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[las_users] bug with Ferret v6 ?


I am having an issue with using LAS with Ferret v6. I am not having this problem using LAS with Ferret 5.81. Both LAS are exactly the same (6.5.1), same xml files, same query.
So I am thinking it's a bug with Ferret v6 but I am not sure.

The issue happens after LAS creates a NetCDF file with the insitu package and asks Ferret to make a plot.
There seems to be an issue with Ferret reading "trange".
I have attached the NetCDF file created by LAS. and I have copied below the debug ferret part for both Ferret version.
I hope this helps find out what the issue is.
Hope this helps,

With Ferret 5.81, I get a nice plot:
yes? cancel mode verify
yes? cancel mode interp
yes? set mem/size=80
Cached data cleared from memory
yes? define symbol memsize = 80
yes? canc data/all
yes? go std_initialize "output/259da1dac3f7750fe1fc83930e5a24b6.nc" "1" "1" "R_TEMP"
yes? set region/x="-126.8":"-117.1"/y="34.1":"38.0"/z="0":"0"/t="01-Jan-2001 00:00:00":"31-Dec-2002 00:00:00"
yes? GO "jnls/insitu/insitu_setup.jnl" "output/259da1dac3f7750fe1fc83930e5a24b6.nc" "TAX" "CalCOFI Report Data" "Temperature"
yes? go insitu_meta_xy "output/259da1dac3f7750fe1fc83930e5a24b6.nc" TAX -126.8:-117.1 34.1:38.0 0:0
yes? FRAME/FORMAT=gif/FILE="output/3ccada4923f5f69e8e049265df5437b1.gif"
yes? quit
Waiting for program to exit...
program exited...
LAS::Server::Handler::run(): 0.003233 secs to perform all 'postExecute' activities (none typically)

With Ferret v6, I get an error:
yes? cancel mode verify
yes? cancel mode interp
yes? set mem/size=80
Cached data cleared from memory
yes? define symbol memsize = 80
yes? canc data/all
yes? go std_initialize "output/259da1dac3f7750fe1fc83930e5a24b6.nc" "1" "1" "R_TEMP"
yes? set region/x="-126.8":"-117.1"/y="34.1":"38.0"/z="0":"0"/t="01-Jan-2001 00:00:00":"31-Dec-2002 00:00:00"
yes? GO "jnls/insitu/insitu_setup.jnl" "output/259da1dac3f7750fe1fc83930e5a24b6.nc" "TAX" "CalCOFI Report Data" "Temperature"
**ERROR: command syntax: bad
define axis/t=bad:17496/npoints=100/unit=hours/t0="01-JAN-2001 00:00:00" tfull
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

killing...Waiting for program to exit...
program exited...
killing...Waiting for program to exit...
program exited...

Attachment: 259da1dac3f7750fe1fc83930e5a24b6.nc
Description: Cdf file

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