Ecosystems Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations Photos pertaining to FOCI studies in Alaskan waters.
Welcome to the Bering Sea

Welcome to the Bering Sea

** See 2-days of Seattle Times articles about our Bering Sea Cruise **

physical and chemical properties (temperature, salinity, nutrients) of the ice and water, to sample phytoplankton (microscopic plants) and zooplankton (small floating animals) and look at their relation to the food web, to look at fish abundance at the sea ice edge using hydroacoustic methods, and to observe the birds and mammals that need the spring ice environment for their existence and reproduction.


As we conducted our expedition, many people followed along via the internet from the comfort of home. These web pages contain a daily log written during the expedition, pictures and video showing the progression of our expedition work and ship life, maps, data we collected, articles, and links that pertain to this expedition and to our research. Thank you to the individuals and classrooms that participated by visiting our website, watching our daily progress, and sending us questions and comments. Answers to their question are posted on the Q&A page.

Bering Sea from space. NASA's World Wind
Thank you for joining us on this month-long expedition!
North Pacific Research Board
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration