Dear FERRET users,
I am calculating Ocean Heat Content (OHC) for 3 control & 3 perturbed runs. I am also calculating ensemble average by adding these 3 runs them and dividing by 3. Now I opened my newly created file & display ensemble average anomaly as follows: plot/l=1:120 OHC_PIN_EN-OHC_CTR_EN !!!!!!PIN is perturbed run CTR is Control Run plot/l=1:120/over (OHC_PIN1+OHC_PIN2+OHC_PIN3)/3-(OHC_CTR1+OHC_CTR2+OHC_CTR3)/3 The above time series plots are different, they should be exactly same. why it is so? Here is my FERRET script. ! Create global average SeaLevel from model output and save it can data/all can ax/all can var/all set mem /size=400 !control d=1, d=2, d=3 for 3 realizations use use use !Perturbed d=4, d=5, d=6 for 3 realizations use use use ! Need to fix start and end month edges: let tlo = tboxlo[gt=temp] let thi = tboxhi[gt=temp] let highest = thi[t=@max] let month_edges = tcat(tlo, highest) def axis/t/calendar=noleap/units=days/t0=1-jan-1990/edges/name=time1 month_edges !Projection template let rhoTmb = rho[gt=time1@asn] !rho is density let tempTmb = temp[gt=time1@asn] !temp is potential temperature set reg/x=-180:180/y=60S:60N !Thermal Capacity of Ocean Water Cp=2985-3993 J/kg/K !Defining rho x temp for control let heat_anm_ctr1=rhoTmb[d=1] *tempTmb[d=1] let heat_anm_ctr2=rhoTmb[d=2] *tempTmb[d=2] let heat_anm_ctr3=rhoTmb[d=3] *tempTmb[d=3] !Integrating over the entire volume let OHC_CTR1=heat_anm_ctr1[x=@din,y=@din,z=@din]*3990 let OHC_CTR2=heat_anm_ctr2[x=@din,y=@din,z=@din]*3990 let OHC_CTR3=heat_anm_ctr3[x=@din,y=@din,z=@din]*3990 !Control Ensemble mean let OHC_CTR_EN=(OHC_CTR1+OHC_CTR2+OHC_CTR3)/3 !Defining rho x temp for Pinatubo let heat_anm_pin1=rhoTmb[d=4] *tempTmb[d=4] let heat_anm_pin2=rhoTmb[d=5] *tempTmb[d=5] let heat_anm_pin3=rhoTmb[d=6] *tempTmb[d=6] !Integrating over the entire volume let OHC_PIN1=heat_anm_pin1[x=@din,y=@din,z=@din]*3990 let OHC_PIN2=heat_anm_pin2[x=@din,y=@din,z=@din]*3990 let OHC_PIN3=heat_anm_pin3[x=@din,y=@din,z=@din]*3990 !Perturbed Ensemble mean let OHC_PIN_ALL_EN=(OHC_PIN1+OHC_PIN3+OHC_PIN3)/3 ! Save time slices ! Save Control save/clobber/file="" OHC_CTR1[l=1:120] save/append/file="" OHC_CTR2[l=1:120] save/append/file="" OHC_CTR3[l=1:120] !Save Control Mean Ensemble save/append/file="" OHC_CTR_EN[l=1:120] !Save Perturbed save/append/file="" OHC_PIN1[l=1:120] save/append/file="" OHC_PIN2[l=1:120] save/append/file="" OHC_PIN3[l=1:120] !Perturbed Mean Ensemble save/append/file="" OHC_PIN_EN[l=1:120] Best, Mubashar |