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Re: [ferret_users] transect plot

Another approach, depending on your dataset, might be to use a great circle distance calculator (I've attached mine). You would set up the GC variables using

go greatcircle

then identify the "origin" station with lon1,lat2 and all the stations (including "origin") with lon2,lat2. For example if your data profiles and their lon,lat values were available along an x-axis (with depths along z) then

let lon1=mylon[i=1] ; let lat1=mylat[i=1]
let lon2=mylon ; let lat2=mylat

If you wanted a list of great circle distances in km and nm you would type

list gckm,gcnm

To go the next step of making a section plot with km or nm as the x-axis variable you would regrid one to one (using @asn) the original data. Suppose the profiles of the variable "mydata" were available on the grid "grd" with axes (xax and zax say) and the lat,lon values were read in along xax. The new x-axis would be defined like

def axis/x/from_data/name=xnm gcnm

to use the nautical mile coords available from the GC calculator. The regridding would use

def grid/like=mydata/x=xnm newgrid
let newvar=myvar[g=newgrd,gx=@asn]
shade newvar

The first statements just substitutes the NM axis for the old x-axis (xax) leaving zax (and yax and tax if they existed) untouched. Statement 2 just places the original data on a nautical mile vs depth grid, then we can shade or contour it.

Good luck,
PS I just type in the commands above without doing a demo, so beware of typos. PPS The attached script "greatcircle.jnl" has some notes at the end suggesting how it might be used for other purposes with x-y gridded data. There is another: "rhumbline.jnl" that defines Rhumb Line variables and proves useful in other situations (in my worklife at least).
On 9/22/10 3:55 PM, Ansley Manke wrote:
 hi -
Also, if you want to change from an axis in units of longitude to one in units of meters, you will need to define the new axis yourself, with meters corresponding to the longitudes and then regrid the data to that new axis with @ASN. Ferret does not have tools to automatically convert units of longitude to units of meters (except in some internal computations such as averaging on the globe).


On 9/22/2010 2:08 PM, Steve Hankin wrote:
See the script "vertical_section.jnl" and the function SAMPLEXY that it uses.

On 9/22/2010 5:59 AM, golla nageswararao wrote:
Hi all,
I am having temperature-salinity data along a transect which is perpendicular to coast (i.e., it is not along any latitude). I am having lat, lon values also. I want to convert them into distances (NM) in such a way that distances should be calculated with reference to nearest station to the coast. How can I do this and plot the temperature section with xaxis ranging from 0 to some NM ?
Thanks in advance.

With Best regards,

! greatcircle : definitions for great circle calculations between
!               two locations lon1,lat1 and lon2,lat2 (in degrees)
let d2r=atan(1.)/45
let rlon1=d2r*lon1 ; let rlat1=d2r*lat1
let rlon2=d2r*lon2 ; let rlat2=d2r*lat2

! define great circle distances from lon1,lat1 to lon2,lat2 in radians ...
let/title="Great Circle Distance (radians)" \
! ... and kilometers
let/title="Great Circle Distance (km)" gckm=111.11*gcrad/d2r
let/title="Great Circle Distance (nm)" gcnm=60*gcrad/d2r

! define initial heading from lon1,lat1 to lon2,lat2 (clockwise from north)
let gcharg=acos((sin(rlat2)-sin(rlat1)*cos(gcrad))/(sin(gcrad)*cos(rlat1)))
! correct for near north-south pairings
let gchfix=gcharg[x=@fln]/d2r
let/title="Initial Heading (degrees)" \
   gchead=if(sin(rlon2-rlon1) gt 0)then gchfix else 360-gchfix

let lat=atan((tan(d2r*lat2)*sin(d2r*(lon-lon1))-tan(d2r*lat1)*sin(d2r*(lon-lon2)))/ \

! Usage: the results "gcrad", "gckm", and "gchead" are computed based on
!        existing variables lon1,lat1 representing the start point and
!        lon2,lat2 representing the destination.
! NOTE : To plot a greatcircle from lon1,lat1 to lon2,lat2 define a variable "lon"
!        that spans the interval between them with sufficient resolution, for example
!               def axis/x=`lon1`:`lon2`:0.1 xax ; let lon=x[gx=xax]
!               plot/o/vs/nolab/line=2 lon,lat
!        If a gridded file such as a topography is available it may be convenient to 
!        use that x-axis for "lon":
!                       let lon=x[g=...]
!               plot/o/vs/nolab/line=2/x=`lon1`:`lon2` lon,lat
! rhumbline : definitions for rhumb line calculations between
!             two locations lon1,lat1 and lon2,lat2 (in degrees)
let d2r=atan(1.)/45 
let rlon1=d2r*lon1 ; let rlat1=d2r*lat1 ; let mlat1=d2r*(45+lat1/2)
let rlon2=d2r*lon2 ; let rlat2=d2r*lat2 ; let mlat2=d2r*(45+lat2/2)

! define rhumbline course from lon1,lat1 to lon2,lat2
let/title="Rhumb Line Heading (deg)" \
let/title="Rhumb Line Distance (km)"\
   rlkm=111.32*(if(lat1 eq lat2)then abs(lon2-lon1)*cos(rlat1) else (lat2-lat1)/cos(d2r*rlhead))
let/title="Rhumb Line Distance (radians)"\
! to compute points on a rhumbline from (lon1,lat1) with distance "dist" at heading "dirn"
 let rllat=LAT1+DIST*COS(D2R*DIRN)/111.32
 let rllon=if(cos(d2r*dirn) eq 0)then dist/(111.32*cos(d2r*lat1)) else LON1-TAN(D2R*DIRN)*(LN(TAN(D2R*(45+LAT1/2)))-LN(TAN(D2R*(45+rllat/2))))/d2r

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