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Re: Fw: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???

Hi Ansley,
The ferret version is 5.7.
The linux version is RH7.3 and kernel version is 2.4.18-3smp #1 SMP.
I installed ferret with following steps.
1) Download environment and executable files from http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret/Downloads/linux_downloads.html
2) Place these files in /home/cch/ferret5.7
3) cd /home/cch/ferret5.7
    tar zxvf fer_environment.tar.Z
    mkdir /home/cch/ferret5.7/fer_dsets
    cd ./fer_dsets ; tar zxvf ../cdf_fer_dsets.tar.Z
4) cd /home/cch/ferret5.7/bin
    I place file ferret_paths in /home/cch/ferret5.7
5) csh
    source /home/cch/ferret5.7/ferret_paths
6) Ferret can be run by executing /home/cch/ferret5.7/bin/ferret
Maybe I should download files from http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret/Downloads/linux_rh9_downloads.html
I will try it later.
Another question is,
are LAS6.4 (with ferret5.7) and RH ES3.0 kernel 2.4.21-4.0.1 EL gfssmp #1 SMP compatible ?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 11:53 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???

Hi cch,
I'm wondering how it happened that you had this shared object
file for the scat2ddups function which didn't work with your
Ferret executable. What version of Ferret are you running?
How did you download your Ferret executable and install it?

I want to check that we don't have some problem with the
download files that we need to fix.


cch wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks your help.
> It's working fine with linux9/scat2ddups.so, but isn't working with
> linux7_1/scat2ddups.so.
> Thanks!!

>     ----- Original Message -----
>     From: Ansley Manke <mailto:ansley.b.manke@noaa.gov>
>     To: cch <mailto:cch@cwb.gov.tw>
>     Cc: las_users@noaa.gov <mailto:las_users@noaa.gov>
>     Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 12:31 AM
>     Subject: Re: Fw: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???
>     Hi,
>     I compiled that function for Joe; maybe the file got lost when he
>     forwarded
>     the message.  I think that if you're running linux 7.3, we may have
>     to find
>     a way to compile the function on your system or another rh7.3 system.
>     But, first try these two compiles of the function - one under redhat 7.1
>     and the other redhat 9.  I've made a tar file containing two directories
>     each with the shared object file
>        linux7_1/scat2ddups.so
>        linux9/scat2ddups.so
>     try copying these, one at a time, to your external function
>     directory, and
>     test whether either of them works correctly -
>     Ansley Manke
>     cch wrote:
>>     Thanks you, joe.
>>     It's running on linux 7.3, and the version of gcc is 2.96.
>>     The size of attached file is 0kb.
>>     Could you send it again, thanks!
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     From: Joe McLean <mailto:joe.mclean@noaa.gov>
>>     To: cch <mailto:cch@cwb.gov.tw>
>>     Cc: Ansley Manke <mailto:Ansley.B.Manke@noaa.gov>
>>     Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 2:25 AM
>>     Subject: Re: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???
>>     Hi cch,
>>     flag2ddups is called by scat2ddups and should be linked in to the
>>     shared object file.  It looks as though the external function was
>>     compiled incorrectly. What version of linux are you running?
>>     Attached is a new compiled linux version of the external
>>     function.  Try putting this in your external function directory
>>     and let me know if it works.
>>     Joe
>>     cch wrote:
>>>     Hi, Joe!
>>>     Thanks for your suggestion,
>>>     but the following error message occurred when I use insituProfile.
>>>     Could you help me?
>>>           LAS Error
>>>     The following error message was received from LAS:
>>>Adding an acceptable error string: "*** NOTE: ".
>>> FERRET v5.70 
>>> Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 06/30/04
>>> 29-Jul-04 18:59    
>>>yes? cancel mode verify
>>>yes? cancel mode interp
>>>yes? canc data/all
>>>yes? go std_initialize "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "1" "1" "tt"
>>>yes? set region/x="76.0":"152.0"/y="-39.0":"29.0"/z="-999":"699"/t="20-Jul-2004 06:00:00":"26-Jul-2004 06:00:00"
>>>yes? GO "jnls/insitu/insitu_setup.jnl" "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "TAX" "synop" "Temperature (tt)"
>>>yes? go insitu_meta_xy "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" TAX 76.0:152.0 -39.0:29.0 -999:699 
>>>   ERROR in External Function scat2ddups:
>>>   Dynamic linking call dlopen() returns --
>>>   "/home/cch/ferret5.7/ext_func/libs/scat2ddups.so: undefined symbol: flag2ddups_".
>>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>>         From: Joe McLean <mailto:joe.mclean@noaa.gov>
>>>         To: cch <mailto:cch@cwb.gov.tw>
>>>         Cc: Jon Callahan <mailto:Jonathan.S.Callahan@noaa.gov>
>>>         Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 4:58 AM
>>>         Subject: Re: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???
>>>         Hi cch,
>>>         There is one other thing about your data XML configuration
>>>         file.  If you have data with a depth axis, should you be
>>>         using the UI default insituSurface?  Why not use
>>>         insituProfile?  There are more products associated with this
>>>         UI which include axis-depth views.
>>>         Joe
>>>         cch wrote:
>>>>         Hi, LAS users,
>>>>         I have successfully added mysql data following the
>>>>         instructions on
>>>>         http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/LASdoc/serve/cache/20.html .
>>>>         It worked fine in LAS6.3.
>>>>         But I have trouble after I updated the version to LAS6.4.
>>>>         The following error occurred when users access RDB data:
>>>>         LAS Error
>>>>         The following error message was received from LAS:
>>>>Adding an acceptable error string: "*** NOTE: ".
>>>> FERRET v5.70 
>>>> Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 06/30/04
>>>> 28-Jul-04 09:50    
>>>>yes? cancel mode verify
>>>>yes? cancel mode interp
>>>>yes? canc data/all
>>>>yes? go std_initialize "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "1" "1" "tt"
>>>>yes? set win/size=.5
>>>>yes? set region/x="14.0":"86.0"/y="-29.0":"45.0"/z="-999":"699"/t="20-Jul-2004 06:00:00":"26-Jul-2004 06:00:00"
>>>>yes? GO "/tmp/lasgo29333648190.jnl"
>>>> **ERROR: invalid command: no. of values (18547) doesnt match no. of polygons (4637)
>>>>poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=30/pal=default  jlon+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, tt
>>>>Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
>>>>         This error message will only be received when select output
>>>>         = "Surface values plot".
>>>>         If select output = "Text", it worked fine and dumped output
>>>>         data in text form.
>>>>         The attached file is the insitu data XML file.
>>>>         Anybody understand why this would happen?
>>>>         Thanks!
>>>> <synop name="synop"
>>>>            url=""
>>>>            lonString="longitude"
>>>>            latString="latitude">
>>>>  <properties>
>>>>   <ui>
>>>>    <default>file:ui.xml#insituSurface</default>
>>>>   </ui>
>>>>   <database_access name="MySQL">
>>>>    <db_type>mysql</db_type>
>>>>    <db_name>amdp</db_name>
>>>>    <db_title>synop</db_title>
>>>>    <db_host></db_host>
>>>>    <db_login>cch</db_login>
>>>>    <db_passwd>cch</db_passwd>
>>>>    <db_table>lsm</db_table>
>>>>    <longitude>lo</longitude>
>>>>    <lon_domain>-180:180</lon_domain>
>>>>    <latitude>la</latitude>
>>>>    <depth>hhstn</depth>
>>>>    <depth_units>meters</depth_units>
>>>>    <time>gtime</time>
>>>>    <time_sample>1999-01-01</time_sample>
>>>>    <profID></profID>
>>>>    <metadata>x,y,z,t</metadata>
>>>>    <executable>/usr/bin/asciival</executable>
>>>>    <missing>-1.E+34</missing>
>>>>    <timeout>80</timeout>
>>>>   </database_access>
>>>>  </properties>
>>>>  <variables>
>>>>   <tt name="Temperature (tt)" units="C">
>>>>    <link match="/lasdata/grids/synop_XYZT_grid"/>
>>>>   </tt>
>>>>  </variables>
>>>> </synop>
>>>> <synop_XYZT_grid>
>>>>  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_X"/>
>>>>  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_Y"/>
>>>>  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_Z"/>
>>>>  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_T"/>
>>>> </synop_XYZT_grid>
>>>> <synop_X units="degree_east" type="x">
>>>>  <arange start="-179" step="1" size="360"/>
>>>> </synop_X>
>>>> <synop_Y units="degree_north" type="y">
>>>>  <arange start="-89" step="1" size="180"/>
>>>> </synop_Y>
>>>> <synop_Z units="dbar" type="z">
>>>>  <v>-999</v>
>>>>  <v>-25</v>
>>>>  <v>9</v>
>>>>  <v>100</v>
>>>>  <v>233</v>
>>>>  <v>400</v>
>>>>  <v>699</v>
>>>> </synop_Z>
>>>> <synop_T units="hour" type="t">
>>>>  <v>2004-07-20 06:00:00</v>
>>>>  <v>2004-07-21 06:00:00</v>
>>>>  <v>2004-07-22 06:00:00</v>
>>>>  <v>2004-07-23 06:00:00</v>
>>>>  <v>2004-07-24 06:00:00</v>
>>>>  <v>2004-07-25 06:00:00</v>
>>>>  <v>2004-07-26 06:00:00</v>
>>>> </synop_T>

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