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Re: [ferret_users] .plt to .ps using gksm2ps

Hi Marina,
It sounds as if you are making just one plot page. That is when you run Ferret you see just one plot. If you are doing more than one plot page, then do a PPL CLSPLT at the end of each plot page so that a new .plt file will be started with the next plot.

One thing you could try is to use batch mode. In the last few versions of Ferret we have made some improvements to batch mode, and perhaps this will help.

ferret -batch myfile.plt
yes? go myscript

You will not see the plot as it's drawn, but the metafile myfile.plt is made and it should contain all the graphics.  If this does not help, please write back and tell us what version of Ferret you are running (this shows up in the header when you start Ferret) and what operating system you are using.


Marina Chifflet wrote:



I have some troubles to transform ferret graphical output .plt into format .ps, using gksm2ps.

The file .plt is correct, but not the .ps one.

In myfile.ps file, I obtain only 1 or 2 graphs (instead of 4 for example in myfile.plt, using viewports)… or sometime one plot is half-made (only in myfile.ps, not myfile.plt). ???


Do you have an idea of the cause?

(I use large model output files, 1 file for 1 month, so the calculation/graph creation is long and “heavy”).





Marina Chifflet

AZTI - Tecnalia / Marine Research Division

Herrera kaia portualdea z/g
20110 Pasaia (Spain)
Tel: +34 943 004 800 - Fax: +34 943 004 801
E-mail: mchifflet@xxxxxxxxxxx


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