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Re: [ferret_users] text in bar scale

Hi  Maria,
I don't think there should be any problem using a /LEVELS setting along with SHAKEY.  Did you use it after a /SET qualifier?

Here's an example, using the 3rd argument of shakey to set the label size.  0.12 is probably bigger than you would really want.
yes? use coads_climatology
yes? shade/lev=(-inf)(-8,8,0.5)(inf)/SET uwnd[L=5]
yes? ppl shakey,1,1,0.12
yes? ppl shade
Depending on the numbers on your plot, the larger labels might run off the edge of the page.  You can set a larger margin using the "go margins" script.
yes? go/help margins  ! see the comments at the start of the script


On 10/4/2011 9:07 AM, Maria Custódio wrote:
Olá Paulo,

Muito obrigada (thanks so much!)
I tryed this but the problem is when I used the shakey I couldn't do
it this: levels=(-inf)(-4.0,4,0.5)(inf)
I just can determine the number of levels, for example: Levels=10

Do someone know other way for do this?


2011/10/4 Paulo B. Oliveira <pbo@xxxxxxxxx>:
Olá Maria,

Veja (look) em:

Bom trabalho!

Paulo Oliveira
Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar
On Mon, 2011-10-03 at 22:47 -0300, Maria Custódio wrote:

I am new using ferret and I have a very simple question.
I am plotting maps using the command fill and I have been able to
change the palette and colors, however I don’t know to change the size
of the text that appears in the bar scale, the standard is very small.
Can someone help me?
I am doing this way

P25_ANUAL_PPT ; label/nouser `($ppl$xorg)+0.1`,`($ppl$ylen)+0.2`,0, 0,
0.25 ; go land_detail.jnl 1 "" 1 1

Kind regards,


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