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Re: [ferret_users] Re: whether any provision is available to use shell commands, with ferret

I generally prefer making symbols for this kind of thing, as they give a bit more flexibility. So I would tend to do it like this:

  define symbol vname = `variable`
  LET/units="($vname)[d=2],RETURN=units`"/TITLE="`anomaly_title`" `anomaly_var` = `variable`_anomaly

Or, another solution is the SET ATTRIBUTE command. To have the new variable to inherit all the attributes of the old variable:

   let `anomaly_var` = `variable`_anomaly
   set att/like=`variable`[d=2]  `anomaly_var`


On 3/4/2013 9:15 PM, Akshay Hegde wrote:
do you have any idea about this

`anomaly_var` = `variable`_anomaly

unable to get units here,,, grave accents..problem

please help..

Thanks in advance,,


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Akshay Hegde <akshay.k.hegde@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Whether its possible to use shell commands in ferret...something like
because modifying many files kills time, if its possible something like this
using for loop, it will be helpful..

sp for file in *.nc; do ! not working...

use $file

!do some operation say

let/units="meter"/title="my title" myvariable1 = xyz_new1

let/units="cm"/title="my title" myvariable2 = xyz_new2

list/file=$file_modifile.nc/format=cdf/clobber xyz_new1, xyz_new2

Awaiting for reply...

- Akshay

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