Paper Template

Paper Template for Rachel Wade

Short & pithy Title of study

Authors: Rachel Wade (UW / JISAO) and Meghan F. Cronin (NOAA / PMEL)

EPIC2001 workshop poster

Key points of study/questions to be addressed:

Use this to help focus the study.
    science question number 1.

    science question number 2.

  1. Key point number 1.

  2. Key point number 2.

  3. Key point number 3.

1. Introduction

Location, phenomena, Science question.

Purpose of study. Why is this important?

What do we know (lit review).
What don't we know (lit review).

What is new that allows us to answer some questions.

2. Data

Data to be used are ... Sources are ...
time/space resolution is ...
errors/uncertainty are...

3. Methodology

analysis techniques to be used.

4. Results

Example of figure and text.

Fig. 1. The EPIC array shown in relation to the April & October 2000 averaged TMI SST and QuickSCAT wind stress & CMAP rain fields --

95W Moorings cross the ITCZ/Cold Tongue complex. IMET buoy in the stratus region.
* Note that the deep convection is over the warmest waters. Clouds are sensitive to SST, but also affect SST. Coupled problem.
* Double ITCZ is observed sometimes in springtime! Southern hemisphere ITCZ over water > 28C.
*Model biases include a persistent double ITCZ, cold tongue that is too cold, and southern hemisphere SST that is too warm.
* Purpose of EPIC. 95W TAO moorings & IMET mooring.

5. Discussion

Bottom line result.

Caveates and limits ("A lawyer's version of the result")

Does this contradict or support what other's have found?

Implications of result.

6. Conclusion

Rehashed abstract.

Major implications.

What would you have done differently in field work if you had known then what you know now?

Meghan F. Cronin
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115 USA
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