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[ferret_users] write to binary

Dear Ferret users,

      The following question was mailed on 
  Friday-21Sep 2012. No response, so I
  am sending again.

   I am trying to write daily OLR anomaly to
  binary(Grads format) file. For the first time
  I am writting to binary file, in Ferret.

  My script does following :

  Reads daily long period OLR data and 
  daily 365 days OLR climatology from
  netcdf files and calculate daily anomaly.
 Then write daily anomaly to binary file.

  I had written following script-'olran-wrtbin.jnl'
!Opening Daily OLR data for the period 1Jun1974-31May2012
use "/gpfs2/home/amin/monsn-2k12/olr-data/olr.day.mean.nc"
set region/i=1:144/j=1:73/l=1:13880
define variable olrd=olr[d=1]
!Opening  daily OLR climatolgy for 365 days
use "/gpfs2/home/amin/monsn-2k12/olr-data/olr.day.ltm.nc"
set region/i=1:144/j=1:73/l=1:365
define variable olrc=olr[d=2]
!Calculating  olr daily anomaly
set region/i=1:144/j=1:73/l=1:13880
define variable olran=olrd[d=1]-olrc[gt=olrd[d=1]] 
!!!  ! Define  grid
  DEFINE axis/x=0.0E:2.5W:2.5/unit=deg xax
  DEFINE axis/y=90.0S:90.0N:2.5/unit=deg yax
  DEFINE AXIS/t=1:13880:1/unit=days tax  ! or whatever ...
  DEFINE grid/x=xax/y=yax/t=tax gg
sp rm -f  olan.bin  ! remove previous versions of binary file if exists
  SAVE/FILE=olan.bin/form=stream/order=xyt/grid=gg/bad=32766 olran
!!-----------END of FERRET SCRIPT------------------------

The script when run in ferret, ends with following error

**ERROR: unknown command qualifier: grid=gg
LIST/FORMAT=CDF/FILE=olan.bin/form=stream/order=xyt/grid=gg/bad=32766 olran
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
------------end of error--------------------------------

Please help to solve the problem.
Dr. Sujata Mandke
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology

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