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Re: [las_users] Vector plots

Hi Tony,
You're right!  Thanks for the example. It turns out that when the LAS Ferret script issues a VECTOR/SET command with qualifiers /XSKIP and /YSKIP, and then completes the command with PPL VECTOR, the arguments to /XSKIP and /YSKIP are ignored (as you said).  The plot command expects the skip values on the PPL VECTOR command too:

VECTOR/XSKIP=`xs`/YSKIP=`ys`/SET uvar, vvar
PPL VECTOR,`xs`,`ys`

I've reworked the script xy_vector_plot.jnl to make XSKIP and YSKIP settings take effect - can you go in and replace xy_vector_plot.jnl with the following and give it a try? 

The second thing to do is have Ferret do its auto-decimation of the vectors when no skip information is specified. I've put a hack in the script I'm attaching to accomplish this, but it looks like there need to be some Ferret changes to do it right.


Tony Jolibois wrote:
    Hi Steve,

Thank you for the response.
But I tested the xskip and yskip on Option panel, and there is no effect. You can try that on http://las.aviso.oceanobs.com/ with geostrophic velocities.
Here is a part of ferret script used by the LAS to generate the plot (in debug log file) :

    DEFINE SYMBOL qualifiers = ($qualifiers)/XSKIP=`xs`/YSKIP=`ys`
!-> DEFINE SYMBOL qualifiers =  /XSKIP=100/YSKIP=100
! Set up for degrees-minutes-seconds labels on axes with units of degrees
IF ($ferret_deg_min_sec"0|false>0|*>1") THEN GO LAS_set_deg_min_sec.jnl
!-> IF 0 THEN GO LAS_set_deg_min_sec.jnl
! Do the plot
VECTOR($qualifiers)/TITLE="($ferret_plot_title)"/SET ($ferret_vector_1), ($ferret_vector_2)
!-> VECTOR/XSKIP=100/YSKIP=100/TITLE="V (Meridian Velocity (cm/s)) (cm/s), V (Meridian Velocity (cm/s)) ((cm/s))"/SET grid_0001[d=1,X=-180:180,Y=-82:81,T="14-Oct-1992 00:00:00":"14-Oct-1992 00:00:00"], grid_0002[d=1,X=-180:180,Y=-82:81,T="14-Oct-1992 00:00:00":"14-Oct-1992 00:00:00"]
   IF ($xform_dms"0|*>1") THEN PPL XFOR (($xform_dms))
!-> IF 0 THEN PPL XFOR ( )
   IF ($yform_dms"0|*>1") THEN PPL YFOR (($yform_dms))
!-> IF 0 THEN PPL YFOR ( )

So with these command there is no xskip or yskip (see image attached).
Best regards,

Le mercredi 07 novembre 2007 à 09:23 -0800, Steve Hankin a écrit :
Hi Tony,

There should be an "xskip, yskip" option available to you on the Options panel that controls this.  I believe you can set a default for it in the LAS configuration XML.

With regard to Ferret if you use the /set_up qualifier, then you'll need to issue the "skip" options on the PPL VECTOR command that follows.  This is discussed under the VECTOR/SET_UP option in the Users Guide (http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/users-guide/commands-reference/VECTOR%20)

    - Steve


Tony Jolibois wrote:

I still have problem for the vector plot, like with old LAS. The plot contain arrows on all gridded point, without skipping points.
The result is attached. How can I do for that ?
I saw that with ferret, if you do the plot with vector command with /set_up it's the same bug, without set-up it's ok.
Sorry for the number of mail I post today...
Best regards,


CLS Space oceanography Division
Product Information and Diffusion
8-10 rue Hermes,
31526 Ramonville-St-Agne, Cedex, France

Email: tjolibois@xxxxxx
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Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL -- Steven.C.Hankin@xxxxxxxx
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080, FAX (206) 526-6744

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men
to do nothing." -- Edmund Burke
Tony Jolibois <tjolibois@xxxxxx>

Attachment: xy_vector_plot.jnl
Description: application/extension-jnl

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