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[ferret_users] interchanging_axes

Dear ferret users,
                            I came across with a problem regarding interchanging axes. I had a data having three parameters,in axes as latitude in i(x), time in j(y),and longitude in l(t). and all other parameters fall on the regular conventional axes. So I want to change it to a regular one with lat in y,lon in x,time in l; and draw a fill plot.
thanks in advance.

When I checked the variable in the file it shows as follows:

yes? use test.nc
yes? sh d/var
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./test.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 U        Zonal Current                    1:159     1:12      ...       1:361
             m/s on grid GMH1 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=-73.5:85.5  Y=0.5:12.5 
 V        Meridional Current               1:159     1:12      ...       1:361
             m/s on grid GMH1 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=-73.5:85.5  Y=0.5:12.5 
 SST      Sea Surface Temperature          1:159     1:12      ...       1:361
             degreeC on grid GMH1 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=-73.5:85.5  Y=0.5:12.5 
 UG       Geostrophic Zonal Current        1:159     1:12      ...       1:361
             m/s on grid GMH1 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=-73.5:85.5  Y=0.5:12.5 
 VG       Geostrophic Meridional Current   1:159     1:12      ...       1:361
             m/s on grid GMH1 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=-73.5:85.5  Y=0.5:12.5 
 COUNT    Sea Surface Temperature          1:361     1:159     ...       ...
             drifter days per square deg on grid GMH2 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=179.5E(-180.5):179.5W  Y=73.5S:85.5N 
 UE       Zonal Current Standard Error     1:361     1:159     ...       ...
             m/s on grid GMH2 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=179.5E(-180.5):179.5W  Y=73.5S:85.5N 
 VE       Meridional Current Standard Err  1:361     1:159     ...       ...
             m/s on grid GMH2 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=179.5E(-180.5):179.5W  Y=73.5S:85.5N 
 SSTE     Sea Surface Temperature Standar  1:361     1:159     ...       ...
             degreeC on grid GMH2 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=179.5E(-180.5):179.5W  Y=73.5S:85.5N 
 UGE      Geostrophic Zonal Current Stand  1:361     1:159     ...       ...
             m/s on grid GMH2 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=179.5E(-180.5):179.5W  Y=73.5S:85.5N 
 VGE      Geostrophic Meridional Current   1:361     1:159     ...       ...
             m/s on grid GMH2 with -9.99E+33 for missing data
             X=179.5E(-180.5):179.5W  Y=73.5S:85.5N 
  time range: -180 to 180

Chinnu Sachidanandan

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