
> Any ideas, suggestions welcome!
> Thanks
> Joerg
> --
> Jörg Kaduk                           phone:  +1 (650) 325 1521 ext 416
> Carnegie Institution of Washington   fax:    +1 (650) 325 6857
> Department of Plant Biology
> 260 Panama Street                    e-mail: joerg@jasper.stanford.edu
> USA - Stanford, CA 94305
>-- End of excerpt from Joerg

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