Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI)

FOCI PI Meeting Minutes - 11 December 1997


Art Kendall, Jim Overland, Allen Macklin, Bern Megrey, Ned Cokelet, Jim Schumacher, Phyllis Stabeno, Anne Hollowed, Pat Livingston, Ric Brodeur, Kurt Zegowitz (rapporteur)
ANNOUNCEMENTS MEETING REPORTS Bering Sea Ecosystem Workshop, Anchorage, December 4th and 5th FIELD SEASON Shumagin age-0 pollock survey scheduled for next June (W98-05): As charged at the last meeting, a committee consisting of Ric Brodeur, Matt Wilson, Kevin Bailey and Allen Macklin developed a plan to use eight days of WECOMA time during the end of June 1998. Ric Brodeur reported that the committee recommended repetition of an age-0 pollock survey last done in 1987, during the same time of year. It will be interesting to see how things have changed since then in the Gulf of Alaska, and to see if there are El Nino effects. The cruise will be from June 23 - July 1, 1998, leaving from Dutch Harbor. Methot trawls will be used primarily, but there will be some gear comparisons, using Tucker trawls and bongo tows. There will also be an opportunity for work along lines 16 and 17. If an El Nino proposal is funded, additional work comprising 6-8 stations, approximately 24 hours, will be included in this cruise plan. NEXT MEETING The next FOCI PI meeting will be held at 10 a.m. on Thursday, January 8, 1998, in the AFSC Director's Conference Room, 4/2143. CORRECTIONS
Please mail corrections and additions to the FOCI Coordinator.
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