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Re: [ferret_users] terminating infinite loop

Hi Ashley,
           Your mail have two questions and i will try to answer them

1. Infinite loop
   You can always mention the depth range as a qualifier for the list command 
and can follow in two ways :

           yes? set grid temp
           yes? list/Z=100:750 K 
           yes? list/Z=100:750 K[GZ=temp]

In the first method, the "grid" environment is fixed with reference to the
variable temp (see Ref Sec31.5.  SET GRID in user manual). In the second
method, the list command is explicitly supplied with the variable to which
the Z-grid corresponds to, the simple method. 

Above solutions may not be effective in some situations (for example if the 
variable is extracted from another variable as var_new=var_old[Z=100:5000], 
in this case the whole array is accessible but not individual array 
elements). In this case the solution is to (a) define a new axis and 
assign that axis to the sampled/extracted variable as follows 

              yes? define axis/Z=100:5000:100/DEPTH/units=meters zax1
              yes? let new_var = old_var[Z=@ASN] 
              yes? list/Z=100:750 K[GZ=new_var]

 Look at user manual for details about @ASN regridding (Ch4 Sec2.4.1.  
Regridding transformations). ZSEQUENCE function (Ch3 Sec2.3.25. 
ZSEQUENCE) also does something similar but may not be applicable if you want
to extract K values in a meaningful way. If this explanation was not useful 
for your problem, mail back with more details (like whether you are using a 
NetCDF or ASCII data, what is your purpose of listing the K values...etc)

2. Alias / Ferret start up file
  The user manual explains everything about this question. Please read
Manual :

.ferret--the Ferret initialization file. This optional file holds a list 
of Ferret commands that will be executed immediately each time Ferret is 
started, permitting Ferret to be tailored to individual needs and styles. 
The file must be located in your $HOME (login) directory. 

Ferret manual is available from Ferret Documentation page, in both PDF and 
html formats :


Hope this helps,



On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Ashley Watson wrote:

> Dear ferreters,
>           Can any one tell me how to kill a process in ferret without
> quiting ferret. For example, I list an abstract axis
> yes? list K
>              VARIABLE : K
>                         axis ABSTRACT
>              SUBSET   : 9999999 points (Z)
>  1          /        1:  1.000E+00
>  2          /        2:  2.000E+00
>  3          /        3:  3.000E+00
>  4          /        4:  4.000E+00
>  5          /        5:  5.000E+00
>  6          /        6:  6.000E+00
>  7          /        7:  7.000E+00
>  ..............................
>  ..............................
>  ........upto 9999999 points..
> Is there anyway to stop this  before displaying all 99999999 values. My
> second question is about alias. I define an alias in ferret. Is there any
> way to make this
> alias permanent so that I can use that alias whenever I use ferret.
> Ashley

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